1 00:00:07,710 --> 00:00:09,940 In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful 2 00:00:13,940 --> 00:00:18,480 One of the good and, God willing, auspicious events 3 00:00:19,510 --> 00:00:28,600 is the coincidence of this meeting with the birth anniversary of Hazrat Samen ol-A’emmeh [the Eighth Shia Imam (PBUH)]. 4 00:00:28,820 --> 00:00:40,200 I hope, God willing, all of us would be able to avail ourselves of the blessings of that purified and lofty soul. 5 00:00:43,220 --> 00:00:51,000 One of the greatest honors for our country and 6 00:00:51,540 --> 00:00:55,680 [one of the greatest] advantages of our country is the existence of that pure mausoleum. 7 00:00:57,880 --> 00:01:10,080 The more we could endeavor toward exaltation of that lofty position and the more we attract people’s hearts toward it, 8 00:01:11,340 --> 00:01:17,220 it would be certainly in our spiritual favor and in favor of our country. 9 00:01:17,620 --> 00:01:27,510 Now, assume that Mr. Akhoundi [minister of road and transportation] could, for example, 10 00:01:27,770 --> 00:01:31,680 think about the issue of the road [that leads] there and the express train and the likes of these, [so that] he would work [to implement these projects and] 11 00:01:33,220 --> 00:01:37,710 people would be able to travel there in a shorter interval [of time]; 12 00:01:37,710 --> 00:01:45,420 these are among those things that, God willing, can be source of blessing for the administration. 13 00:01:47,820 --> 00:01:55,800 We commemorate the memory of dear martyrs, Martyr [Mohammad Ali] Rajaei and Martyr [Mohammad Javad] Bahonar. 14 00:01:57,370 --> 00:02:05,420 Well, the Government Week has been marked since many years ago; 15 00:02:05,650 --> 00:02:13,910 it is a tradition that [this week] would be an opportunity for the perseverant officials of the Administration 16 00:02:14,880 --> 00:02:18,770 to report on their efforts, on their achievements, 17 00:02:19,600 --> 00:02:26,450 [and to report] on their determination for the coming year or the next few years, 18 00:02:27,910 --> 00:02:36,740 so that, they would be praised and the works that have been done would be commended and appreciated by [other] officials 19 00:02:36,740 --> 00:02:43,280 [and] by people, and possibly a note could be given [to ministers] or, for example, 20 00:02:44,820 --> 00:02:52,110 removal of a certain shortcoming would be demanded; this is the purpose of the Government Week; 21 00:02:52,110 --> 00:03:01,170 however, the noteworthy point is that the Government Week is like an Eid [a festive occasion] for the Administration; 22 00:03:01,310 --> 00:03:10,450 that is, it marks annual recurrence of a certain occasion – and this is what Eid means – 23 00:03:12,140 --> 00:03:15,710 and a time for talking and telling and such things. 24 00:03:17,650 --> 00:03:25,310 The occasion that has been assigned to this week is one of the most painful memories in the country; 25 00:03:26,000 --> 00:03:33,770 that is, the martyrdom of two prominent loved ones such as Martyr Bahonar and Martyr Rajaei. 26 00:03:35,420 --> 00:03:41,200 Now, this year [this occasion] happens to coincide with the Dignity Week, 27 00:03:41,340 --> 00:03:51,400 but usually, this week is reminiscent of the disastrous demise of these two great personalities. 28 00:03:51,880 --> 00:03:59,480 I believe that the divine philosophy that flew through the hearts and tongues of officials 29 00:04:00,110 --> 00:04:06,000 and this incident took place and this occasion occurred at this time 30 00:04:06,000 --> 00:04:10,620 is because Martyr Rajaei and Martyr Bahonar would not be forgotten 31 00:04:12,080 --> 00:04:18,910 and would remain before our eyes as two indices [and] two measures. 32 00:04:20,170 --> 00:04:27,480 Well, these two being [considered] as indices cannot be said to be [simply] due to their powerful management or, 33 00:04:27,710 --> 00:04:35,420 for example, assume [that it was] because of their abilities and innovations; [this is true] because these two dear ones’ time in office did not take long; 34 00:04:36,340 --> 00:04:42,740 [the tenure] of the late Bahonar was very short, [and] for the late Rajaei [his time in office] was a few months – [it was] about for example assume a year. 35 00:04:44,850 --> 00:04:51,650 [Also,] they being [considered as] measure is due to their behavioral as well as their personal and their moral characteristics. 36 00:04:52,170 --> 00:04:55,140 This [is one of those points that] we must always bear in mind. 37 00:04:56,680 --> 00:04:59,250 Well, the time changes; 38 00:05:00,770 --> 00:05:07,770 the diverse current of cultures and values and the likes of these comes [and] goes – this is the nature of time – 39 00:05:08,770 --> 00:05:16,110 [and] alterations take place in minds [and] in thoughts, but there are some unchanging principles, 40 00:05:17,080 --> 00:05:20,280 which these principles must be always taken into consideration. 41 00:05:20,480 --> 00:05:25,800 For us, the officials in the sacred establishment of the Islamic Republic, 42 00:05:27,770 --> 00:05:38,020 these unchanging principles can be sought and found in personalities of these two dear and revered men. 43 00:05:38,600 --> 00:05:45,940 Well, I was intimate with them, especially with the late Bahonar for many years, 44 00:05:46,080 --> 00:05:54,200 [and I was] also the same with the late Rajaei; from before the [Islamic] Revolution up to the time of responsibilities [in government offices] and in the Majlis [parliament] and outside the Majlis; 45 00:05:54,880 --> 00:05:59,370 they really had characteristics which we must never forget. 46 00:06:00,450 --> 00:06:09,570 In my opinion, their faith in this path, in these goals, 47 00:06:10,940 --> 00:06:17,740 the goals that Imam [Khomeini] delineated and the Islamic Republic stands for those goals, 48 00:06:18,220 --> 00:06:19,800 is a very important index; 49 00:06:20,450 --> 00:06:26,510 their devotion, [and] the spirit of serving [the nation] that existed in these [two men], 50 00:06:27,000 --> 00:06:33,250 who really worked [incessantly] day and night and worked to be of service [to their country]. 51 00:06:34,820 --> 00:06:40,310 [One of their characteristics was] the spirit of being with people and sincerity with people, contact with people, 52 00:06:40,740 --> 00:06:43,940 listening to what people said up-close; 53 00:06:45,080 --> 00:06:53,540 [and] opening ways – well, due to having [official] responsibility, we face certain restrictions, 54 00:06:54,110 --> 00:07:06,740 [and] face some limitations – which could be used as a passage to come to grips with the reality of people’s life. 55 00:07:08,420 --> 00:07:16,000 I have told Mr. President several times that these provincial tours are very good. 56 00:07:16,450 --> 00:07:22,480 This is one of those very positive things to do; [and] I always recommended the previous administrations to do this; 57 00:07:23,710 --> 00:07:27,570 this is one of the ways [to contact people]; going into people’s homes, visiting the homes of [families of] martyrs 58 00:07:27,740 --> 00:07:33,420 – which thank God, this has become somehow common and is a good step – 59 00:07:35,220 --> 00:07:38,850 [and finding] a way to make different [types of] contacts with people; these are very important. 60 00:07:38,970 --> 00:07:46,570 These steps maintain and keep up the spirit of popularity and [the spirit] of knowing people [in person]. 61 00:07:47,310 --> 00:07:53,910 When this [spirit] does not exist, one will ignore the society and will always look to generalities; 62 00:07:54,820 --> 00:07:58,910 like a person who is crossing over a city in an airplane; 63 00:07:59,080 --> 00:08:04,400 yes [in this state] one sees the general outline of the city better than the one who is on the ground, 64 00:08:04,710 --> 00:08:09,200 but [when it comes to] what is going on inside these allies, inside these streets, inside [people’s] homes, 65 00:08:09,620 --> 00:08:12,970 inside shops, [and] who refers to them, 66 00:08:13,970 --> 00:08:17,480 these can be understood by the person who goes and walks in these allies; 67 00:08:18,820 --> 00:08:23,140 now even to the same limited extent that is possible; being with people is very important. 68 00:08:23,340 --> 00:08:30,080 They did not use the posts they had for their personal gains; this is one of the important points. 69 00:08:30,740 --> 00:08:33,880 it should not be such that we think now that we have [an official] responsibility, 70 00:08:34,250 --> 00:08:37,250 [we can] use this as a means of securing our future; 71 00:08:37,400 --> 00:08:42,000 as is common among officials in many of the world countries 72 00:08:42,800 --> 00:08:47,140 and use this as a means of being 73 00:08:47,250 --> 00:08:55,250 member of a given company’s board of directors in the future, [or] have a share in a sensitive financial center. 74 00:08:58,450 --> 00:09:04,570 Commitment to the fundaments of the revolution and the likes of these; these were [among salient] characteristics of these two personalities; 75 00:09:04,710 --> 00:09:11,450 we must take these [characteristics] into account and adapt ourselves to them. 76 00:09:11,600 --> 00:09:19,540 One of the features of officials’ behavior is that it builds culture in the society; 77 00:09:20,370 --> 00:09:25,220 that is, the way we walk, the way we talk, 78 00:09:26,170 --> 00:09:34,480 the way we live, people with whom we socialize, [and] people whom we alienate, 79 00:09:34,620 --> 00:09:37,620 this builds culture in the society. 80 00:09:39,480 --> 00:09:44,880 Therefore, the work that you are doing, the service that you are providing – in any sector that is – 81 00:09:45,880 --> 00:09:50,770 if as it is expected and, thank God, 82 00:09:51,420 --> 00:09:57,000 to a large extent [this expectation] has been met in many sectors, 83 00:09:57,570 --> 00:10:03,420 it is accompanied with devotion, with a lot of work, [and] with concern, 84 00:10:03,680 --> 00:10:09,820 in addition to the impact that this work itself will have on the external reality, 85 00:10:10,280 --> 00:10:14,510 it will also produce a long-term effect and that [effect] is this very culture building. 86 00:10:14,600 --> 00:10:17,250 People look at us [and] look at you; 87 00:10:18,450 --> 00:10:26,540 our behaviors, [and] our conducts shape the public culture of people. 88 00:10:27,420 --> 00:10:38,620 Therefore, we commemorate the memory of these two good and dear and well-destined brethren 89 00:10:38,800 --> 00:10:43,770 and we hope that, God willing, all of us would be treading this very path. 90 00:10:46,020 --> 00:10:52,450 I deem it necessary to thank the esteemed members of the Cabinet, especially the esteemed president, 91 00:10:53,400 --> 00:10:57,450 and appreciate the efforts that you make. 92 00:10:58,000 --> 00:11:02,680 Today’s reports were good reports 93 00:11:03,080 --> 00:11:10,480 and it would be very good if these reports were published, [so that] people would hear from you. 94 00:11:10,820 --> 00:11:20,510 I ask Mr. Sarafraz to broadcast these reports with the voice of these gentlemen; 95 00:11:20,800 --> 00:11:26,740 that is, people would be told by Mr. Nematzadeh, by Mr. Zanganeh, by Mr. Chitchian, [and] by other brethren 96 00:11:27,540 --> 00:11:34,770 about those steps that have been taken. This is very good. 97 00:11:35,680 --> 00:11:44,200 That is, people should be reassured that [their] brethren [in the Administration] are working, are endeavoring, and all [of them] are busy. 98 00:11:44,200 --> 00:11:53,370 Well, positive steps have been taken, however, it must be always in the minds of all of us 99 00:11:53,940 --> 00:12:01,970 that [we must] express that thing that when people look at the reality of their life, 100 00:12:02,480 --> 00:12:07,250 they would confirm it; that is, they would see that it is true in reality. 101 00:12:09,600 --> 00:12:14,970 When Mr. Dr. Hashemi had started implementing this health plan for a while, 102 00:12:15,140 --> 00:12:18,420 I intentionally asked certain people; 103 00:12:18,420 --> 00:12:27,200 from my friends and some people among the general public – [including my] relatives, friends, sometimes during my trips to Mashhad, and in other places – 104 00:12:27,680 --> 00:12:33,910 [and] I saw that people felt this [change], that is, they said ‘yes, we, for example, went to a hospital and it was like this’; 105 00:12:35,110 --> 00:12:40,050 well, this is very good. Some works [that are done] are out of the reach of people 106 00:12:40,570 --> 00:12:45,940 and these [works] are not seen by people, [but] they will see their secondary effects. 107 00:12:46,020 --> 00:12:48,680 However, there are certain works that are accessible to people; 108 00:12:49,250 --> 00:12:53,620 such things should be discussed. 109 00:12:54,080 --> 00:13:04,770 What now I am telling you [is that] relative calm and relative stability is tangible with regard to the economic issue; 110 00:13:04,820 --> 00:13:12,400 this [issue] has been reported by everybody, [and] reports are sent to me from different places, [which] say this [state of economic stability] exists. 111 00:13:12,570 --> 00:13:19,600 This is an achievement that sharp fluctuations have been curbed 112 00:13:20,250 --> 00:13:26,140 and do not exist in the field of economy [anymore], which well, care must be taken to maintain this [achievement]. 113 00:13:26,340 --> 00:13:30,420 The issue of reducing the inflation [rate] is very good. 114 00:13:30,620 --> 00:13:37,680 Of course, I am not satisfied with [even] this amount of inflation that exists now; I mean, a two-digit inflation. 115 00:13:38,510 --> 00:13:42,740 Now, Mr. President noted that 116 00:13:43,480 --> 00:13:48,170 the inflation has reached, for example, thirteen-odd [percent] 117 00:13:48,740 --> 00:13:57,000 – which of course, the main criterion is the annual inflation; point-to-point inflation [rate] is not very significant, 118 00:13:57,000 --> 00:13:59,570 [and] is not an important issue; the most important is this very annual inflation 119 00:13:59,880 --> 00:14:04,620 – well, there are few countries in the world that have two-digit inflation; [they] are very few 120 00:14:05,250 --> 00:14:10,420 and we are among those countries that have two-digit inflation. 121 00:14:11,540 --> 00:14:17,250 We must achieve an inflation [rate] of less than 10 percent; I mean, our resolve should be [to achieve] this [goal]; 122 00:14:17,400 --> 00:14:20,170 we must endeavor to achieve this [goal]. 123 00:14:20,310 --> 00:14:29,620 Now sometimes due to complications – complications that are out of control and sometimes [even] controllable complications – 124 00:14:29,740 --> 00:14:34,420 inflation goes up. Well, it is clear that this [high inflation rate] will not last 125 00:14:34,570 --> 00:14:39,340 and those high inflations have never continued [for a long time]; 126 00:14:39,340 --> 00:14:45,450 at last, they pull these [high inflation rates] to a lower level and, thank God, you have done this; 127 00:14:45,650 --> 00:14:48,710 you have been able [to do this]; however, do not stop at this amount; bring the inflation [even lower]. 128 00:14:50,080 --> 00:14:57,510 But, well, [the current situation] is good. [The fact] that it has, for the time being, fallen to 13-14 percent, is a great step. 129 00:14:58,020 --> 00:15:00,800 The effort that is being made to get [the economy] out of stagnation 130 00:15:01,020 --> 00:15:04,340 – of course, as for the stagnation, I have something to say, 131 00:15:04,600 --> 00:15:14,310 [and] I have told certain points to Mr. President in our one-on-one talks 132 00:15:14,600 --> 00:15:19,970 – that at any rate, you are making an effort to get [the economy] out of stagnation, [and] this is very important 133 00:15:20,220 --> 00:15:25,420 because the issue of stagnation can both affect the inflation, 134 00:15:25,420 --> 00:15:32,220 and can affect the employment as well; [therefore,] the issue of stagnation in the country is an important issue. 135 00:15:32,220 --> 00:15:33,710 A good effort is being made [to end stagnation]. 136 00:15:33,850 --> 00:15:36,600 The issue of health is one of the positive points [of the Administration’s performance]. 137 00:15:36,600 --> 00:15:42,650 Scientific steps that are being taken at the scientific department [of President’s Office] are among valuable steps. 138 00:15:43,080 --> 00:15:52,370 The issue of irrigation of lands, which the respectable first vice president has been also active in this regard, 139 00:15:52,600 --> 00:15:58,080 and I think you [have gone to] Khuzestan and Ilam and Zabol yourself. 140 00:16:01,170 --> 00:16:05,420 (You didn’t go to Zabol? Well, then you must certainly go to Zabol; it is a good thing that you said this.) 141 00:16:06,820 --> 00:16:12,050 These are certainly good steps that have been taken. 142 00:16:12,940 --> 00:16:16,000 This is also true about the nuclear issue. 143 00:16:16,310 --> 00:16:19,220 Well, I have so far talked a lot about the nuclear issue, 144 00:16:19,540 --> 00:16:24,450 [and] have said and heard a lot of things 145 00:16:24,910 --> 00:16:30,280 and the important point is that [our] officials could finish these negotiations, 146 00:16:30,710 --> 00:16:35,710 because after all, the prolongation of the negotiations was itself a problem 147 00:16:35,970 --> 00:16:41,770 and they could solve this problem; well, this was a very important thing to do. 148 00:16:42,170 --> 00:16:46,480 Now, God willing, if there is a problem on its sidelines, 149 00:16:46,620 --> 00:16:51,280 it would be solved through the foresight of you and other officials. 150 00:16:51,280 --> 00:16:58,650 At any rate, I thank all brethren and sisters who are working [for their country]. 151 00:16:58,740 --> 00:17:05,880 There is one point in my mind about this nuclear issue 152 00:17:06,080 --> 00:17:12,940 and the termination of the nuclear issue, which is among my worries, 153 00:17:12,940 --> 00:17:16,250 [and] is among my concerns and [that point] is that we 154 00:17:17,200 --> 00:17:25,000 must be watchful about those goals that the outright enemies of the Islamic Republic 155 00:17:26,400 --> 00:17:34,540 are cooking up in their minds and the steps they want to take. 156 00:17:37,480 --> 00:17:43,770 There is no doubt that the hostilities of the enemies of the Islamic Republic have not been reduced from the outset of the revolution up to the present time; 157 00:17:44,820 --> 00:17:50,880 yes, there are some places where hostilities and implementation of animosity is reined in – there is no doubt about this – 158 00:17:52,400 --> 00:17:55,050 but this does not mean that the hostilities have lessened. 159 00:17:55,400 --> 00:18:04,680 I believe that the hostility of the faked and usurping Zionist regime 160 00:18:05,140 --> 00:18:11,400 or the government of the United States of America toward us has not diminished an iota since the outset [of the revolution] up to now; 161 00:18:11,820 --> 00:18:19,650 of course, each one for a specific reason; the Zionist regime is our enemy for one reason, 162 00:18:19,970 --> 00:18:25,050 [and] Americans for another reason; however, they are also averse to us [and] are our enemy to the same degree [as the Zionist regime] 163 00:18:25,050 --> 00:18:30,680 and that hostility has not decreased; 164 00:18:31,310 --> 00:18:35,480 the same steps that they took on the first day of the revolution, they are taking right now; 165 00:18:35,600 --> 00:18:43,850 however, well, the steps have been altered, [and] their working methods have changed; have become more advanced; 166 00:18:45,400 --> 00:18:51,370 once they showed their hostility and dealt blow [to us] in one way, now they [try to deal a blow] with another tool , [and] through another means; 167 00:18:51,680 --> 00:18:53,370 this [point] should not be forgotten. 168 00:18:54,080 --> 00:19:01,220 All different officials – as this is not special to Foreign Ministry and [Foreign Minister] Mr. Dr. [Mohammad Javad] Zarif; 169 00:19:02,280 --> 00:19:09,020 various organs, [including] economic organs [and] cultural organs – must absolutely pay attention to this point 170 00:19:09,220 --> 00:19:17,620 that we must not fall into the predesigned plot of the enemy and do not play [in enemy’s plot], 171 00:19:19,080 --> 00:19:23,420 that a given decision that we make, whether in the field of politics, or in the field of economy, 172 00:19:23,800 --> 00:19:27,310 or in the field of trade, or in the field of culture, 173 00:19:28,570 --> 00:19:37,310 would help that predetermined package of the enemy, which is for [the benefit of] themselves. 174 00:19:37,450 --> 00:19:45,200 We, from their own words and from their own writings and from their diverse remarks, can find out about their [main] purposes; 175 00:19:45,400 --> 00:19:50,480 that is, when I am saying hostility, it is neither [out of] divine revelation, 176 00:19:51,220 --> 00:19:57,710 nor a dream, nor [the result of] delusions and imagination; no, [these] are realities that are before our eyes. 177 00:20:00,510 --> 00:20:08,200 Perhaps, their remarks are different [from their actions] but external realities – what is tangible and evident – 178 00:20:09,080 --> 00:20:12,110 is demonstrative of hostility and is indicative of hostility; 179 00:20:12,110 --> 00:20:15,970 however, [that hostility is shown] through its own special ways. 180 00:20:15,970 --> 00:20:19,620 Now, what we must do in the face of this enemy, is a different issue, 181 00:20:19,910 --> 00:20:22,480 [but we must] not forget the hostility; this is what I [am trying to] say. 182 00:20:23,850 --> 00:20:30,600 When you don’t forget that a front is facing you, 183 00:20:30,600 --> 00:20:35,570 [and that enemies] are sitting behind a bunker, [and] have prepared their weapons, 184 00:20:36,280 --> 00:20:40,940 then [you act upon] exigency; once you may look [and see that] you have to shoot 185 00:20:40,940 --> 00:20:43,510 [or] you have to remain silent, [or] you have to go inside the bunker 186 00:20:43,510 --> 00:20:46,280 [or] you have to get out of the bunker; these are later concerns; 187 00:20:46,820 --> 00:20:52,110 the important point is that you don’t forget that there is a front opposite to us 188 00:20:52,420 --> 00:20:58,800 – an enemy front – which is bent on hostility. 189 00:20:58,970 --> 00:21:04,080 Of course, this is not just addressed to state officials, 190 00:21:04,480 --> 00:21:08,970 [but] all people, especially those elements who are concerned about the revolution 191 00:21:09,340 --> 00:21:17,770 and those who are ready to serve the revolution, must pay attention to this; 192 00:21:17,880 --> 00:21:27,970 however, the responsibility of state officials is, naturally, heavier in this regard and more than other [people who are] faithful to the revolution. 193 00:21:29,280 --> 00:21:34,910 In my opinion, what we must do for the time being is that 194 00:21:35,280 --> 00:21:41,400 we must be explicit in adopting revolutionary positions; that is, we must not be shy [in this regard]. 195 00:21:42,600 --> 00:21:50,170 [We must] express revolutionary positions, [and] the fundamental ideas of the reverend Imam [Khomeini] outspokenly, 196 00:21:51,820 --> 00:21:59,420 [and] don’t be ashamed, don’t be shy, don’t be afraid, and know that [as put by the Quran] 197 00:21:59,620 --> 00:22:04,170 “To Allah belong the armies of the heavens and the earth and Allah is the Almighty and the Wise.” 198 00:22:05,450 --> 00:22:10,820 All potentialities in the world and traditions in the world are divine forces; 199 00:22:10,820 --> 00:22:15,800 one can have those divine forces behind them and get their help 200 00:22:16,110 --> 00:22:21,510 by putting their trust in God, [and] by treading the path of God. 201 00:22:22,480 --> 00:22:27,310 And we must be vigilant. A few days ago, I said in my speech 202 00:22:27,570 --> 00:22:31,310 that these [enemies] are bent on infiltration, [and] are bent on penetrating [the ranks of the nation]; 203 00:22:31,800 --> 00:22:37,570 this penetration may be carried out in various places; be careful. 204 00:22:37,820 --> 00:22:45,340 Once one is told that, [for example] assume that a given organization has come 205 00:22:45,620 --> 00:22:51,110 and is guiding part of our cultural complex 206 00:22:51,170 --> 00:22:52,910 – for example, our nurseries – in a special way. 207 00:22:53,370 --> 00:23:00,050 One understands this and when he gets closer, he sees that a dangerous step and a major step is being taken [but] he has not been paying attention. 208 00:23:01,820 --> 00:23:09,450 These [steps] are [examples of] penetration; in various fields, in economic fields, 209 00:23:09,740 --> 00:23:17,620 during visits, in all organs; one [important point] is this issue of candor. 210 00:23:18,420 --> 00:23:22,820 Another [point] is to maintain this solidarity that fortunately exists among people. 211 00:23:23,020 --> 00:23:28,770 When I say solidarity, it must not immediately occur to one’s mind that now all people in the society 212 00:23:29,200 --> 00:23:34,220 are, for example, like brothers or are sincere [with one another]; no, the movement [that shows solidarity] is a public movement. 213 00:23:34,310 --> 00:23:41,110 Assume that in demonstrations [that are held to mark victory of the Islamic Revolution] on the 22nd of [the Iranian month of] Bahman, when you look round, 214 00:23:41,170 --> 00:23:45,370 everybody is moving in the same direction; are all these [people] alike? 215 00:23:45,540 --> 00:23:51,420 Do all of them belong to one [political] faction? Are all of them from a single group? No, but the direction is the same; 216 00:23:51,650 --> 00:24:00,340 we must appreciate and safeguard this single direction and we must attach importance to it. 217 00:24:00,540 --> 00:24:06,570 [Attention to] marginal issues must be avoided, [because] some marginal issues cause division; 218 00:24:06,680 --> 00:24:12,620 that is, they disrupt this unity in direction; [we] must be careful about this issue. 219 00:24:13,310 --> 00:24:18,420 I have written down a few points as the priorities at this juncture [of time], which I present here. 220 00:24:18,570 --> 00:24:24,200 Of course, fortunately, in today’s report of [these] gentlemen, there were points that 221 00:24:24,970 --> 00:24:31,200 were related to these points that I have put down here, but I say [these points] for more emphasis. 222 00:24:31,370 --> 00:24:35,600 Some of these remarks are repetitive, but repetition is not a problem; 223 00:24:35,970 --> 00:24:40,020 there are certain cases in which the more you repeat [a point], it would be no problem. 224 00:24:40,020 --> 00:24:44,510 You just see in the Quran how many times the story of Moses has been repeated. 225 00:24:44,880 --> 00:24:47,200 There is no problem in this; 226 00:24:48,140 --> 00:24:54,110 it is a reminder that makes us remember our responsibilities and bolsters our motivations. 227 00:24:54,600 --> 00:24:57,400 One point is about maintaining the pace of scientific [progress in the country]. 228 00:24:59,280 --> 00:25:05,740 Well, [Iran's] scientific ranking has been maintained; I mean it has not fallen. 229 00:25:05,880 --> 00:25:08,540 We are still on the 15th and 16th rank that we were 230 00:25:08,710 --> 00:25:12,570 – which is a very high and good ranking – but the pace has slowed down. 231 00:25:12,570 --> 00:25:19,080 I have told this to my academic friends as well, and I say that 232 00:25:19,310 --> 00:25:24,420 don’t let the pace of scientific progress to slow down in the second decade of the [20-Year] Vision Plan 233 00:25:24,480 --> 00:25:30,400 – now we have entered the second decade of the Vision Plan. 234 00:25:30,820 --> 00:25:33,450 If we continue to move along at the same pace, 235 00:25:33,910 --> 00:25:41,850 our scientific ranking will certainly become more valuable and more important; 236 00:25:42,370 --> 00:25:48,910 that is, we may even rank below 10; this, in my opinion, is a very important issue. 237 00:25:48,910 --> 00:25:51,910 Well, science is the main infrastructure of the country. 238 00:25:52,970 --> 00:25:56,570 In all these issues that [these] gentlemen said here, 239 00:25:57,080 --> 00:26:04,280 if in industry, in agriculture, in oil [industry], in energy [sector], 240 00:26:04,420 --> 00:26:08,600 in health and treatment, and in other sectors, we enter the element of science 241 00:26:09,050 --> 00:26:14,570 and if the element of science and scientific innovation and scientific progress and presence of scientists 242 00:26:16,000 --> 00:26:21,680 enter the equations, the situation would be totally different; rapid growth would take place; 243 00:26:22,020 --> 00:26:25,280 we must not underestimate this; this is what I believe in. 244 00:26:25,540 --> 00:26:30,710 I believe that in the field of science and research activity, any cost that we undertake would be [a form of] investment. 245 00:26:31,770 --> 00:26:35,540 I mean, we must not be afraid of paying such costs at all. 246 00:26:35,540 --> 00:26:40,940 There are certain places when the costs are really not wasted; one of those places is this. 247 00:26:42,020 --> 00:26:46,110 The more cost we pay, we have [actually] made investment for the future 248 00:26:46,110 --> 00:26:51,970 and this is the best thing that we can do with our funds, with our money, [and] with our resources. 249 00:26:51,970 --> 00:26:57,740 Then a basic point that existed 250 00:26:58,250 --> 00:27:02,650 in this first decade – which fortunately according to global statistics, 251 00:27:03,250 --> 00:27:09,370 we started scientific progress and reached this point 252 00:27:10,050 --> 00:27:14,280 – is that the scientific movement turned into a discourse; 253 00:27:15,510 --> 00:27:20,910 that is the work did not remain limited to a few state-run organs; 254 00:27:21,510 --> 00:27:25,340 that is, it turned into a general discourse among universities and students. 255 00:27:26,850 --> 00:27:30,050 During meetings that I have had with academic organs 256 00:27:30,220 --> 00:27:33,250 in this past few years, 257 00:27:33,940 --> 00:27:38,340 [I] observed that they come and talk – either as a professor or a student – 258 00:27:38,710 --> 00:27:43,020 and as their demand from me, they said the same things 259 00:27:43,280 --> 00:27:49,570 that I had said, for example, a few years earlier in academic gatherings; 260 00:27:49,570 --> 00:27:54,050 I become very happy [when this happens]. It shows that these remarks have turned into a discourse, 261 00:27:54,450 --> 00:27:59,250 have turned into a public space and public demand; this is very valuable. 262 00:28:00,220 --> 00:28:07,510 Let’s maintain this discourse; that is, I insist that related organs 263 00:28:07,800 --> 00:28:15,940 – the academic organs, the Education [Ministry] and especially this scientific department [of the President’s Office], 264 00:28:16,110 --> 00:28:22,340 whose [officials] are apparently not here today – must certainly persist in this regard, 265 00:28:22,340 --> 00:28:30,540 that is, for maintaining this discourse. 266 00:28:30,880 --> 00:28:38,200 Emphasis must be put on knowledge-based companies – which now a report was given [on these companies] and it was good –; 267 00:28:38,370 --> 00:28:42,450 commercialization of science and technologies, establishment of science and technology parks, 268 00:28:42,450 --> 00:28:45,370 and the likes of these are very necessary and good steps [to be taken]. 269 00:28:45,770 --> 00:28:51,370 Look! One of our economic problems is the issue of employment; 270 00:28:52,050 --> 00:28:58,600 one of the best ways to create jobs is these science and technology parks 271 00:28:58,770 --> 00:29:06,480 and entering students in [the field of] technologies that can generate wealth. 272 00:29:07,420 --> 00:29:10,200 If some help is provided to these [students], if they are guided [correctly], 273 00:29:10,370 --> 00:29:17,940 [and if] a practical and operational – real – work is offered to them, these [students] will start to work. 274 00:29:18,850 --> 00:29:21,570 the idea that every [university] graduate 275 00:29:21,820 --> 00:29:27,140 must come and turn into a civil servant in a state-run organ and the likes of that, 276 00:29:27,340 --> 00:29:30,340 and we keep lamenting that the number of graduates is too high [and] we don’t have enough room [and] enough facilities [for them], 277 00:29:30,480 --> 00:29:38,800 from my viewpoint, this is a very wrong attitude. The right attitude is for us to clear the way; 278 00:29:39,050 --> 00:29:42,710 this [issue] must be thought through; that is, plans must be made 279 00:29:43,880 --> 00:29:47,740 so that the way would be clear for our students during the period they study 280 00:29:47,910 --> 00:29:56,000 – for example, assume that at the university, or for example, assume that during postgraduate studies; 281 00:29:56,280 --> 00:30:01,940 that is when [the student] gains high-level scientific knowledge 282 00:30:02,170 --> 00:30:07,540 – so that they could come and do scientific work in some place; 283 00:30:07,770 --> 00:30:10,340 and [there are] really endless number of jobs. 284 00:30:10,340 --> 00:30:15,680 I believe that jobs that are related to science are endless. 285 00:30:16,110 --> 00:30:21,510 The more [educated] persons we have, we can provide them with scientific jobs, 286 00:30:21,600 --> 00:30:25,140 provided that we sit down and work [on this issue]. [So,] one issue is the issue of science. 287 00:30:25,340 --> 00:30:27,340 Another issue is the issue of culture. 288 00:30:28,050 --> 00:30:34,050 Well, those friends that are here, and especially the country’s cultural officials 289 00:30:34,420 --> 00:30:41,450 and the esteemed Mr. President himself, are aware of my sensitivity about the issue of culture. 290 00:30:41,620 --> 00:30:45,770 Sometimes cultural problems have barred me from going to sleep at night; 291 00:30:46,110 --> 00:30:50,650 [I have been sleepless] for the sake of cultural problems; that is, importance of cultural issues is like this. 292 00:30:51,140 --> 00:30:55,050 There are two basic and main steps that must be taken; 293 00:30:55,050 --> 00:31:04,510 one is [production of] healthy cultural products in different fields, 294 00:31:05,420 --> 00:31:12,770 and [another] one is to prevent harmful production and, as they say, harmful cultural product and commodity; 295 00:31:12,970 --> 00:31:15,280 I believe that this is among basic steps [to be taken]. 296 00:31:15,480 --> 00:31:22,880 All over the world, care is taken about cultural products and book and the likes of these; 297 00:31:23,170 --> 00:31:26,820 where in the world such a concern does not exist? Just show me a place. 298 00:31:27,400 --> 00:31:29,770 This Ms. Ebtekar is present here; 299 00:31:29,850 --> 00:31:35,080 she told me that the book she had written was not allowed to be published in the United States; 300 00:31:36,370 --> 00:31:41,110 no publisher accepted [to publish it]; - not that the publisher is so biased [as not to print a book]; 301 00:31:41,110 --> 00:31:45,850 no; if a book is a bestseller, every publisher would do this; 302 00:31:46,020 --> 00:31:54,540 [but they did not publish it] out of fear and due to surveillance [by the government] until at last in Canada, for example, assume that she found a publisher and that publisher [accepted her book] 303 00:31:55,800 --> 00:32:05,140 with fear and apprehension. [I don’t know whether that publisher published the book or not] 304 00:32:05,620 --> 00:32:07,220 because she told me these details a few years ago, perhaps I don’t remember the [entire] details. 305 00:32:07,800 --> 00:32:13,400 You must say this so that these gentlemen would know and understand that this is not true that if we bar a book [from being published], 306 00:32:13,680 --> 00:32:15,450 it is only Mr. Jannati [minister of culture] who does this; 307 00:32:15,820 --> 00:32:19,370 no, this is also done in America, [and] this is also done in Europe. 308 00:32:20,050 --> 00:32:23,280 Nobody dares to talk about the Holocaust; 309 00:32:23,680 --> 00:32:26,620 well, Holocaust is not an ideological issue. 310 00:32:27,250 --> 00:32:35,680 Yes, when it comes to publishing insulting cartoons against the religious sanctities of Islam, 311 00:32:35,880 --> 00:32:39,820 there they become freedom-seekers and supporters of the freedom of expression! 312 00:32:40,250 --> 00:32:44,000 However, when it comes to the Holocaust, no, there is no freedom of expression. 313 00:32:44,680 --> 00:32:47,570 The same is true about the issue of hejab; [and] it is also the same about other issues. 314 00:32:47,910 --> 00:32:53,650 Yes, every country has certain principles and those principles must be safeguarded 315 00:32:53,850 --> 00:32:57,400 and state organs must observe these principles; [there must be] no compromise on this. 316 00:32:57,940 --> 00:33:03,570 If you see that a given theatrical play, a given movie, a given book, [or] a given periodical 317 00:33:04,050 --> 00:33:09,710 is at odds with the fundaments of the revolution and the fundaments of Islam, ban it and take action against it. 318 00:33:09,850 --> 00:33:12,680 Now, how to take action against it is a different issue, 319 00:33:12,800 --> 00:33:16,620 [and] it is [an issue] related to the [state-run] organs and [you must] look and see what your regulations say; 320 00:33:16,880 --> 00:33:20,600 however, do not be shy and say this clearly. 321 00:33:21,710 --> 00:33:30,820 So, [promoting] healthy cultural product and preventing unhealthy and harmful cultural product is the basis of the work [in this field]. 322 00:33:30,820 --> 00:33:33,850 It is by no means permissible to leave culture on its own. 323 00:33:34,000 --> 00:33:37,400 Management of culture is a very necessary step 324 00:33:38,020 --> 00:33:46,080 and management must be based on the revolution’s slogans and the fundaments of the revolution; 325 00:33:46,570 --> 00:33:50,400 that is, it must be noted that what is important is that 326 00:33:52,200 --> 00:33:59,540 the fundaments of the revolution and the fundaments of the independence of Imam [Khomeini]’s country and the likes of these must be protected. 327 00:34:00,080 --> 00:34:07,050 This is the second point, which is among the priorities that in my opinion [must be on top of our agenda] at this juncture [of time]. 328 00:34:07,200 --> 00:34:12,110 The third priority, which is more extant and available [than other priorities] is the issue of economy; 329 00:34:12,650 --> 00:34:18,850 well, fortunately, Mr. Jahangiri has arranged today’s session 330 00:34:19,370 --> 00:34:24,510 in such a way that it mostly pertained to economic issues. 331 00:34:24,820 --> 00:34:32,020 Today, economy is important both for the country in terms of [determining] the country’s fate, and [in terms of] real progress of the country; 332 00:34:32,480 --> 00:34:36,170 [economy] is also important in terms of the external image of the country; 333 00:34:36,170 --> 00:34:38,680 [and] is important from the viewpoint of realities of people’s life. 334 00:34:38,850 --> 00:34:46,250 Therefore, the issue of economy is in fact the basic priority of the country 335 00:34:46,820 --> 00:34:52,280 and any amount of thinking, work, effort, and admonition related to this issue would be deserving. 336 00:34:52,770 --> 00:35:01,880 Firstly about the economy, we believe that the economic progress of the country must be accompanied with justice; 337 00:35:03,250 --> 00:35:09,250 we do not accept an economy without justice; that is, the revolution does not accept this; 338 00:35:09,740 --> 00:35:11,570 the Islamic Republic Establishment does not accept this. 339 00:35:13,620 --> 00:35:20,310 You must be careful not to allow class divide to be created; the poor must not be downtrodden; 340 00:35:20,940 --> 00:35:27,680 these are among basic issues in our macroeconomic plans, 341 00:35:27,680 --> 00:35:31,000 which I will point out the [issue] of Resistance Economy later; 342 00:35:31,220 --> 00:35:41,220 this very issue of justice and meeting the minimum needs [of people] has been foreseen in the policies related to the Resistance Economy. 343 00:35:41,310 --> 00:35:47,710 In my opinion, turning effort and work into a discourse in public sphere 344 00:35:47,970 --> 00:35:50,800 is one of the basic steps to be taken in the field of economy; 345 00:35:51,940 --> 00:35:56,740 we must try to denounce laziness, idleness, [and] carelessness about working 346 00:35:58,510 --> 00:36:04,310 a valuable work among our daily works, 347 00:36:04,820 --> 00:36:10,970 which must be [done on a] large scale and its reduction is a major flaw; 348 00:36:10,970 --> 00:36:16,510 laziness, idleness, [and] carelessness about working must be denounced in the eyes of people in a correct way; 349 00:36:16,710 --> 00:36:21,450 that is, idleness must be denounced; working must become a value. 350 00:36:23,110 --> 00:36:27,680 In [Islamic] traditions we see that the Reverend Prophet (PBUH) saw a young man; 351 00:36:28,170 --> 00:36:34,340 he liked that young man, [and] called him [and] for example asked what his name was, 352 00:36:34,480 --> 00:36:40,820 and] then said, ‘what is your job?’ he said, ‘I am jobless; [I have no job’; 353 00:36:41,310 --> 00:36:47,200 the Prophet said: ‘[He] fell out of favor [with me]’; that is, working is like this. 354 00:36:47,970 --> 00:36:56,540 The Prophet is not shy with anybody. This must become a norm. 355 00:36:58,080 --> 00:37:03,200 of course, both sides must demand from each other; 356 00:37:03,340 --> 00:37:07,220 he who is jobless, demands [work] and says ‘give me work [to do]’; 357 00:37:07,420 --> 00:37:11,740 [and] the side that wants work [to be done] is also demanding and says, ‘try to find a job’; 358 00:37:11,880 --> 00:37:22,510 there is an intermediate solution, which I may point out in my remarks. 359 00:37:23,710 --> 00:37:32,480 After all, we must do publicity about encouraging [people] to work, encouraging creation of value and generation of wealth in the country; 360 00:37:32,740 --> 00:37:34,220 both the state officials must say this 361 00:37:34,220 --> 00:37:46,740 and those who in magazines, in newspapers and the likes of these have verbal and written tribunes, 362 00:37:47,770 --> 00:37:53,110 [must] take advantage of this opportunity and give voice to these issues. 363 00:37:55,140 --> 00:37:58,250 This is one point with regard to the issue of working. 364 00:37:58,250 --> 00:38:02,000 Another issue is to set up right channels for job [creation]. 365 00:38:02,600 --> 00:38:09,510 This is [just] a saying, is [just] a word, but is a really great and important step to take; 366 00:38:10,340 --> 00:38:14,570 channels for job [creation] must be set up. 367 00:38:15,400 --> 00:38:18,880 When one is talking about work and employment and encourages [people to work] 368 00:38:18,880 --> 00:38:22,170 – as I said before – the opposite side says, ‘well sir, I am jobless, what am I supposed to do?’ 369 00:38:23,370 --> 00:38:29,710 We must show people ways of looking for work. 370 00:38:30,170 --> 00:38:35,880 A few days ago, I watched a program on the television , which was a good program; 371 00:38:36,310 --> 00:38:42,170 they had prepared a reportage. One person goes there and says 372 00:38:42,450 --> 00:38:50,110 ‘I have been able to create this job with 10 million tomans, whose income is this much’. 373 00:38:50,910 --> 00:38:55,650 It is about [growing] flowers; he says, ‘I produce flowers’. 374 00:38:56,510 --> 00:39:01,910 Then he points out and says, ‘Those who are willing to do this job, 375 00:39:02,340 --> 00:39:11,020 there are governmental plots of land in that place and that place, which will be made available to them; 376 00:39:11,140 --> 00:39:13,850 go and, for example, grow flowers’. 377 00:39:14,050 --> 00:39:19,420 I remember economic officials at a time 378 00:39:19,620 --> 00:39:24,800 before your administration had come [to me] and [discussed] that with what amount of money a job could be created; 379 00:39:25,050 --> 00:39:29,600 they talked about 100 million [tomans] and for some jobs, 500 million [tomans] and things like that! 380 00:39:29,740 --> 00:39:34,940 Well, a job can be created with 10 million [tomans]. Now this is just one example. 381 00:39:35,020 --> 00:39:40,280 Another example, which happened to be [shown] on this very television was another program; 382 00:39:40,740 --> 00:39:44,820 it was [about] a lady who made things and said, 383 00:39:44,820 --> 00:39:51,050 ‘I could earn this job by investing 20 million [tomans]’. 384 00:39:51,650 --> 00:39:58,420 Well, it is clear that capacities are too high. 385 00:39:58,850 --> 00:40:10,280 I was in another session in this place with officials; they said that our [economic] growth must be high. 386 00:40:10,280 --> 00:40:15,050 I said the growth [rate] in some advanced European countries 387 00:40:15,650 --> 00:40:19,800 is often two, one, [or] one and a half [percent]; 388 00:40:20,480 --> 00:40:22,800 the reason is that capacities have been filled; 389 00:40:23,710 --> 00:40:30,250 just, for example, assume a country like China which had growth [figures] of 10, 11, [or] 12 percent, 390 00:40:30,570 --> 00:40:34,370 [but] now its growth has fallen because its capacities have been filled; 391 00:40:34,480 --> 00:40:36,800 many capacities have been filled and [growth figure] will further fall; 392 00:40:37,250 --> 00:40:40,140 our capacities are still very high. 393 00:40:40,570 --> 00:40:50,680 Therefore, those friends who had problem with the 8-percent growth [that has been set as target] in the Sixth [Economic Development] Plan, 394 00:40:50,680 --> 00:40:55,020 the answer that was given to them by experts and specialist people was that 395 00:40:55,110 --> 00:40:59,740 we can [achieve that target] and it conforms to the realities of the country; 396 00:41:00,050 --> 00:41:03,050 just in the same way that Mr. President said here today. 397 00:41:03,220 --> 00:41:12,820 Therefore, one of the issues is to set up channels so that we could see how [new] job [can be created]. 398 00:41:12,820 --> 00:41:17,200 Now, which state-run sector is responsible for this? 399 00:41:17,940 --> 00:41:24,050 Mr. Rabiei [minister of labor] always says that ‘the issue of employment and the likes of that are not my responsibility’ 400 00:41:24,310 --> 00:41:29,420 and relieves himself [of this responsibility], 401 00:41:37,510 --> 00:41:43,400 but after all, one of the [state-run] sectors, either you or the [State Management and] Planning Organization is [responsible for job creation]. 402 00:41:49,540 --> 00:41:54,540 Of course, the Ministry of Economy, in one sense in some places is really responsible; 403 00:41:55,020 --> 00:42:01,220 [however,] that I consider the Ministry of Economy as responsible [for job creation] is not incompatible with me being sincerely yours as well! 404 00:42:02,510 --> 00:42:08,370 There are things that are related to the Ministry of Economy or banking [sector], which I will also address Mr. Seif [governor of the Central Bank of Iran] as well! 405 00:42:10,540 --> 00:42:18,540 One issue about the economy, one on which I emphasize and insist, 406 00:42:18,850 --> 00:42:22,450 is the issue of serious management of foreign trade; 407 00:42:23,620 --> 00:42:27,140 foreign trade is a very important issue. 408 00:42:27,680 --> 00:42:35,420 During long years, foreigners had gotten used to an attitude with regard to trade 409 00:42:36,600 --> 00:42:41,280 about countries like our country that 410 00:42:41,680 --> 00:42:49,200 there are raw materials here [and] they [can] come and take the raw materials and create added value for themselves; 411 00:42:49,420 --> 00:42:52,450 [these countries] also have a market and a demand that [enabled foreigners] to bring [commodities here]. 412 00:42:52,740 --> 00:43:02,080 Before the revolution, the ruling system had accepted this; 413 00:43:02,850 --> 00:43:08,820 once, in some place, I came across a Majlis deputy of that time quite by chance, 414 00:43:09,110 --> 00:43:11,480 [and] he clearly told me that this is a very good thing! 415 00:43:11,740 --> 00:43:12,820 [He said,] ‘Essentially this is very good that we give money 416 00:43:13,170 --> 00:43:19,020 and Europeans, like servants come, produce commodities for us and bring [them here]’. 417 00:43:19,140 --> 00:43:21,880 That is, they really had a logic to do so; 418 00:43:22,400 --> 00:43:26,910 a kind of foolish and silly logic that was taking the country in this direction. 419 00:43:27,600 --> 00:43:33,420 We today – that is, after the revolution – have a different approach; 420 00:43:33,600 --> 00:43:41,450 we believe that no; very well, part of our markets can belong to foreign producer, 421 00:43:41,600 --> 00:43:46,110 but part of the markets of the same foreign producer must belong to us; 422 00:43:46,420 --> 00:43:55,510 that is, a kind of equitable exchange and give-and-take must happen here; well, this is a very important issue. 423 00:43:57,220 --> 00:44:04,200 Then with regard to the issue of imports, Mr. Nematzadeh [minister of industry, mine and trade] pointed [to this issue], 424 00:44:04,370 --> 00:44:12,970 which of course, one feels ashamed; four ministries have been assigned to Mr. Nematzadeh! 425 00:44:13,110 --> 00:44:21,480 In fact, there were four ministries here: industry, heavy industries, mines and commerce. 426 00:44:21,850 --> 00:44:28,970 One of the strange measures, which for me it was not clear to the end 427 00:44:29,340 --> 00:44:36,200 why this step was taken, was merging the Ministry of Commerce with the Ministry of Industries and Mines; 428 00:44:36,400 --> 00:44:38,710 that is, this [problem] has not really been solved for me. 429 00:44:38,820 --> 00:44:43,220 The same day that they were doing this, it was not clear to me why they were doing this. 430 00:44:43,420 --> 00:44:49,340 Well, officials at the Majlis and the Administration had considered this [necessary] and did it. 431 00:44:49,910 --> 00:44:56,280 It is indeed a difficult task, [and] I understand that he has a difficult [job to do], 432 00:44:56,400 --> 00:45:00,340 but at any rate, he has to do this; that is, among very important issues, 433 00:45:00,800 --> 00:45:04,110 is the issue of management of foreign trade; 434 00:45:04,820 --> 00:45:12,020 this [is important] because this [country] must not be merely a market for foreign products, 435 00:45:12,020 --> 00:45:17,740 which the car market, this given market, [and] that given market would be entirely given to them. 436 00:45:18,020 --> 00:45:22,200 Worse than these is the issue of banks. 437 00:45:22,400 --> 00:45:28,310 Another [issue] is the issue of the Resistance Economy. Well, this year, is the second year of the Resistance Economy; 438 00:45:29,140 --> 00:45:37,080 that is last year – the [Iranian calendar] year 1393 (2014-2015) – was the beginning of the implementation of the Resistance Economy policies. 439 00:45:37,820 --> 00:45:40,170 Administration officials also gave me some reports, 440 00:45:40,170 --> 00:45:44,420 which I personally and orally thanked Mr. Jahangiri 441 00:45:44,420 --> 00:45:52,450 when he notified to 15 organs that they must take these steps, [and] fulfill these duties. 442 00:45:52,710 --> 00:45:55,020 Then they sent a detailed report, 443 00:45:55,400 --> 00:46:01,570 which of course, they summarized that report for me and I read all of it; and went through it. 444 00:46:02,540 --> 00:46:10,110 Steps that have been taken in the field of Resistance Economy, some of them are preliminary measures; 445 00:46:11,170 --> 00:46:15,110 now, it would take time and time will pass if I wanted to bring examples; 446 00:46:16,650 --> 00:46:23,620 some of the measures that have been reported are not related to articles of the Resistance Economy 447 00:46:23,620 --> 00:46:26,910 [and] of course, they have been now linked [to the Resistance Economy], but they are among current affairs of the [executive] organs; 448 00:46:28,110 --> 00:46:34,200 after all, [executive] organs have some current affairs and they have reported these to you that ‘we have taken these steps’; 449 00:46:34,910 --> 00:46:42,200 these have been mentioned among the records of [executive] organs with regard to the Resistance Economy; 450 00:46:42,400 --> 00:46:51,850 while this is not the case. Some of the steps [that have been taken] are not related to articles of the Resistance Economy at all. 451 00:46:52,050 --> 00:46:53,450 This amount [of work that has been done] is not enough. 452 00:46:54,420 --> 00:47:00,280 The policies of the Resistance Economy constitute a complete and integrated package; 453 00:47:02,310 --> 00:47:07,600 this package is not the product of my personal thought; 454 00:47:08,400 --> 00:47:12,020 this is [the product of] collective wisdom. A group has sat down; 455 00:47:12,020 --> 00:47:18,340 the economist friends, who are present in this meeting, some of them know and are informed [about this]. 456 00:47:19,370 --> 00:47:21,910 An in-depth work has been done on this, 457 00:47:22,170 --> 00:47:27,650 then it has come here, has been hammered out, has been discussed through, [well] thought, [and] studied; 458 00:47:27,650 --> 00:47:32,050 then it has been sent to the [State] Expediency Council and has been discussed [there]; 459 00:47:32,220 --> 00:47:34,650 [and] at last, the [final] result has become these policies. 460 00:47:34,650 --> 00:47:41,400 That is, they are the product of a rational and foresighted process; 461 00:47:41,680 --> 00:47:45,000 this is why everybody has confirmed the Resistance Economy; 462 00:47:45,110 --> 00:47:48,910 that is, I do not know of a single case in which any of economists 463 00:47:48,910 --> 00:47:52,020 and of those people who are good to us, and those who are [even] against us, 464 00:47:52,540 --> 00:47:58,310 to have criticized this Resistance Economy, [and] these policies; no, they have all accepted [these policies]. 465 00:47:58,510 --> 00:48:03,480 Well, this is an integrated package, [and] must be implemented in toto. 466 00:48:03,600 --> 00:48:05,370 How can it be implemented in toto? 467 00:48:05,820 --> 00:48:13,480 When a so-called integrated executive and operational plan is presented for it; 468 00:48:14,080 --> 00:48:17,710 which this was something that I told Mr. Dr. Rouhani a while ago 469 00:48:17,820 --> 00:48:23,480 and it was decided that he should tell officials to formulate; [I hope] God willing, they would present this [plan, because] this is necessary; 470 00:48:24,110 --> 00:48:26,710 I mean we need an operational plan; 471 00:48:27,220 --> 00:48:30,420 this plan, must clarify share of [various] organs 472 00:48:30,820 --> 00:48:37,110 [and stipulate] that this is the share of that given organ from the articles of the [Resistance Economy] policies. 473 00:48:38,200 --> 00:48:43,220 Then a time must be set; time is very important; a timetable must be prepared 474 00:48:43,370 --> 00:48:47,570 [so] it would be clear that [the share of each organ] must be implemented by this set time; otherwise, in the absence of a timetable; 475 00:48:48,740 --> 00:48:54,680 there would be no guarantee that this [plan] would be even implemented under your administration. 476 00:48:54,910 --> 00:48:58,740 You want to make this operational, want to execute this [plan], 477 00:48:58,940 --> 00:49:02,200 [and] want people to take advantage of its benefits; so, you [must] set a timetable [for its implementation]. 478 00:49:03,850 --> 00:49:10,740 Firstly, necessary practical steps [that must be taken] with regard to every article must be made clear; 479 00:49:10,740 --> 00:49:13,880 [and] implementers, those organs that would be in charge [must] be determined, 480 00:49:14,200 --> 00:49:17,620 [and] in each sector necessary timetable must be set, 481 00:49:17,880 --> 00:49:22,880 [and] necessary facilities and the way to provide those facilities must be clarified. 482 00:49:23,140 --> 00:49:29,650 After all, these policies represent a practical and field activity; 483 00:49:30,680 --> 00:49:35,940 when you offer a solution, in fact, you intend to create a field activity; 484 00:49:36,170 --> 00:49:40,400 this has requirements; what are its requirements? How [these requirements] can be met? 485 00:49:40,570 --> 00:49:43,940 The [best] way to meet those requirements must be determined. 486 00:49:45,420 --> 00:49:48,770 Then, if these steps were taken, you could start monitoring, 487 00:49:49,050 --> 00:49:52,370 [and] you could follow up [on the implementation of the plan] to see if it has been [implemented] or not; 488 00:49:52,600 --> 00:49:57,620 [and to see if] a given organ has done its task or not. [In this way] the work will be done. 489 00:50:00,280 --> 00:50:06,200 The second point about the Resistance Economy is that 490 00:50:06,420 --> 00:50:10,340 all the economic programs of the Administration must 491 00:50:11,400 --> 00:50:16,650 be included in this collection of the Resistance Economy and in these policies; 492 00:50:17,170 --> 00:50:20,250 even the Sixth [Economic Development] Plan and the annual plans and budgets, 493 00:50:20,770 --> 00:50:24,050 all of them must be formulated on the basis of this Resistance Economy; 494 00:50:24,220 --> 00:50:28,370 that is, none of these [plans] in any sector 495 00:50:28,820 --> 00:50:33,020 must be at odds with these policies; not only that they must not be at odds, 496 00:50:33,170 --> 00:50:37,020 but must also totally conform to these policies [of the Resistance Economy]. 497 00:50:37,680 --> 00:50:42,710 Another point is that [economic] sectors [that are] outside the Administration must be taken into account; 498 00:50:44,110 --> 00:50:53,310 now, you may notify [the Resistance Economy’s policies] to ministries and state-run sectors 499 00:50:53,540 --> 00:50:55,740 [but] there are sectors outside the Administration; 500 00:50:55,940 --> 00:50:59,620 these [sectors] can play a role in [the implementation of] the Resistance Economy, 501 00:51:00,140 --> 00:51:05,140 including Basij; I [also] saw a report [in this regard]. In my opinion, it is very necessary 502 00:51:05,740 --> 00:51:13,220 – if Mr. President has time, or at least, Mr. Jahangiri – 503 00:51:13,680 --> 00:51:20,570 to ask and see what steps can be taken by the organ of Basij 504 00:51:20,570 --> 00:51:25,340 with regard to the resistance economy and what capacity they have; [this] is a very good capacity. 505 00:51:25,480 --> 00:51:28,200 Basij is not insignificant, [and it] is not a small thing; 506 00:51:28,740 --> 00:51:33,020 Basij is a huge and ready-to-work organ; 507 00:51:33,340 --> 00:51:36,170 invite these [Basijis to your sessions] and see what steps they can take. 508 00:51:36,170 --> 00:51:40,850 They come and present their potentialities and say ‘we have taken these steps’. 509 00:51:42,970 --> 00:51:47,620 In my opinion [there are good] potentialities. Now, I brought Basij as an example; 510 00:51:47,970 --> 00:51:49,740 there are various sectors, 511 00:51:50,110 --> 00:51:58,850 economists and the so-called economic activists outside [the Administration]; 512 00:51:58,940 --> 00:52:00,770 there are some people who have companies and do [certain] works; 513 00:52:00,850 --> 00:52:07,450 their capacities can be taken advantage of. And all these [possibilities] must be included in that general plan; 514 00:52:07,710 --> 00:52:12,480 that is, the general plan must not be simply focused on the state-run sectors. 515 00:52:12,940 --> 00:52:19,050 Therefore, the first step was to formulate this plan with these specifications. 516 00:52:19,170 --> 00:52:28,510 The next step is to form a powerful and smart and influential headquarters. 517 00:52:28,740 --> 00:52:33,450 Of course, I know that Mr. President has formed a council, 518 00:52:33,570 --> 00:52:35,940 [and] he himself takes part [in its sessions]. This is a very good step; 519 00:52:36,200 --> 00:52:38,400 however, this is not the command headquarters [that I mean]. 520 00:52:39,510 --> 00:52:44,000 Well, Mr. President has many other works to do 521 00:52:44,420 --> 00:52:49,650 to which he must also attend, [and he] cannot spend all [his] time and effort on this. 522 00:52:50,140 --> 00:52:54,080 A headquarters is needed – like command headquarters 523 00:52:54,370 --> 00:53:00,710 that we had during the war and other command headquarters have been established for other works 524 00:53:00,910 --> 00:53:05,370 which you, Mr. Rouhani, have experience in this regard 525 00:53:06,250 --> 00:53:11,600 – a command headquarters is needed to incessantly monitor, 526 00:53:11,770 --> 00:53:17,850 look and see which organ has been able and moved ahead, [and] where a problem exists. 527 00:53:17,970 --> 00:53:24,140 Because talking is very easy, [and] planning is also not very difficult, 528 00:53:24,650 --> 00:53:26,850 [but] taking practical steps is different from all this; 529 00:53:27,570 --> 00:53:30,220 well, when one wants to enter the arena and advance, 530 00:53:30,370 --> 00:53:33,850 sometimes he faces certain obstacles, which have not been predicted before; 531 00:53:34,420 --> 00:53:37,510 some [of the obstacles] may have been predicted, but there are obstacles that just come in your way; 532 00:53:37,770 --> 00:53:43,110 that headquarters must be able to remove those obstacles in an urgent manner, 533 00:53:43,200 --> 00:53:51,000 open the way, and move ahead; and [it] must be also influential. That is, [other organs] must listen [to what it orders]; 534 00:53:51,000 --> 00:53:55,770 it must not be like this that, for example, Mr. Jahangiri frequently said today that [everybody must talk] for five minutes, 535 00:53:55,940 --> 00:54:01,770 but these gentlemen increased those five minutes to, for example, seven minutes and ten minutes; 536 00:54:01,850 --> 00:54:08,140 whatever that headquarters says, everybody must really comply with. 537 00:54:09,820 --> 00:54:13,020 Then the amount of progress made must be reported to people; 538 00:54:13,140 --> 00:54:15,680 [you do this and] see what would happen in reality! 539 00:54:16,140 --> 00:54:20,620 For six months, you, for example assume, [work] in this way that I said, 540 00:54:20,800 --> 00:54:26,220 [that is,] when this plan is formulated, this headquarters should be established and work for six months; 541 00:54:27,000 --> 00:54:31,340 [then you would see that] the work would progress considerably; then come and say that to people; 542 00:54:31,570 --> 00:54:35,850 tell them that ‘we have taken these steps, [and we have] taken those steps; people would feel this in their life; 543 00:54:36,110 --> 00:54:41,850 [and] that hope and optimism toward future that you want to remain in people 544 00:54:41,940 --> 00:54:43,770 would be totally realized; 545 00:54:43,910 --> 00:54:48,940 I mean [what is done] must be reported to people 546 00:54:50,140 --> 00:54:54,620 and [of course] there must be certain indices for the assessment. 547 00:54:54,850 --> 00:55:03,820 There are a series of legislative, legal, and judicial requirements with regard to the Resistance Economy; 548 00:55:03,940 --> 00:55:06,310 the other two powers are ready to cooperate, 549 00:55:07,110 --> 00:55:12,050 both the legislative power – the Majlis – is ready to cooperate in this regard; 550 00:55:12,400 --> 00:55:16,970 [for example,] there is a law and you have to change or amend that law 551 00:55:17,680 --> 00:55:23,650 or add a new law to these [existing] laws; you would need such things; 552 00:55:24,510 --> 00:55:27,600 or sometimes a judicial measure is needed; 553 00:55:28,050 --> 00:55:34,940 the other two powers are ready to cooperate with regard to all these measures in order for the [policies of the] Resistance Economy to be implemented. 554 00:55:35,340 --> 00:55:38,800 Reference was made to the issue of stagnation; 555 00:55:39,170 --> 00:55:43,600 well, this three-percent [economic] growth that has taken place 556 00:55:43,600 --> 00:55:51,650 shows that stagnation has changed; that is, a move has been made; 557 00:55:51,940 --> 00:55:54,940 now, [we] must see in which sectors this growth has taken place, 558 00:55:55,170 --> 00:56:02,650 [and] in which sectors it is negative; the result of these positive and negative figures has added up to three percent. 559 00:56:03,680 --> 00:56:08,080 If stagnation is not seriously tackled, 560 00:56:08,370 --> 00:56:13,540 even this three-percent growth would be in jeopardy. 561 00:56:14,620 --> 00:56:18,080 The inflation would also increase [and] there would be the unemployment problem as well. 562 00:56:18,340 --> 00:56:23,280 Now, let me say here that if Mr. Nematzadeh wants to follow up [on this issue], 563 00:56:23,910 --> 00:56:28,510 [he must pay attention to] the number of factories that are not operating now 564 00:56:28,970 --> 00:56:32,740 – that is, a factory for which everything is ready and it is not operating –; 565 00:56:33,000 --> 00:56:38,770 [they] have come and reported to me [about such factories]; [they have given] an accurate number and figure; 566 00:56:40,050 --> 00:56:45,480 they have determined the number of factories that are operating under 50 percent [of their nominal capacity]; 567 00:56:46,680 --> 00:56:51,140 [and also] determined the number of factories that are operating under 70 percent [of their nominal capacity]. 568 00:56:52,250 --> 00:57:00,280 Well, now 70-percent is somehow acceptable, but under 50-percent [is not acceptable]! 569 00:57:00,910 --> 00:57:06,110 Some of these [factories] have problem with liquidity; that is, there is problem with their circulating capital 570 00:57:06,110 --> 00:57:10,140 – which this is a task for banks [and] banks must be accountable in this regard; 571 00:57:10,310 --> 00:57:16,620 that if in Resistance Economy the aforesaid basic workshop and command headquarters is launched, 572 00:57:16,770 --> 00:57:24,020 it could address all these [problems] – however, the problem with some of these [factories] is not the lack of liquidity, 573 00:57:24,680 --> 00:57:29,420 they have even obtained [bank] facilities, [and] the factory is now ready and prepared; 574 00:57:30,000 --> 00:57:33,570 there is no problem [and as for] machinery, as they have said [to me] 575 00:57:33,620 --> 00:57:37,940 machinery [installed at some of these factories] are new machinery, but they are not operating; 576 00:57:38,000 --> 00:57:40,880 why? Because they have spent facilities [that they have taken from banks] somewhere else; 577 00:57:41,250 --> 00:57:45,940 well, this needs judicial prosecution; these [cases] must be followed up; [and] you must summon such people. 578 00:57:46,080 --> 00:57:49,250 This is why I say a command headquarters [is needed]. 579 00:57:49,400 --> 00:57:53,340 Such issues [and] such points will be followed up [by that headquarters]. 580 00:57:53,420 --> 00:57:57,110 If the issue of stagnation is not addressed, 581 00:57:57,510 --> 00:58:06,880 it will affect all economic signs and indices. 582 00:58:06,880 --> 00:58:10,340 Of course, this recent law – the law to which you pointed – is a good law, 583 00:58:10,600 --> 00:58:13,110 but law [alone] is not adequate. 584 00:58:13,850 --> 00:58:19,450 Supporting production firms, supplying [necessary] liquidity, provision of circulating capital, 585 00:58:20,140 --> 00:58:25,310 [and] dealing seriously with those people who have mothballed production units, 586 00:58:26,340 --> 00:58:28,820 all of these are necessary steps. 587 00:58:29,110 --> 00:58:36,370 And in the previous session – a session I had with the officials – I said, [and] I emphasize here 588 00:58:37,310 --> 00:58:47,140 [that] the banking system must play its role; that is, the banking system must enter the arena with full force. 589 00:58:47,540 --> 00:58:52,170 One of the steps they have proposed [is that] they have told me and keep telling me that the way is paved 590 00:58:52,480 --> 00:58:57,480 [and the solution] is to assign some projects to the private sector. 591 00:58:57,850 --> 00:58:59,910 Of course, incentives must be provided to the private sector 592 00:59:00,200 --> 00:59:04,800 because there is hot money [in the country] right now, [and] there is no doubt that hot money does exist. 593 00:59:05,480 --> 00:59:09,970 As they have reported to me, 594 00:59:10,110 --> 00:59:14,570 we have 400,000-billion-toman worth of mothballed projects 595 00:59:17,400 --> 00:59:18,970 – all of which are related to the government – 596 00:59:19,310 --> 00:59:27,080 [and] if we could assign only 10 percent of these [projects] to the private sector, 597 00:59:27,080 --> 00:59:28,600 you see what would happen; 598 00:59:29,280 --> 00:59:34,680 40,000 billion tomans [of capital] would become operational suddenly [and] this is very important. 599 00:59:34,850 --> 00:59:39,680 I mean, out of these projects that are currently mothballed – that is, out of these 400,000 billion tomans – 600 00:59:39,940 --> 00:59:45,000 if 10 percent is assigned to the private sector, an important development will take place in the country. 601 00:59:45,280 --> 00:59:50,970 This is one of those steps for which plans must be made and work must be done. 602 00:59:51,110 --> 00:59:53,050 The agriculture sector is also very important. 603 00:59:53,050 --> 00:59:59,540 Of course, I believe that [Agriculture Minister] Mr. Hojjati can really work. 604 00:59:59,540 --> 01:00:07,540 In my opinion, he is among ministers with good track records in his work and can really do this; 605 01:00:07,970 --> 01:00:15,400 however, what I expect from him and his organ 606 01:00:15,600 --> 01:00:19,170 is to achieve self-sufficiency in production of vital products; 607 01:00:19,740 --> 01:00:24,020 that is, [when it comes to] self-sufficiency, do not pay attention to [aimless] talk and gossip [you hear] from this or that [person] 608 01:00:24,020 --> 01:00:28,740 that ‘wheat is less expensive outside [of Iran]’ and the likes of that. We must achieve self-sufficiency; 609 01:00:28,880 --> 01:00:36,740 [and] we must achieve self-sufficiency with regard to vital products. 610 01:00:37,170 --> 01:00:40,480 Agriculture engineers must be taken advantage of. 611 01:00:40,850 --> 01:00:50,370 Once I told Mr. Rouhani that I had traveled to one of the provinces – I think it was [during my] trip to Hamedan Province – 612 01:00:51,110 --> 01:00:56,310 [and] there, officials who went [to various places] and examined [the situation], informed me that 613 01:00:56,480 --> 01:01:03,800 agriculture was very prosperous in various parts of that province; 614 01:01:03,800 --> 01:01:08,770 [when] they asked [about the reason], it became clear that young agriculture engineers had been hired there 615 01:01:09,310 --> 01:01:11,740 and that province, fortunately, had many [of such engineers]. 616 01:01:12,340 --> 01:01:16,140 [The engineers] had gone there and helped these [people] and [people] had listened to them. 617 01:01:16,540 --> 01:01:19,540 This [issue] helps this [step to be taken]. This needs planning; 618 01:01:20,050 --> 01:01:24,140 [and] it is not very difficult either; [it] needs a [public] call, needs identification [of available potentialities], 619 01:01:24,280 --> 01:01:26,880 needs planning, [and] needs division [of labor] 620 01:01:27,280 --> 01:01:32,050 and these steps you can take in order for these [agriculture engineers] to be taken advantage of. 621 01:01:32,420 --> 01:01:36,480 [Another issue is to take advantage of] modern technology; this very issue of water that they pointed out 622 01:01:36,480 --> 01:01:41,000 – [that is,] distribution of water and, as they say, optimal use of water – is very important. 623 01:01:41,400 --> 01:01:44,480 Preventing imports [is also important]; look, I once again emphasize. 624 01:01:44,620 --> 01:01:49,110 Now you would say ‘we have blocked imports’, but there are fruits in the market that [are imported]. 625 01:01:50,050 --> 01:01:56,540 From where Iran can fetch fruits that would be better than our own fruit? 626 01:01:57,880 --> 01:02:05,480 Once when I was the president, a person from an Arab country – whose name I don’t mention – had come [to visit me and] 627 01:02:05,710 --> 01:02:11,740 as souvenir, he had brought me a very exquisite package of dates. 628 01:02:13,020 --> 01:02:17,250 I said ‘this is a clear example of carrying coals to Newcastle’. 629 01:02:17,650 --> 01:02:22,940 We have all these dates [in our country] – these high-quality dates, [and] these various dates in south of the country, 630 01:02:22,940 --> 01:02:29,620 both in Fars province, and in Khuzestan and Baluchestan [provinces] 631 01:02:31,000 --> 01:02:34,110 – now, he has brought me dates; but in a package. 632 01:02:34,110 --> 01:02:39,880 Right at that time, I took it to the Cabinet [session and] 633 01:02:40,340 --> 01:02:44,680 said, ‘compare these dates to our dates! 634 01:02:45,250 --> 01:02:48,450 Our dates are better than these, but how beautiful is this packaging’. 635 01:02:49,020 --> 01:02:55,080 At that time, our dates were [packed] in some kind of bags, [or] were kicked into mats, 636 01:02:55,170 --> 01:02:58,650 [then they] tied its top and presented it [to the market]! Now, of course, [conditions] are slightly better. 637 01:03:17,340 --> 01:03:20,650 At any rate, fruit imports are unnecessary imports. 638 01:03:21,170 --> 01:03:26,050 A basic problem, which is mostly [related to] Ministry of Agriculture 639 01:03:26,200 --> 01:03:30,480 – but is not limited to Ministry of Agriculture – is to focus on villages. 640 01:03:31,050 --> 01:03:37,050 I mean this must be really made one of the basic sections of state planning; 641 01:03:37,280 --> 01:03:39,370 we must focus on villages. 642 01:03:39,820 --> 01:03:45,740 I have talked a lot about this in different years, but this has not happened in practice. 643 01:03:46,910 --> 01:03:52,450 We must take conversion industries to villages, [and take them] to some cities. 644 01:03:52,540 --> 01:03:59,480 I saw in [the city of] Urumiyeh that apples were strewn around on the ground! They said ‘this is worth nothing. 645 01:03:59,620 --> 01:04:08,080 The money we pay workers is much more than the money that we earn by selling these apples, 646 01:04:08,880 --> 01:04:12,940 or peaches, [or] apricots, [or] grapes’. Well, conversion industries are needed there. 647 01:04:13,170 --> 01:04:18,220 In many various places in the country, we have such fruits which at times 648 01:04:18,420 --> 01:04:22,820 it is not profitable for the owner of the garden to collect these fruits. 649 01:04:23,280 --> 01:04:27,050 If we have conversion industries [there], [and] if we have drier [facility], 650 01:04:27,850 --> 01:04:32,280 [and] we can take advantage of these [industries] there, we must do this. 651 01:04:32,850 --> 01:04:37,340 And there are extraordinary capacities [in this regard]; it is really extraordinary. 652 01:04:38,140 --> 01:04:42,650 I saw a tomato in [the city of] Iranshahr which was as big as a small melon! 653 01:04:44,510 --> 01:04:47,600 It was not just one [tomato]; basically tomatoes [grown there were this size]. 654 01:04:48,200 --> 01:04:58,250 There was a garden between Bampour and Iranshahr – when I was in exile there – 655 01:04:59,140 --> 01:05:03,050 [and] they invited me and brought me a tomato, [which was] as big as a small melon! 656 01:05:04,050 --> 01:05:07,250 [They] brought me an onion [which was] as big as my fist! 657 01:05:07,510 --> 01:05:10,340 I remember that I took the onion in my hand, 658 01:05:10,910 --> 01:05:13,820 [and] said I want to measure this; I can say [that] 659 01:05:13,970 --> 01:05:14,800 it was as big as this [fist of mine]; 660 01:05:15,020 --> 01:05:18,200 I could not wrap my fingers round it, when I took that onion in my hand. 661 01:05:18,620 --> 01:05:21,620 I mean, it was this big! Well, we have all these. 662 01:05:22,820 --> 01:05:28,000 Such potentialities [exist] in many places across the country. 663 01:05:28,420 --> 01:05:32,770 If we attach importance to rural industries, if we attach importance to villages, 664 01:05:32,770 --> 01:05:35,220 if we attach importance to these orchardists, 665 01:05:36,710 --> 01:05:44,370 this would be the best service to villages and to our poor [people] in villages and in other places. 666 01:05:44,650 --> 01:05:50,620 I have also written some notes on the mineral sector here, but the time has passed 667 01:05:51,200 --> 01:05:54,570 – [and] let’s not put too much pressure on Mr. Nematzadeh! 668 01:05:56,000 --> 01:05:59,200 What has been reported to me [is that] 669 01:05:59,770 --> 01:06:05,540 we are [currently] extracting at most 15 percent of the country’s mineral capacity; 670 01:06:07,110 --> 01:06:16,740 [just] 15 percent! We must replace mines with oil; that is, we must be really able [to do this]. 671 01:06:16,740 --> 01:06:23,020 Many years ago – maybe 20 years ago – I said [this to] the Cabinet at that time. 672 01:06:23,110 --> 01:06:26,200 We must do something that whenever we wanted, 673 01:06:26,600 --> 01:06:28,940 we would put a cap on our oil wells; 674 01:06:29,770 --> 01:06:35,540 [we must] neither be afraid of shortage of customer, nor be afraid of not having markets, 675 01:06:35,680 --> 01:06:41,280 nor be afraid of not having oil money; we must reach such a point. 676 01:06:42,970 --> 01:06:48,480 Well, we must really start to think; [because] we must [find a] substitute for oil. 677 01:06:48,620 --> 01:06:50,850 You see at what situation the oil [market] is 678 01:06:51,480 --> 01:06:58,110 [at the moment]! Just a gesture by [world] powers and evil elements in the region [who are] in collusion [with each other] 679 01:06:58,110 --> 01:07:01,600 will cause the oil [price] to suddenly fall from 100 dollars [per barrel] to 40 dollars! 680 01:07:02,200 --> 01:07:06,880 How many months did it take from the time [that global oil price] started to fall from 100 dollars [per barrel] up to now? 681 01:07:07,800 --> 01:07:09,940 Well, this [commodity] cannot be trusted; 682 01:07:10,200 --> 01:07:15,310 one cannot [consider] this as part of the economic fate of the country 683 01:07:15,540 --> 01:07:19,680 and [a source for] the livelihood of a country and connect it to such a thing. 684 01:07:21,770 --> 01:07:26,170 Oil belongs to us, [however,] it is both controlled by others, 685 01:07:26,940 --> 01:07:29,450 and most of its revenue belongs to others. 686 01:07:29,570 --> 01:07:33,280 More than the advantage that we take of oil exports, 687 01:07:33,280 --> 01:07:38,480 that oil importing government in Europe or elsewhere takes advantage [of it], 688 01:07:38,600 --> 01:07:42,570 which is levying tax [on oil imports] and levies other [duties]. We are giving our oil to get money, 689 01:07:42,970 --> 01:07:46,820 [but] it takes the oil from us and [also] takes money from its own people. 690 01:07:47,080 --> 01:07:50,650 Those governments are more benefited by oil sales than our government. 691 01:07:51,000 --> 01:07:54,710 What kind of loss-ridden deal is this? 692 01:07:55,710 --> 01:07:59,540 Well, of course, in some cases we have to produce oil, [because] we have no [other] choice. 693 01:07:59,540 --> 01:08:02,200 However, I am not happy from the bottom of my heart 694 01:08:02,310 --> 01:08:10,200 when I [hear] the statistics of increased [oil] exports and increased [oil] production; 695 01:08:10,680 --> 01:08:17,540 I always think that we must find a substitute for this. 696 01:08:18,510 --> 01:08:25,310 Therefore, if we wanted to find a substitute, one of the best substitutes is mines. 697 01:08:26,110 --> 01:08:30,970 Then [when it comes to] mines, sale of raw mineral [materials] must be seriously avoided. 698 01:08:31,420 --> 01:08:35,970 We have valuable mines. 699 01:08:36,340 --> 01:08:41,650 In Kerman Province or in south of Khorasan [Province], there are very valuable stones. 700 01:08:41,650 --> 01:08:45,570 [That] we suddenly extract this stone just as it is, send it to Italy 701 01:08:45,850 --> 01:08:51,570 so that they would then convert it [to a more valuable product] and avail themselves of its added value [on a scale] of tens times [higher], 702 01:08:51,770 --> 01:09:00,080 [and] perhaps send them back to us and export [the processed stone] to our country, 703 01:09:00,480 --> 01:09:07,800 [it will cause] one to feel really exasperated that such a thing could happen. Therefore, this is also a problem. 704 01:09:09,310 --> 01:09:14,110 And in my opinion, in the case of mines, the issue of the private sector is also important. 705 01:09:14,510 --> 01:09:18,450 And in provinces, as they have reported to me, 706 01:09:18,450 --> 01:09:24,050 governors general and people of this sort say that they can get the private sector involved 707 01:09:24,400 --> 01:09:27,450 in the case of mines and in some other places. 708 01:09:27,570 --> 01:09:31,200 The issue of water, which I have jotted down, is very important. 709 01:09:31,370 --> 01:09:36,740 The point [referred to] by Mr. Chitchian [minister of energy] is totally correct. Reduced level of underground water is really important. 710 01:09:37,280 --> 01:09:42,050 This plan that now you say you have made, is not enough 711 01:09:42,250 --> 01:09:45,450 – [because] planning is only 50 percent of the work or less – 712 01:09:46,020 --> 01:09:49,140 [and you] have to move after [making] this plan, [and] start to work. 713 01:09:49,200 --> 01:09:52,970 Of course, you are the one to do this, thank God. 714 01:09:53,480 --> 01:10:00,220 [In addition to] saving water, correcting irrigation [methods], and cultivation model in every region [are also necessary]. 715 01:10:00,570 --> 01:10:04,510 The last word is about the Sixth [Economic Development] Plan, which is getting late. 716 01:10:05,370 --> 01:10:10,910 You must, God willing, prepare the Sixth Plan as soon as possible, 717 01:10:11,020 --> 01:10:15,820 as I said, in total conformity to [the principles of] the Resistance Economy, 718 01:10:16,220 --> 01:10:18,600 and submit it to the Majlis sooner 719 01:10:18,770 --> 01:10:30,970 because, in my opinion, it must be approved this year; that is this step must be taken as soon as possible. 720 01:10:31,140 --> 01:10:35,770 Bring the Majlis into this, [and] into the middle of the arena as well, 721 01:10:35,910 --> 01:10:41,650 so that, our friends in the Majlis will come and seriously follow up [on this plan]. God willing, you would be able [to do that]. 722 01:10:42,880 --> 01:10:46,220 The Almighty may, God willing, help you. 723 01:10:47,140 --> 01:10:53,000 “He is the one who sent down tranquility into the hearts of the believers so that they would add [more] faith to their [present] faith;” 724 01:10:53,820 --> 01:10:58,000 may God bestow tranquility on the hearts of all of you and us, 725 01:10:58,450 --> 01:11:07,850 which this tranquility and serenity would be the opposite of this so-called storminess 726 01:11:08,110 --> 01:11:14,510 and turbulence of minds and thoughts, and this causes one’s faith to be increased: [as put by the Quran], 727 01:11:14,570 --> 01:11:17,080 "so that they would add [more] faith to their [present] faith;” 728 01:11:17,480 --> 01:11:18,770 that is that tranquility [will lead to stronger faith] 729 01:11:18,970 --> 01:11:22,850 The tranquility comes from the divine power, then the Almighty says in the Quran: 730 01:11:22,940 --> 01:11:27,680 “And to Allah belong the soldiers of the Heavens and the Earth, and Allah is All-Knowing and Wise.” 731 01:11:27,940 --> 01:11:33,420 The Almighty may, God willing, help you. I, well, like always pray for you. 732 01:11:34,310 --> 01:11:40,820 And working for people, working for God, working with devotion, 733 01:11:41,710 --> 01:11:45,880 God willing, should be on the agenda of all of us 734 01:11:46,140 --> 01:11:49,370 and the Almighty God would, God willing, bestow His blessing and accept [our efforts.] 735 01:11:50,140 --> 01:11:53,110 Peace be unto you and so may the mercy of Allah and His blessings.