1 00:01:06,800 --> 00:01:09,110 In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful 2 00:01:12,140 --> 00:01:14,910 و الحمدللَّه ربّ العالمين 3 00:01:16,910 --> 00:01:23,020 و الصّلاة و السّلام علي سيّدنا ابي‌القاسم المصطفي محمّد 4 00:01:33,480 --> 00:01:37,820 و علي آله الأطيبين الأطهرين المنتجبين 5 00:01:38,820 --> 00:01:42,200 سيّما بقيّةالله في الارضين 6 00:01:42,510 --> 00:01:54,650 I welcome all of you dear brethren and sisters, 7 00:01:57,970 --> 00:02:08,820 who have taken the trouble of traveling from various cities 8 00:02:10,570 --> 00:02:14,170 and have come 9 00:02:17,940 --> 00:02:30,620 and honored our Hosseiniyeh (religious center) with your presence [and] with your sentiments. 10 00:02:34,280 --> 00:02:43,680 [I welcome] especially those brethren and sisters who have come from long distances 11 00:02:44,050 --> 00:02:56,400 and hope that the divine mercy and divine grace 12 00:02:58,220 --> 00:03:03,620 would be bestowed upon each and every one of you, brethren and sisters. 13 00:03:04,420 --> 00:03:15,050 These days coincide with the auspicious days of the [lunar] month of Zilqada 14 00:03:15,200 --> 00:03:22,600 and the memorable days of [the Iranian] month of Shahrivar. 15 00:03:22,910 --> 00:03:29,370 The blessings of the month of Zilqada are also numerous blessings; 16 00:03:31,620 --> 00:03:41,570 [while] the memories of the month of Shahrivar are also meaningful and rich. 17 00:03:42,000 --> 00:03:48,220 The auspicious month of Zilqada is, firstly, among the banned months [in which Muslims cannot go to war]; 18 00:03:48,940 --> 00:03:57,970 the eleventh day of this month is the auspicious birth anniversary of Hazrat Samen ol-Hojaj [the Eighth Shia Imam] (PBUH), 19 00:03:58,510 --> 00:04:01,140 and the beginning of the Ten-Day Dignity period. 20 00:04:04,000 --> 00:04:14,050 The 23rd day of this month is the day when a special pilgrimage is paid to Samen ol-Hojaj (PBUH); 21 00:04:14,570 --> 00:04:21,620 the 25th day of this month is the day of Dah'wul Arz [the day that lands came out of water and life began to spread on Earth], which is an auspicious day; 22 00:04:22,080 --> 00:04:29,620 the night in the middle of the month of Zilqada is among the blessed nights of the year, when special acts should be done; 23 00:04:30,000 --> 00:04:38,250 every Sunday in the month of Zilqada is a day for repentance and [asking for] forgiveness 24 00:04:39,200 --> 00:04:50,250 and [a special] act should be done [on these days] which has been mentioned by the late great mystic, Haj Mirza Javad Maleki, in [his book] al-Muraqibat, 25 00:04:51,250 --> 00:04:58,880 quoting the Revered Prophet of Islam as telling his disciples that 26 00:04:59,420 --> 00:05:05,400 “which one of you are willing to repent?” All of them said ‘we want to repent’, 27 00:05:05,850 --> 00:05:08,280 - it was apparently in the month of Zilqada. 28 00:05:10,220 --> 00:05:14,650 According to this quote and this tradition, the Prophet (PBUH) said, 29 00:05:16,020 --> 00:05:23,140 “On [every] Sunday in this month do this prayer 30 00:05:23,710 --> 00:05:29,280 - he [Maleki] mentions a prayer with certain specifications in Muraqibat. 31 00:05:30,080 --> 00:05:39,050 In short, the days in the month of Zilqada, which is the first of the banned months [are special and] 32 00:05:40,620 --> 00:05:50,020 there are auspicious and blessed days and nights in these three consecutive months, [which] are full of blessings; [therefore,] they must be taken advantage of. 33 00:05:50,450 --> 00:05:57,480 The month of Shahrivar is also among memorable months. 34 00:05:58,850 --> 00:06:06,820 On the 17th [day] of Shahrivar in the [Iranian calendar] year 1357 (September 1978), at this very Shohada Square of Tehran, 35 00:06:07,570 --> 00:06:18,400 the agents of the despotic regime [of former Iranian Shah], sprayed defenseless people with bullets 36 00:06:19,340 --> 00:06:29,620 and killed a large number- which is still not clear to us, but it was a large number 37 00:06:31,280 --> 00:06:39,620 - of people at that square. On the 17th [day] of Shahrivar 38 00:06:41,420 --> 00:06:44,740 that is, a few months before the victory of the [Islamic] Revolution, 39 00:06:48,770 --> 00:06:59,770 In this month of Shahrivar, the unmanly assassination of [Iran's former] president and prime minister 40 00:07:00,020 --> 00:07:05,620 - the late Martyr Rajaei and the late Martyr Bahonar - took place. 41 00:07:09,020 --> 00:07:22,200 In this month of Shahrivar, assassination of Martyr Ayatollah Qoddousi - the former attorney general of the country - took place. 42 00:07:23,940 --> 00:07:35,620 In this month of Shahrivar, the martyrdom of the Friday Prayers leader of [the Iranian city of] Tabriz at the hands of Monafeqeen [Mojahedeen Khalq Organization] took place. 43 00:07:40,800 --> 00:07:53,450 In this month of Shahrivar - on its last day - the military assault of the country by the Baathist regime of [former Iraqi dictator] Saddam Hussein took place. 44 00:07:55,080 --> 00:08:01,020 These are very strange, meaningful, and rich memories. 45 00:08:01,570 --> 00:08:08,800 In all these incidents, the American regime was behind the issue; 46 00:08:10,820 --> 00:08:19,710 there were American agents who either directly helped 47 00:08:20,450 --> 00:08:28,110 or encouraged, or at least, turned a blind eye to these crimes. 48 00:08:29,480 --> 00:08:36,170 Our youths must not forget these memories; 49 00:08:36,620 --> 00:08:41,800 one of those things about which I am concerned, 50 00:08:41,910 --> 00:08:52,600 is that this young [and] thriving generation of ours, which thank God, is also informed and insightful, 51 00:08:53,340 --> 00:09:00,880 [and] has motivation as well, [that] is ready to work, is [present] in the middle of the arena, [and] is revolutionary 52 00:09:01,050 --> 00:09:13,880 may gradually forget about these important incidents [and] this great lessons of the contemporary times. 53 00:09:14,250 --> 00:09:19,340 [If this happens] it would be [due to] inadequate actions by us and responsible organs; 54 00:09:20,820 --> 00:09:28,480 these incidents must not get old, [and] historical memory of a nation must not get weak. 55 00:09:31,400 --> 00:09:39,880 If our youth across the county do not know about these incidents, do not analyze [them] 56 00:09:40,420 --> 00:09:51,770 [and] do not find root causes [of these incidents], [then] they would make mistakes about understanding their country and understanding [their] future. 57 00:09:53,110 --> 00:09:58,650 Our youths must know these incidents correctly and know 58 00:09:59,000 --> 00:10:04,940 what took place, what happened, [and] who was [responsible]; our youths must understand these [issues]. 59 00:10:08,080 --> 00:10:16,050 Another massacre like the massacre on the 17th [day] of Shahrivar took place on the 8th [day] of [the Iranian month of] Bahman (February) 60 00:10:16,050 --> 00:10:27,850 at this very Enqelab [Revolution] Square here, which has been mostly ignored. 61 00:10:30,140 --> 00:10:34,450 [On that day,] the agents of the [Shah’s] regime attacked people. 62 00:10:35,420 --> 00:10:47,540 They have quoted from the memories of this American general, who had come to Tehran in the last days of the life of the past regime to save the regime; 63 00:10:48,310 --> 00:10:56,170 he says ‘I brought the generals of the Shah together 64 00:10:57,170 --> 00:11:02,880 and told them to lower the barrels of their guns’; 65 00:11:05,110 --> 00:11:11,710 that is, the armed agents of the Shah’s regime, who were faced with people, 66 00:11:11,910 --> 00:11:15,970 most of the time, they fired bullets into the air to scare people, 67 00:11:16,940 --> 00:11:25,140 [and] this man advises the generals of the Shah and tells them to lower the barrels of guns and [directly] hit the people. 68 00:11:28,800 --> 00:11:37,540 They obeyed that order here at this Enqelab Square; [they] lowered the barrels of [their] guns, 69 00:11:38,710 --> 00:11:43,600 targeted people, [and] martyred a lot of people; 70 00:11:45,280 --> 00:11:52,310 but it was ineffective, [because] the people did not retreat, [and] the people continued [with their revolution]. 71 00:11:52,620 --> 00:12:05,940 Then one of the commanders of the Shah’s army - General Qarebaqi - goes to [General] Huyser 72 00:12:06,140 --> 00:12:13,450 and says ‘your command was of no use and could not make people retreat’. 73 00:12:13,650 --> 00:12:20,250 Huyser writes in his memories that how their analyses were childish! 74 00:12:20,940 --> 00:12:26,280 [He says,] ‘What did he [the Iranian general] mean?’ That is, [Huyser] says Qarebaqi expected that 75 00:12:26,510 --> 00:12:32,970 the case [of the Iranian revolution] would be closed through spraying people with bullets once; no, [Huyser believed] that it must have continued, 76 00:12:33,140 --> 00:12:36,370 [and] wherever they confronted people, they must have massacred them! 77 00:12:39,540 --> 00:12:54,850 This is [the true nature of] America. For 25 years, America was the absolute ruler in this country; 78 00:12:55,680 --> 00:13:00,480 they commanded the generals of the Shah in this manner; 79 00:13:01,280 --> 00:13:06,340 in the economic fields, in the political fields, in the security fields, 80 00:13:06,820 --> 00:13:13,110 [and] in the foreign policy fields, Americans had the final say in Iran; 81 00:13:14,450 --> 00:13:24,820 [this was] the absolute rule of America [over Iran] during the time of the despotic regime [of the former Iranian Shah]. Such a regime governed our country 82 00:13:26,940 --> 00:13:35,450 whose officer was subordinate to an American, whose minister of finance was also his subordinate, 83 00:13:35,970 --> 00:13:40,420 his minister of defense was also a subordinate to him, its prime minister was also a subordinate to him, 84 00:13:40,740 --> 00:13:45,220 [and even] the Shah himself was a subordinate to America; [and in an] unquestioning [manner]. 85 00:13:46,620 --> 00:13:49,820 Such a regime governed this country. 86 00:13:52,280 --> 00:14:01,910 America ruled in our country like [the rule of a] pharaoh; [totally] like pharaoh [who as put by the Quran]: 87 00:14:04,280 --> 00:14:11,570 “Oppressed a sector of them [the people], slaughtering their [newborn] sons and keeping their females alive;” 88 00:14:12,800 --> 00:14:15,880 they [Americans] treated our people in this way. 89 00:14:17,050 --> 00:14:20,510 [Then] the Moses of [our] time came 90 00:14:20,940 --> 00:14:30,770 [and] toppled and demolished the throne and rule of this pharaoh and its followers; this is [what the Islamic] revolution [did]. 91 00:14:34,000 --> 00:14:40,450 One year and two months after this incident of Shahrivar 92 00:14:40,620 --> 00:14:52,710 - that is in [the Iranian month of] Aban 1358 (November 1979) - the youths [following] our great Imam [Khomeini], the youths following the line of Imam, 93 00:14:52,710 --> 00:14:58,250 went and conquered this spy den [embassy] of America; 94 00:15:00,600 --> 00:15:06,710 they captured Americans with their hands tied and their eyes blindfolded; 95 00:15:08,110 --> 00:15:13,970 this time, Moses defeated the pharaoh in this way. 96 00:15:16,650 --> 00:15:22,480 Now, some people say why Americans are averse to Iran? Well, this is the reason; 97 00:15:23,800 --> 00:15:30,570 Iran was totally in control of America, [and was] in the hands of America; 98 00:15:30,770 --> 00:15:39,910 all main components of the existence of the country moved according to the will of Americans; 99 00:15:40,770 --> 00:15:48,170 [but] Imam came and by means of this people, drove America out of this country; 100 00:15:49,880 --> 00:15:52,340 [so Americans] have every right to be [our] enemy, [and] they have every right to show hostility [toward Iran], 101 00:15:52,540 --> 00:15:56,220 and they are doing it; even now, they are showing hostility. 102 00:16:00,400 --> 00:16:05,710 The reverend Imam said, “America is the Great Satan.” 103 00:16:07,110 --> 00:16:10,600 This “Great Satan” is a very meaningful saying. 104 00:16:12,140 --> 00:16:16,710 The chief of all demons in the world is “Lucifer,” 105 00:16:18,450 --> 00:16:22,620 but as stipulated by the Quran, 106 00:16:23,570 --> 00:16:28,650 the only thing that the Lucifer can do is to tempt humans; 107 00:16:29,710 --> 00:16:32,910 he cannot do anything more than temptation; 108 00:16:33,540 --> 00:16:37,850 [he] tempts human beings, deceives them, and seduces them; 109 00:16:40,050 --> 00:16:45,800 but America both tempts, and massacres, 110 00:16:46,110 --> 00:16:52,510 and imposes sanctions, and deceives, and also pretends; 111 00:17:18,200 --> 00:17:26,400 it raises the flag of human rights, [and] pretends to be an advocate of human rights, 112 00:17:27,170 --> 00:17:36,570 [but] every few days on the streets of the American cities, an innocent [person] 113 00:17:36,570 --> 00:17:41,940 and an armless [person] is killed by the American police; 114 00:17:43,020 --> 00:17:46,310 [and this is] apart from the rest of their crimes and outrages. 115 00:17:47,820 --> 00:17:55,740 [And] this was how they behaved in Iran in the time of the despotic regime [of the Shah], and 116 00:17:56,420 --> 00:18:07,970 [you also see] their warmongering, the wars they wage, [and how they are] creating warmongering 117 00:18:08,250 --> 00:18:15,170 groups like these ones that are currently wreaking havoc in Iraq and Syria and other places; 118 00:18:15,650 --> 00:18:17,620 these are things that Americans do. 119 00:18:17,740 --> 00:18:25,800 Now, some people insist on disguising this Great Satan with these specifications 120 00:18:26,250 --> 00:18:33,020 - who is worse that the Lucifer - and depict it as an angel. 121 00:18:34,800 --> 00:18:41,340 Why? [Suppose we could] put aside religion, [and] put aside revolutionary ideas; 122 00:18:42,080 --> 00:18:47,510 what happens to loyalty to the country’s interests? What happens to [human] intellect? 123 00:18:48,850 --> 00:18:54,050 What kind of intellect and what conscience would allow 124 00:18:55,110 --> 00:19:02,600 a person to choose a power like the power of America as friend, as trustworthy, 125 00:19:02,850 --> 00:19:12,000 [and] as savior angel? They are like this; this is the truth of this affair. 126 00:19:12,200 --> 00:19:23,340 Yes, they adorn themselves; with a righteous countenance, wearing ties, wearing perfumes, 127 00:19:23,450 --> 00:19:33,770 [and] with outwardly remarkable appearances, they show themselves in a different way in the eyes of simpletons; 128 00:19:33,850 --> 00:19:38,020 this is the truth of the American regime. 129 00:19:39,570 --> 00:19:44,000 This is about us; [and] the same is true about other countries. 130 00:19:44,510 --> 00:19:52,570 The great nation of Iran expelled this Great Satan from the country; 131 00:19:52,880 --> 00:19:55,450 [we] must not allow it to return again; 132 00:19:57,370 --> 00:20:01,910 [we] must not allow [that] after it has left through the door, to return through the window; 133 00:20:02,910 --> 00:20:11,050 [we] must not allow it to infiltrate [into the country]; their hostility is unending. 134 00:20:11,200 --> 00:20:20,420 Following the issue of “JCPOA” and this [nuclear] agreement 135 00:20:21,310 --> 00:20:24,880 whose fate is not clear neither here nor there, 136 00:20:26,050 --> 00:20:30,200 [even] now, they are plotting against Iran at American Congress; 137 00:20:31,250 --> 00:20:40,200 I have news which shows that right now, a group inside the American Congress 138 00:20:40,850 --> 00:20:46,110 is drawing up a bill to cause trouble 139 00:20:47,220 --> 00:20:54,600 and to find fault and to cause problem for the Islamic Republic of Iran; 140 00:20:54,710 --> 00:20:57,510 their hostility is like this; it is unending. 141 00:20:58,000 --> 00:21:04,080 These hostilities will continue; [but] till when they will continue? 142 00:21:04,650 --> 00:21:14,200 [It will continue] until you become strong, [and] until the Iranian nation becomes so strong 143 00:21:14,510 --> 00:21:24,420 that the enemy would lose hope about [the success] of political or security or military or economic aggression, or sanctions and so forth. 144 00:21:25,170 --> 00:21:29,570 We must get strong; we must strengthen ourselves inside [the country]. 145 00:21:32,510 --> 00:21:43,110 I have frequently explained how this strength, which is necessary for the country, should be achieved; 146 00:21:45,140 --> 00:21:50,510 firstly, through [having] a powerful economy; [by following] this very Resistance Economy, 147 00:21:51,800 --> 00:22:01,710 whose policies have been notified and must be pursued on the ground and through practical and operational and executive steps 148 00:22:02,110 --> 00:22:07,050 with full force and without losing any time. 149 00:22:07,540 --> 00:22:12,000 Well, thank God, our friends within the administration are taking certain steps; 150 00:22:13,310 --> 00:22:17,110 one [step] is that the country’s economy should be strengthened, 151 00:22:17,910 --> 00:22:25,480 the country’s youth should not remain jobless, [and] initiatives of [our] youths should not go unattended; 152 00:22:27,280 --> 00:22:31,800 this is one of the ways [to make the country stronger]. Another way is to develop science; 153 00:22:33,480 --> 00:22:37,570 the scientific march [of the country] should not lose steam, 154 00:22:37,740 --> 00:22:41,770 [because we must] progress in [acquiring] science, [since] everything depends on science; 155 00:22:42,680 --> 00:22:44,880 [and] this is another way to strengthen [the country]. 156 00:22:45,480 --> 00:22:50,050 One of the most important ways for internal strengthening [of the country] 157 00:22:50,310 --> 00:22:56,110 is to maintain the revolutionary spirit among people; especially among youths. 158 00:22:58,140 --> 00:23:03,280 The enemies are trying to make our youth carefree, 159 00:23:03,850 --> 00:23:06,740 to make them indifferent toward the revolution, 160 00:23:06,880 --> 00:23:14,400 [and] to kill and destroy the epic and revolutionary spirit in him; [we] must stand up to this [scheme]. 161 00:23:14,710 --> 00:23:19,510 The youth must maintain the revolutionary spirit, 162 00:23:20,450 --> 00:23:26,000 and state officials must respect the revolutionary youth; 163 00:23:26,280 --> 00:23:37,940 some speakers and writers [should] not attack Hezbollahi and the revolutionary youth 164 00:23:38,200 --> 00:23:41,050 by calling them extremist and the likes of that. 165 00:23:42,850 --> 00:23:51,080 The revolutionary youth must be revered, [and] must be encouraged to keep up his revolutionary spirit; 166 00:23:51,340 --> 00:23:56,680 [because] it is this spirit that protects the country, [and] defends the country; 167 00:23:58,480 --> 00:24:02,910 [and] it is this spirit that helps the country in time of danger. 168 00:24:05,740 --> 00:24:10,970 These are three main factors of national power: 169 00:24:11,280 --> 00:24:23,400 strong and resistant economy, advanced and growing [capacities in all fields of] science, 170 00:24:23,800 --> 00:24:29,250 and maintaining the revolutionary spirit in all people, especially among the youth; 171 00:24:30,370 --> 00:24:35,280 these are [the factors] that can protect the country; [when these goals are realized] then the enemy would lose hope. 172 00:24:35,800 --> 00:24:38,650 America does not hide his hostility. 173 00:24:39,020 --> 00:24:45,250 Yes, they do the division of labor; one [American official] smiles, 174 00:24:45,600 --> 00:24:54,140 [while] another one draws up and pursues [the approval of] a bill against the Islamic Republic; 175 00:24:55,220 --> 00:24:58,620 this is some sort of division of tasks. 176 00:24:59,080 --> 00:25:04,710 They seek something they call negotiation with Iran, 177 00:25:06,420 --> 00:25:13,050 [but] negotiation is just an excuse, [because] negotiation is a means for infiltration 178 00:25:14,340 --> 00:25:18,450 [and] negotiation is a means [for them] to impose their demands [on Iran]. 179 00:25:19,370 --> 00:25:25,940 I, only on this nuclear issue [and] for clear reasons, which I have frequently mentioned these reasons, 180 00:25:26,200 --> 00:25:29,910 agreed [to allow Iranian officials] to go and negotiate; well they negotiated. 181 00:25:31,340 --> 00:25:37,420 Thank God, our negotiators appeared good in this arena; 182 00:25:37,880 --> 00:25:44,450 however, I did not allow negotiation in other areas and [we] will not negotiate with America; 183 00:26:28,000 --> 00:26:32,770 [we] negotiate with the entire world, [but] do not negotiate with America. 184 00:26:33,370 --> 00:26:36,540 We are for negotiation, [and] for understanding; 185 00:26:38,570 --> 00:26:52,770 both negotiations at the level of governments, and negotiations at the level of ethnic groups, and negotiations at the level of religions; 186 00:26:53,280 --> 00:26:57,820 [therefore,] we are for negotiation and will negotiate with everybody save for America; 187 00:26:58,340 --> 00:27:01,940 and of course, the [case] of the Zionist regime is reserved 188 00:27:03,050 --> 00:27:11,820 [because] the very existence of the Zionist regime is an illegitimate existence and a fake government. 189 00:27:12,450 --> 00:27:16,770 [Let me] say a sentence about the Zionist regime. 190 00:27:16,970 --> 00:27:22,970 After the termination of these nuclear negotiations, I heard 191 00:27:24,650 --> 00:27:31,770 that Zionists in the occupied Palestine have said that 192 00:27:31,910 --> 00:27:42,820 ‘at present, because of these negotiations, which took place [on Iran's nuclear program], we have been relieved from Iran concerns for 25 years, 193 00:27:43,200 --> 00:27:49,250 [and] we will do something [about those concerns] after 25 years’. In response I say, 194 00:27:49,740 --> 00:27:52,910 firstly, you will not see the next 25 years. 195 00:28:23,940 --> 00:28:30,110 God willing, in 25 years from now, through the divine assistance 196 00:28:30,170 --> 00:28:36,620 and with God’s Grace nothing called the Zionist regime would exist in the region. 197 00:28:36,800 --> 00:28:50,140 Secondly, [even] during this period [of 25 years] the Islamic combative and epic and jihadi spirit 198 00:28:50,850 --> 00:28:55,850 will not leave the Zionists alone even for a single moment; they [must] know this. 199 00:28:58,740 --> 00:29:02,800 Nations are awake, [and] they know who the [real] enemy is; 200 00:29:02,940 --> 00:29:06,770 now, the governments and propaganda fuss and the likes of them want 201 00:29:06,970 --> 00:29:10,220 to take friend for foe, [but] they will get nowhere. 202 00:29:10,740 --> 00:29:19,880 Nations – Muslim nations, [and] especially regional nations – are quite vigilant and know [who the real enemy is]. 203 00:29:21,200 --> 00:29:26,820 Well, this is the situation of the Zionist regime and that is [the situation] of America. 204 00:29:27,050 --> 00:29:33,710 One sentence I must say about the issue of elections. 205 00:29:36,370 --> 00:29:43,880 The issue of elections is one of our current and present issues. 206 00:29:48,650 --> 00:29:53,540 Of course, some people, unfortunately, started form one and a half years ago, 207 00:29:53,650 --> 00:30:03,140 [and even] two years before the elections to bring up issues related to elections; 208 00:30:03,400 --> 00:30:11,970 I think this is not expedient; the [general] atmosphere in the country should not be turned into an election atmosphere [in an] untimely [manner]; 209 00:30:13,820 --> 00:30:23,310 [however,] since about one and a half years ago – when almost two years had remained before this year’s elections, which are [scheduled to be held] at the end of the year – 210 00:30:24,200 --> 00:30:30,250 some people started in the press and in [their] remarks to talk about the elections [and] to discuss [it]. 211 00:30:32,020 --> 00:30:36,370 When elections conditions come about in the country, 212 00:30:38,170 --> 00:30:44,200 many of the main issues of the society are marginalized and forgotten. 213 00:30:45,620 --> 00:30:51,620 Well, the election atmosphere is an atmosphere of rivalry and conflict; 214 00:30:51,940 --> 00:31:00,710 why should we for no reason drag this atmosphere of rivalry, [and this] atmosphere of conflict [forward] to one year [or] two years before [elections are held]? 215 00:31:01,480 --> 00:31:06,820 I believe that premature beginning of these discussions is not expedient. 216 00:31:07,200 --> 00:31:14,170 However, why [I am saying this] now? [Because] now that three [or] four months have remained to the elections, 217 00:31:14,540 --> 00:31:19,140 it is [a good] time [for me] to make remarks on the elections. 218 00:31:19,310 --> 00:31:24,710 Now, today, I will mention certain points 219 00:31:25,570 --> 00:31:33,770 and in future, if I were still alive, I would say more on the elections. 220 00:31:36,940 --> 00:31:42,310 The issue of the elections is a very important issue for the country. 221 00:31:43,620 --> 00:31:50,650 Elections are the complete manifestation of people’s participation [in political affairs] and their choice. 222 00:31:51,050 --> 00:31:54,740 Through their turnout in the elections – whether presidential election, 223 00:31:54,800 --> 00:32:06,680 or in the elections for the Islamic Consultative Assembly (parliament), or the elections for the Assembly of Experts 224 00:32:06,820 --> 00:32:12,080 – people shape true democracy in this country; 225 00:32:12,220 --> 00:32:21,480 this is very important. We have not allowed this [issue of elections] throughout the 36 [or] 37 years 226 00:32:22,050 --> 00:32:26,650 that have passed since the outset of the revolution to be shut down or delayed. 227 00:32:27,740 --> 00:32:35,710 In various countries, when there is a war or an incident takes place, [they] defer the elections, 228 00:32:36,970 --> 00:32:44,740 [but] in Iran, elections have not been postponed [even] one day from their set schedule; at no juncture of junctures [of post-revolution history]. 229 00:32:46,800 --> 00:32:55,880 Tehran was bombarded, cities in Khuzestan and Ilam and Kermanshah [provinces] and other places were bombarded, 230 00:32:57,620 --> 00:33:05,450 yet elections were held on time. It was the same in the remotest parts of the country; 231 00:33:07,050 --> 00:33:11,110 in villages and [even] in those places which were hard to reach. 232 00:33:11,600 --> 00:33:15,370 Elections were not shut down [under any conditions] in this country. 233 00:33:15,570 --> 00:33:18,800 Some people wanted to shut down elections 234 00:33:19,770 --> 00:33:27,540 – in some periods, some politicking and politicized people 235 00:33:27,540 --> 00:33:32,370 made their efforts to shut down or postpone elections – 236 00:33:32,940 --> 00:33:38,740 [but] with God’s Grace they were prevented [from achieving their goal] and elections were held on scheduled time. 237 00:33:38,740 --> 00:33:41,110 This is [due to] the importance of elections. 238 00:33:41,600 --> 00:33:51,140 Well, it is for this reason that, thank God, our elections are complete manifestation of democracy. 239 00:33:51,310 --> 00:33:56,570 The Islamic Republic Establishment is a democratic system in the true sense of the word. 240 00:33:56,820 --> 00:33:58,910 Well, of course, the enemy keeps talking [against us]; 241 00:33:59,250 --> 00:34:09,140 Americans and their propaganda agents keep talking against our elections in different ways. 242 00:34:10,000 --> 00:34:15,940 Americans were present in Iran for 25 years in the time of the [former] despotic regime, 243 00:34:17,250 --> 00:34:24,080 [but] the ceremonial and ridiculous parliaments of those days, 244 00:34:24,370 --> 00:34:28,020 were never criticized by Americans even once. 245 00:34:30,620 --> 00:34:40,600 If you refer to history and read about issues related to elections in the time of Mohammad Reza [the former Shah] 246 00:34:40,740 --> 00:34:43,770 – and before that [and] worse than that, [in] the time of Reza Shah – 247 00:34:45,480 --> 00:34:51,970 [you would see that at first] the British were dominant [power] here and then Americans became dominant, 248 00:34:52,340 --> 00:34:59,220 [but] they not even once objected to these ceremonial, sham, [and] ridiculous elections; 249 00:35:01,170 --> 00:35:09,940 [and even] now, they do not utter a word of protest at the despotic and dictatorial and inherited regimes 250 00:35:10,170 --> 00:35:12,570 that exist in this region, 251 00:35:12,710 --> 00:35:21,080 but with regard to Iran, which has held consecutive elections in this way and all the pillars of its [ruling] system 252 00:35:21,400 --> 00:35:28,340 – from the leader of the system and president of the system, to members of the Majlis (parliament), to members of the Assembly of Experts, 253 00:35:28,770 --> 00:35:34,110 to members of municipal councils – are all elected by people, 254 00:35:34,310 --> 00:35:39,850 they continuously protest, object, [and try to] find false faults. 255 00:35:39,850 --> 00:35:46,020 Our elections during this period, thank God, have been healthy elections. 256 00:35:47,940 --> 00:35:54,620 The point I want to offer is that our elections 257 00:35:55,400 --> 00:36:00,080 Are those that according to conventional international norms 258 00:36:00,080 --> 00:36:06,940 have been among the best and the healthiest elections with high people turnout. 259 00:36:07,570 --> 00:36:14,510 Unfortunately, one of the bad habits that some people have inside [the country] 260 00:36:14,510 --> 00:36:19,020 is that they regularly raise doubt about the health of the elections in any period [of time]. 261 00:36:20,050 --> 00:36:24,480 Before elections, they frequently talk about [the possibility] of cheating, of [their] concerns, 262 00:36:24,480 --> 00:36:30,370 that this may happen [or] that may happen; this is a wrong thing to do. 263 00:36:31,970 --> 00:36:39,000 During these 37 years, out of the trust 264 00:36:39,200 --> 00:36:42,370 that they have had in the [Islamic] Establishment in various periods and under different administrations, 265 00:36:43,080 --> 00:36:48,220 people have taken part in elections with enthusiasm 266 00:36:48,510 --> 00:36:53,280 Why some people want to undermine this trust with their own hands? 267 00:36:54,820 --> 00:37:01,200 People have trust in the [Islamic] Establishment. When there are elections, they come [and] enter the election process and cast [their] votes; 268 00:37:03,110 --> 00:37:13,880 why one must undermine this [trust] due to groundless and false concerns lest [some violation may take place]? 269 00:37:14,140 --> 00:37:22,450 Well, it is clear; this [violation in elections] would not be allowed; [and] strict care is taken [of the election process]. 270 00:37:22,540 --> 00:37:28,340 One of the greatest blessings that come through the Guardian Council is that they are watchful; 271 00:37:28,340 --> 00:37:34,250 [and they] watch out for errors and mistakes and do not allow any violation to take place; 272 00:37:35,800 --> 00:37:37,800 this is true about other organs as well. 273 00:37:38,280 --> 00:37:44,250 During these years, sometimes in some periods, they reported to me 274 00:37:44,680 --> 00:37:51,420 that there were problems with the elections; [and] I ordered them to go and investigate, 275 00:37:52,420 --> 00:37:53,970 [and] it became clear that no, it is not like this. 276 00:37:54,110 --> 00:37:59,940 Sometimes a violation may take place here and there, which can have no effect on the result of the elections 277 00:38:00,370 --> 00:38:05,050 – that is not important – [but] elections have been [on the whole] healthy in all periods [of time]. 278 00:38:05,600 --> 00:38:12,540 People’s vote is the “right of people” in the true sense of the word; [it is] the right of people. 279 00:38:12,740 --> 00:38:23,420 When an Iranian brother or sister comes and take part in the elections and casts their votes in the ballot boxes, 280 00:38:23,570 --> 00:38:30,280 respecting this right of him/her is a religious obligation, [and is] an Islamic obligation; 281 00:38:31,000 --> 00:38:35,650 this trust of him/her should not be betrayed; it is really the right of people. 282 00:38:37,080 --> 00:38:42,540 Whatever is the result of the vote, [we] must be committed to it; this is also the right of people. 283 00:38:43,370 --> 00:38:53,800 [The fact] that in [the Iranian year] (13)88 (2009) I stood against those who insisted that the [result of the] election should be revoked 284 00:38:54,000 --> 00:38:56,850 was for this reason that [I] defended the right of people. 285 00:38:58,770 --> 00:39:08,220 Forty million [people] – which was the highest turnout in elections – took part in voting in [the Iranian year] (13)88. 286 00:39:08,570 --> 00:39:15,820 Well, it had a result. Every person had won that election, I would have stood [behind him] and defended [his win]. 287 00:39:15,970 --> 00:39:19,740 I defended the right of people, [and] defended the [real] right of people. 288 00:39:21,510 --> 00:39:25,770 Again anytime that people would vote 289 00:39:25,770 --> 00:39:32,370 – to anybody that people would choose and accept and vote for – 290 00:39:33,170 --> 00:39:38,170 I will [continue to] defend the right of people; [and] will stand behind people. 291 00:39:40,540 --> 00:39:42,340 The vote of people is the right of people. 292 00:39:42,570 --> 00:39:51,940 We [must] not unwisely undermine this trust that people have in the [Islamic] Establishment with illogical remarks. 293 00:39:54,450 --> 00:40:00,000 Sometimes [these critics] criticize the Ministry of Interior, [and] sometimes criticize the Guardian Council. 294 00:40:00,140 --> 00:40:06,140 The Guardian Council is the watchful eye of the [Islamic] Establishment for elections; 295 00:40:07,020 --> 00:40:09,480 [and] such a thing exists everywhere in the world 296 00:40:09,620 --> 00:40:13,340 – now, its name is different, here, it is called the Guardian Council – 297 00:40:15,880 --> 00:40:23,050 [and they] are watchful to see that person who enters the arena of elections, [and who] is nominated for elections, 298 00:40:24,200 --> 00:40:29,540 whether is qualified or not; and they must make sure about that qualification; 299 00:40:30,650 --> 00:40:36,910 if they saw some oversight has happened and a person who is no qualified has entered [elections] they will prevent them; 300 00:40:37,220 --> 00:40:40,250 this is their right, is their legal right, 301 00:40:40,940 --> 00:40:50,450 [and] is their rational and logical right; [and] some people raise groundless objections [to role of the Guardian Council] 302 00:40:52,540 --> 00:40:59,220 Part of this people’s right is this very right of vote of the Guardian Council; 303 00:40:59,400 --> 00:41:06,740 this very right to qualifying and effective supervision by the Guardian Council; this is part of the right of people, 304 00:41:08,170 --> 00:41:11,110 [and] this [right] must be observed, [and] must be protected. 305 00:41:13,080 --> 00:41:17,420 Elections are important. This is my current opinion on the elections. 306 00:41:17,510 --> 00:41:23,000 Of course, I believe in enthusiastic participation of people [in elections]; [and] I believe that the country is protected by this [participation]. 307 00:41:24,080 --> 00:41:28,480 In future, if I am alive, I will talk more about this issue. 308 00:41:29,000 --> 00:41:34,370 What I tell you dear brethren and sisters emphatically 309 00:41:34,370 --> 00:41:41,770 is that [you must] know that the Islamic Republic of Iran, with this people, with this logic, [and] with this constitution 310 00:41:41,970 --> 00:41:44,420 will triumph over all enemies. 311 00:42:06,680 --> 00:42:10,600 The condition [for doing this] is to put our trust in the Almighty God, 312 00:42:11,020 --> 00:42:17,600 consolidate bonds of brotherhood and unity among ourselves, 313 00:42:18,340 --> 00:42:22,600 do not create divide in the country, [and] do not weaken each other. 314 00:42:22,940 --> 00:42:27,280 If we observe this, the Almighty God will help us. 315 00:42:28,080 --> 00:42:32,970 Any person who helps Islam, the Almighty God will help him. 316 00:42:32,970 --> 00:42:38,510 O Almighty! Resurrect the purified soul of the revered Imam [Khomeini] with [the souls] of your Chosen Ones; 317 00:42:39,280 --> 00:42:43,310 [and] resurrect the purified souls of our beloved martyrs with [the souls] of your Chosen Ones. 318 00:42:45,050 --> 00:42:52,020 O Almighty! Pour down your blessings and favors increasingly on this faithful and good-doer nation. 319 00:42:53,200 --> 00:42:56,250 Peace be unto you and so may the mercy of Allah and His blessings.