1 00:01:02,360 --> 00:01:04,400 In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful 2 00:01:04,640 --> 00:01:06,400 الحمدلله ربّ العالمين 3 00:01:07,560 --> 00:01:11,680 و الصّلاة و السّلام علي سيّدنا محمّد و ءاله الطّاهرين 4 00:01:22,560 --> 00:01:25,160 سيّما بقيّة الله في الارضين 5 00:01:26,320 --> 00:01:31,040 You are very welcome my dear ones, good youths; 6 00:01:33,440 --> 00:01:41,320 and I am truly, whole-heartedly, and deeply happy with this meeting. 7 00:01:45,000 --> 00:01:50,520 The energetic and lively and motivated presence of youths 8 00:01:52,440 --> 00:02:00,800 in the field of various issues of the country is a very important issue; 9 00:02:01,080 --> 00:02:03,560 [and] is a very important development. 10 00:02:06,840 --> 00:02:12,080 I have written down something to present; 11 00:02:12,600 --> 00:02:24,000 [let me] say it right here: Iranian youth is, fortunately, a motivated and enthusiastic youth 12 00:02:26,360 --> 00:02:29,400 [and] is quite the opposite of what 13 00:02:31,160 --> 00:02:49,600 some biased statistics centers and mostly with foreign origin or basically foreign, announce. 14 00:02:49,960 --> 00:02:53,800 They say Iranian youth is depressed; 15 00:02:56,960 --> 00:02:58,920 [and] they also make up a classification 16 00:03:01,560 --> 00:03:13,360 and say Iranian youth is at a certain degree of depression – which is a very high degree. 17 00:03:14,880 --> 00:03:20,600 This is a sheer and vicious lie which is being said today 18 00:03:20,600 --> 00:03:25,240 and has been [used as] an excuse for [taking] a series of other wrong measures; 19 00:03:26,560 --> 00:03:34,360 [they say] Iranian youth is depressed, so we must create a happy environment for them; how? 20 00:03:35,120 --> 00:03:40,360 By [holding] music concerts, by [organizing] co-ed sessions and campaigns, 21 00:03:41,680 --> 00:03:46,000 and [by giving them] such and such freedoms; this is the sequel to that [first] claim. 22 00:03:47,640 --> 00:03:57,360 No, [it is] quite the opposite, Iranian youth today is among the most joyful and the most active and the liveliest youths [in the world]. 23 00:03:59,440 --> 00:04:06,080 You look at the Western world, [to see that] the European youth is depressed; 24 00:04:07,800 --> 00:04:11,280 [this is why] suicide figures are so high there. 25 00:04:14,160 --> 00:04:21,080 Depression is where a young person, under [all kinds of] spiritual pressures, 26 00:04:22,240 --> 00:04:29,080 takes up gun and goes to a safe and apparently serene coast 27 00:04:29,520 --> 00:04:34,360 and kills about 80 children with gunfire; 28 00:04:34,560 --> 00:04:41,280 [this is] what happened about two [or] three years ago in one of European countries 29 00:04:41,520 --> 00:04:46,360 of which all people were informed and was reverberated in the world. This is depression. 30 00:04:48,840 --> 00:05:02,200 Depression is that a European youth joins ISIS to commit suicide. 31 00:05:04,160 --> 00:05:15,320 I have reports which show that a large number of suicidal elements of ISIS are European youths; 32 00:05:16,920 --> 00:05:21,760 they want to commit suicide, [and] think that this suicide is exciting 33 00:05:22,720 --> 00:05:31,240 and is better than drowning oneself in, for example, a given river in a European country. [Therefore,] they come here; 34 00:05:33,040 --> 00:05:39,120 as a result of complete depression, they look for excitement; [therefore] they are the ones who are depressed. 35 00:05:41,400 --> 00:05:51,800 The Iranian youth, who on the 23rd day of the month of Ramadan, whose previous night he had spent in [religious] ceremony of Ahya, 36 00:05:52,800 --> 00:06:02,360 while fasting, and in the extreme heat of summer, comes into the street to demonstrate, 37 00:06:02,720 --> 00:06:10,160 [and] then sits under the Sun and takes part in Friday Prayers; 38 00:06:10,720 --> 00:06:17,240 he is miles away from depression [because] he is happy [and] he is lively. 39 00:06:19,120 --> 00:06:26,480 Today’s meeting with you and the remarks that my dear children and my dear youths made, 40 00:06:27,960 --> 00:06:34,000 which covered a wide spectrum of issues, are all signs of liveliness; 41 00:06:34,320 --> 00:06:42,320 [and] this impresses me and the likes of me. 42 00:06:42,920 --> 00:06:48,520 I mean, this liveliness impresses those who listen to you and your audience. 43 00:06:50,560 --> 00:06:58,120 At any rate, I am very happy with today’s meeting and I thank every one of those who talked here. 44 00:06:58,640 --> 00:07:03,680 I have also jotted down certain points 45 00:07:04,840 --> 00:07:17,840 to say things under the remarks of these gentlemen and these ladies who talked here; 46 00:07:18,200 --> 00:07:19,840 I don’t know if we would have time or not. 47 00:07:22,760 --> 00:07:29,640 A sentence was uttered by one of the dear [youths] and [one of the] students. 48 00:07:30,440 --> 00:07:33,360 He said slogans cannot accomplish anything; 49 00:07:34,120 --> 00:07:42,720 yes, if this [slogan] means that we keep chanting slogans, but never act, 50 00:07:42,720 --> 00:07:47,160 yes, this is true, mere sloganeering will achieve nothing. 51 00:07:47,600 --> 00:07:54,520 However, you should not underestimate the slogan; slogans are important. 52 00:07:56,400 --> 00:08:01,640 I don’t forget [that] many years before the [Islamic] Revolution in Mashhad, 53 00:08:02,800 --> 00:08:06,520 we had a student session in which I interpreted [the Quran]. 54 00:08:07,800 --> 00:08:15,920 A group of students, which was a considerable population compared to the [total] population of that time – a few hundreds of students 55 00:08:16,360 --> 00:08:25,120 [or] less came together at a place – and I interpreted [the Quran]; the details [of that session] are too many. 56 00:08:25,120 --> 00:08:35,920 A person chanted an slogan in that session; I managed that session through some arrangement [and] through some prediction; 57 00:08:36,320 --> 00:08:44,760 that is, I transferred the basic and principled revolutionary issues [to students] in the course of interpreting the verses [of the Quran]; 58 00:08:44,760 --> 00:08:54,560 I did not like [to do something that] due to [some] superficial actions, the [political] system would become sensitive and stop our work. 59 00:08:54,560 --> 00:08:57,680 I said in my remarks, “Please don’t chant slogans; 60 00:08:58,600 --> 00:09:01,600 [because] slogan is neither a remark, nor an action. 61 00:09:02,120 --> 00:09:10,200 It is not a remark because it is just one word; and is not an action, because it is just a voice coming out of your voice box. 62 00:09:11,360 --> 00:09:18,480 ” I said this in my address there. The next week on the day of the session, one of the students said, 63 00:09:18,840 --> 00:09:26,960 “I want to object to what a person said last week.” 64 00:09:28,240 --> 00:09:35,160 I said, “[No problem] you may object.” He added, “He said a slogan is neither a remark, nor an action 65 00:09:35,880 --> 00:09:38,520 while a slogan happens to be both a remark and an action. 66 00:09:40,760 --> 00:09:49,360 It is a remark because it is a word and conveys an important theme. 67 00:09:49,920 --> 00:09:58,800 Yes. It is a sentence, but is indicative of a collection of theme and content. 68 00:10:00,280 --> 00:10:04,800 Therefore, you who are the one who is used to talking – I was the one who talked, 69 00:10:04,800 --> 00:10:09,600 I talked and expressed [various things] – should appreciate this remark. 70 00:10:09,840 --> 00:10:13,920 And it is also an action because it is inciting; 71 00:10:14,800 --> 00:10:20,800 slogans bring humans into the scene, mobilize them, [and] set direction; therefore, it is an action. 72 00:10:21,640 --> 00:10:30,960 Yes, contrary to what the teacher said – he was alluding to me – who said slogan is neither a remark nor an action; 73 00:10:31,200 --> 00:10:36,200 slogan is both a remark and an action.”That young student, who said this that day, 74 00:10:36,200 --> 00:10:39,920 is now one of the officials of the country and all of you know him. 75 00:10:41,600 --> 00:10:51,160 I was sitting there and was ready to talk; when I listened [to him], I said, “This gentleman is right, 76 00:10:51,760 --> 00:10:54,680 [and he] is telling the truth. A slogan is both a remark and an action.” 77 00:10:54,920 --> 00:11:03,480 I say the same to you right now. If slogan is good, rich in content, rich in theme, 78 00:11:04,160 --> 00:11:12,880 [and] indicative of an intellectual truth that can be promoted, it would be both a remark and an action. 79 00:11:13,640 --> 00:11:17,240 [Therefore,] putting it forth would be orientating and inciting. 80 00:11:19,080 --> 00:11:26,800 Therefore, if somebody come out and, for example, just keep repeating the term “Resistance Economy” that I said, 81 00:11:26,960 --> 00:11:33,840 [and] it is not followed by an action, yes, by merely repeating this term, nothing would be accomplished. 82 00:11:35,000 --> 00:11:45,160 However, this very slogan of “Resistance Economy,” if it is pursued and repeated in the minds and words of the country’s activists, 83 00:11:45,840 --> 00:11:51,000 among the most important of whom are you students 84 00:11:51,000 --> 00:12:00,040 – which now if, God willing, we had time before the prayers call, I would explain – then it would be important. 85 00:12:00,400 --> 00:12:06,400 Another issue, which was raised here, was restrictions considered for [the activities] of revolutionary organizations; 86 00:12:06,680 --> 00:12:11,800 which this issue was raised by a number of these dear youths here, [and] it has been also reported to me. 87 00:12:12,040 --> 00:12:17,520 Right here, I tell the esteemed officials who are present – esteemed ministers – 88 00:12:18,520 --> 00:12:24,720 that [you must] by no means let those people, who occupy key posts, 89 00:12:25,440 --> 00:12:29,120 to impose restrictions on revolutionary organizations and Islamic organizations. 90 00:12:29,680 --> 00:12:36,680 This should not be absolutely allowed and the room [for such organizations] should not be restricted; 91 00:12:36,680 --> 00:12:40,720 let Islamic organizations and revolutionary organizations [do their work]. 92 00:12:41,200 --> 00:12:44,080 Well, these remarks that were made here, these are my remarks; 93 00:12:45,000 --> 00:12:49,120 these are the same things that I should say; [and] are the same things that we must do; 94 00:12:50,040 --> 00:12:56,800 these young people who are saying these things, which now I will explain about the very effective role of saying 95 00:12:56,800 --> 00:13:00,800 and [then] repeating and repeating these remarks by students; 96 00:13:01,600 --> 00:13:04,040 let them say these things; let them come and work; 97 00:13:04,280 --> 00:13:08,080 let student organizations, [as well as] revolutionary and Islamic organizations 98 00:13:08,080 --> 00:13:14,760 – among which I especially emphasize on revolutionary organizations – to have maneuvering room, 99 00:13:14,920 --> 00:13:19,520 to have facilities, [and] don’t restrict them. 100 00:13:22,600 --> 00:13:26,320 One issue was the issue of [holding] concerts in universities, 101 00:13:29,600 --> 00:13:33,600 which was raised by a dear student that university is no place for [music] concerts. This is true; 102 00:13:33,760 --> 00:13:37,480 I have also written this down and this issue is among my notes. 103 00:13:39,240 --> 00:13:48,800 That we come and take students, on our own assumption to enliven the student environment 104 00:13:49,440 --> 00:13:56,760 , to co-ed camps or organize music concerts in university is among the most erroneous things to do. 105 00:13:59,840 --> 00:14:06,840 For [encouraging] student activities and student effort and student liveliness, there are other ways. 106 00:14:07,280 --> 00:14:15,440 They [students] should not be encouraged to commit sin, [and] they should not be encouraged to tear away the covers of piety 107 00:14:15,440 --> 00:14:22,160 – which fortunately religious youth today insist to maintain. 108 00:14:23,240 --> 00:14:29,280 They should be directed toward the Heavens, not toward the Hell. 109 00:14:31,160 --> 00:14:33,880 Yes, such measures have no place in universities at all. 110 00:14:33,880 --> 00:14:39,200 Of course, I saw the signs of this issue and problem many years ago 111 00:14:40,120 --> 00:14:46,200 – when a student organization at that time made a move in a university – 112 00:14:47,000 --> 00:14:57,160 and also warned [against it], but unfortunately [that warning] was not followed and we paid a price for it; 113 00:14:57,520 --> 00:15:05,520 we paid a price for a number of years. Today, such measures should not be allowed; 114 00:15:06,640 --> 00:15:11,080 these [remarks] are not against freedom seeking, 115 00:15:11,960 --> 00:15:18,360 [because] taking such steps is not a sign of inclination toward freedom and freedom seeking. 116 00:15:20,080 --> 00:15:26,160 These are the same things that the enemies of the Iranian society and the Muslim society and the Islamic civilization 117 00:15:26,520 --> 00:15:31,120 and especially the enemies of the Iranian student, follow 118 00:15:31,120 --> 00:15:34,760 in order not to allow [people] the likes of [Majid] Shahriyari (assassinated nuclear scientist) be trained among these [students], 119 00:15:36,600 --> 00:15:39,360 [and] the likes of [Mostafa] Chamran (a physicist and former official) be trained among these [students]; 120 00:15:41,480 --> 00:15:46,120 they lived with purity, [and] lived with piety.This is not only about the nuclear issue. 121 00:15:47,240 --> 00:15:49,720 These [academic] disciplines that you hear 122 00:15:49,960 --> 00:15:55,680 and in our statistics [they] say we are among eight countries in the world, [or] among nine countries, [or] among ten countries 123 00:15:57,280 --> 00:15:59,280 that have achieved a given progress; 124 00:15:59,680 --> 00:16:06,080 most vanguards of such works are religious youths, [and are] revolutionary youths; 125 00:16:06,400 --> 00:16:09,320 this is true both about the nuclear issue, and the [issue] of nano[-technology], 126 00:16:09,320 --> 00:16:13,240 and in many other research fields that [exist] today. 127 00:16:13,480 --> 00:16:19,280 All these [disciplines] are in control of faithful youths, religious youths, [and] revolutionary youths; 128 00:16:20,200 --> 00:16:22,640 it is these people who have done these great jobs. 129 00:16:24,760 --> 00:16:32,400 [Now is it appropriate that] we take [our] children away from the revolutionary tendency and Islamic and religious tendency and tendency to spirituality 130 00:16:32,400 --> 00:16:36,000 with these wrong steps?This is among the most erroneous things to do; 131 00:16:37,120 --> 00:16:45,840 of course, both respectable ministers have my trust, but they must keep a sharp eye on their subordinates; 132 00:16:46,360 --> 00:16:54,400 [they must] be totally watchful of those who have the key to doing such things; 133 00:16:55,640 --> 00:16:59,440 [they must] know what is being done. This was another point. 134 00:17:00,240 --> 00:17:04,000 Another point that was pointed out by one of the dear students 135 00:17:04,200 --> 00:17:07,960 [was that] free thinking forums in the proper sense of the world should be formed. 136 00:17:08,480 --> 00:17:14,040 This is totally right; I agree that free thinking forums [should] be formed. 137 00:17:14,200 --> 00:17:17,960 I [have already] said that free thinking forums [should be formed]; [and] this was my opinion from the outset; 138 00:17:17,960 --> 00:17:19,960 somebody should come and express his opposite view; 139 00:17:20,440 --> 00:17:25,560 however, you, the Muslim revolutionary young students who are devoted to Velayat [Faqih] 140 00:17:25,800 --> 00:17:33,600 should gain that much power of logic and the power of argument to be able to go ahead 141 00:17:33,600 --> 00:17:39,240 and face him in cold blood and nullify his argument. This is good, 142 00:17:40,360 --> 00:17:44,280 this is correct. And this is possible today; 143 00:17:44,960 --> 00:17:50,600 [perhaps] ten years ago, twelve years ago, fifteen years ago, this step was not possible; [but] today it is possible. 144 00:17:50,600 --> 00:17:56,480 Today, those young people who are active in the field of religion 145 00:17:56,920 --> 00:18:03,880 and enjoy good intellectual abilities are many; [so there is] no problem [to form such forms]. 146 00:18:04,280 --> 00:18:08,560 Of course, it has its own rites and arrangements; 147 00:18:09,000 --> 00:18:13,400 hat is, free thinking forum has its own rites and arrangements, 148 00:18:13,400 --> 00:18:18,200 which the pundits having posts in state organs should come together and determine this arrangement and rite 149 00:18:18,360 --> 00:18:26,360 – which could direct these forums to do their job correctly. 150 00:18:26,640 --> 00:18:27,960 This is also one point. 151 00:18:28,400 --> 00:18:36,520 Another point [was that] they said [some] people as representative of the Leader speak on behalf of the Leader. 152 00:18:36,680 --> 00:18:41,120 Well, thank God, I am still able to talk; 153 00:18:42,160 --> 00:18:44,600 what I say takes precedence over what they say. 154 00:18:45,640 --> 00:18:47,960 What I say is my viewpoint; 155 00:18:48,400 --> 00:18:55,080 [and] those people who talk – the representatives of the Leader and the appointees of the Leader and the likes of them who are many 156 00:18:55,640 --> 00:19:00,200 – do not speak on my behalf; pay attention to this. 157 00:19:00,600 --> 00:19:03,840 With regard to this issue that was especially mentioned, that person whose name was mentioned here, 158 00:19:04,160 --> 00:19:09,680 that person had expressed his own view; he had not said anything on the Leader’s behalf. 159 00:19:09,920 --> 00:19:13,440 I also expressed my own view; both before that and after that; 160 00:19:13,720 --> 00:19:15,880 well, you can hear my word from me. 161 00:19:15,920 --> 00:19:19,400 Yes, a person may be among the appointees of the Leader 162 00:19:19,760 --> 00:19:22,920 , [and] have a different viewpoint from the Leader on a certain issue; 163 00:19:23,040 --> 00:19:24,960 there is no problem with that; such a situation also exists. 164 00:19:25,720 --> 00:19:30,080 Many of these respectable gentlemen who are appointees of the Leader, 165 00:19:30,200 --> 00:19:34,480 with regard to a given specific political or social or ideological issue 166 00:19:34,640 --> 00:19:39,480 may have an opinion other than the Leader’s opinion; I don’t see this as a problem. 167 00:19:40,400 --> 00:19:45,080 What matters to me is general orientations [and] revolutionary orientations. 168 00:19:45,200 --> 00:19:48,560 Otherwise, with regard to every issue we don’t sit [together] and coordinate [our views] 169 00:19:49,080 --> 00:19:54,680 to see whether our views are the same with regard to a given issue or not; well, he has expressed his own view. 170 00:19:55,440 --> 00:19:59,880 It is not possible that anywhere anyone of my representatives said something, 171 00:20:00,040 --> 00:20:04,520 I immediately tell him that “Mister! You said this wrong, [and] said that right, 172 00:20:04,720 --> 00:20:07,840 [so] tell your public relations to announce [this];” no, this is not possible. 173 00:20:08,200 --> 00:20:16,280 Yes, if somebody says something on my behalf and I hear about it and it is wrong, 174 00:20:16,640 --> 00:20:20,160 I will immediately notify him; [this] has happened frequently; 175 00:20:20,840 --> 00:20:25,480 I have notified [them] telling [them] that you yourself should correct this, [and] that person has corrected it. 176 00:20:26,320 --> 00:20:29,600 I don’t consider it appropriate that if somebody said something [wrong] 177 00:20:29,600 --> 00:20:35,320 I issue a statement here that a given person has done a wrong thing to say this; this is not possible. 178 00:20:36,120 --> 00:20:41,080 Anytime that against my opinion – of course on my behalf; not if he has said something in his own words – 179 00:20:41,320 --> 00:20:44,680 [if they have] said something on my behalf, I will inform [them] and say, “Mister! 180 00:20:44,760 --> 00:20:51,200 I have heard that you have said this on my behalf and you must correct this.” This is [sufficient] about this point. 181 00:20:51,600 --> 00:20:54,000 Another point that they [students] asked 182 00:20:54,320 --> 00:20:57,640 [was that] what would happen to the struggle against the [world] arrogance after the [end of the nuclear] negotiations? 183 00:20:57,880 --> 00:21:00,880 Well, can struggle against the arrogance be stopped? 184 00:21:02,840 --> 00:21:06,920 Struggling against the arrogance and struggling against the hegemonic system cannot be stopped. 185 00:21:07,120 --> 00:21:13,320 This is also among those things that I happened to write down today to tell you. 186 00:21:14,160 --> 00:21:19,560 This is among our jobs, among our basic jobs, [and] is among the fundaments of the revolution. 187 00:21:21,280 --> 00:21:26,320 That is, in the absence of struggling against the arrogance, we would not be followers of the Quran at all. 188 00:21:26,520 --> 00:21:28,560 Struggling against the arrogance cannot be stopped. 189 00:21:29,080 --> 00:21:36,280 As for the examples of the arrogance, America is the most complete example of the arrogance. 190 00:21:38,360 --> 00:21:43,040 I told these esteemed officials who are negotiating on the nuclear issue 191 00:21:44,000 --> 00:21:49,680 – which now they have been permitted that officials [from both sides] talk to each other face to face; 192 00:21:49,800 --> 00:21:54,640 of course, it had precedent, not at this level, [but] at lower levels, it had precedent; 193 00:21:55,000 --> 00:21:56,560 at this level it was the first time [that such negotiations took place] 194 00:21:56,560 --> 00:22:01,320 – that “you have only the right to negotiate with regard to the nuclear issue; 195 00:22:01,640 --> 00:22:05,680 you have not the right to negotiate on any other issue” and they don’t [negotiate on other issues]. 196 00:22:07,000 --> 00:22:12,560 That opposite side, sometimes raises regional issues and [the situation] in Syria and Yemen and the likes of that [during nuclear negotiations]; 197 00:22:12,560 --> 00:22:16,600 and these [Iranian negotiators] say, “We have nothing to discuss with you and don’t talk to you on these issues.” 198 00:22:17,520 --> 00:22:19,600 Negotiation is only in the field of the nuclear issue, 199 00:22:19,600 --> 00:22:23,720 and that [has been allowed] due to the same reasons that I have [already] said and have repeated several times 200 00:22:24,360 --> 00:22:32,880 that why we opted for this tendency [and] this approach in nuclear issue; 201 00:22:33,080 --> 00:22:38,160 I have explained this in detail. The struggle against the arrogance cannot be stopped, 202 00:22:38,440 --> 00:22:45,680 [and] its fate is quite clear and you must prepare yourself for the continuation of the struggle against the arrogance. 203 00:23:09,240 --> 00:23:13,800 An issue that they recently raised was the issue of the marriage of the youth, 204 00:23:15,240 --> 00:23:22,280 which well, all [young people] – [including] boys and girls – are certainly interested in marriage. 205 00:23:22,280 --> 00:23:29,560 I hereby, [and] on the recommendation of this dear youth who asked me to notify fathers and mothers, 206 00:23:30,160 --> 00:23:34,200 notify fathers and mothers; I ask 207 00:23:35,080 --> 00:23:40,960 and demand you to somehow make marriage easier. 208 00:23:41,240 --> 00:23:46,360 Fathers and mothers are strict [on the marriage of youths]; no strictness is needed. 209 00:23:47,280 --> 00:23:52,440 Yes, naturally, there are some problems 210 00:23:52,960 --> 00:23:56,520 – the problem of housing, the problem of job and such things – 211 00:23:56,760 --> 00:23:59,840 but “if they are poor, Allah will enrich them from his bounty;” 212 00:23:59,840 --> 00:24:01,200 well, this is [the recommendation of] the Quran. 213 00:24:01,600 --> 00:24:05,240 It is possible that a youth may not have suitable financial facilities right now, 214 00:24:05,520 --> 00:24:09,120 but God willing, after the marriage, God will provide [financial] opening for them. 215 00:24:09,280 --> 00:24:11,720 Do not stop the marriage of the youth; 216 00:24:13,360 --> 00:24:17,280 I urge that fathers and mothers pay attention to this issue. 217 00:24:17,280 --> 00:24:26,120 Of course, one of the important issues is that the custom of proposing [to a woman] 218 00:24:26,320 --> 00:24:31,680 and mediation for the marriage of girls is, unfortunately, being taken lightly; 219 00:24:32,320 --> 00:24:36,840 this is a necessary thing. There are people 220 00:24:37,480 --> 00:24:39,080 – it was always usual in the past, 221 00:24:39,080 --> 00:24:45,400 now due to large size of the young generation in our society, it should become prevalent 222 00:24:46,320 --> 00:24:49,600 – who know certain boys [and] introduce them to the family of the girl; 223 00:24:49,600 --> 00:24:52,560 [or] know certain girls [and] introduce them to the family of the boy; 224 00:24:52,960 --> 00:24:58,160 [and by doing this] they facilitate and make preparations for marriage; [let them] do these things. 225 00:24:58,600 --> 00:25:07,360 To the extent that we could solve the issue of the sexual problem of the youth in the society, 226 00:25:07,640 --> 00:25:12,920 this would be to worldly and spiritual benefit of our society; [it would be] to worldly and spiritual benefit of our country. 227 00:25:13,520 --> 00:25:18,280 Then the issue of reproduction, on which I put a lot of emphasis [is important]. 228 00:25:19,280 --> 00:25:25,800 Again, I hereby tell the esteemed minister of health 229 00:25:25,800 --> 00:25:31,880 [that] I receive reports which [show that] your demand, which is the same as my demand, 230 00:25:32,240 --> 00:25:38,440 [namely] the issue of preventing the birth control 231 00:25:39,240 --> 00:25:41,160 – which birth control was a policy; 232 00:25:42,360 --> 00:25:49,520 [and later] it was decided that [implementation of] this policy should be prevented – is not being carried out correctly; 233 00:25:49,680 --> 00:25:55,240 in some places, [and] the [present] situation is like what it was in the past. 234 00:25:55,400 --> 00:26:07,320 Dear ones! The month of Ramadan, the season of spirituality, the spring of spirituality, [and] the spring of honesty has come to an end; 235 00:26:08,480 --> 00:26:10,760 we are going through the last days of Ramadan. 236 00:26:13,640 --> 00:26:19,640 If the fertile land of your hearts and your pure souls 237 00:26:20,520 --> 00:26:30,240 has been, God willing, affected by the delicate rain of the divine mercy and favor in this month, 238 00:26:30,240 --> 00:26:33,920 it will bear its own fruits in the future. 239 00:26:36,200 --> 00:26:43,440 Of course, for young people, the season for spiritual growth never ends; 240 00:26:43,880 --> 00:26:48,840 yes, the month of Ramadan is [a] special [period of time], 241 00:26:50,000 --> 00:26:55,200 but growth of spirituality is always possible among our youth. 242 00:26:55,520 --> 00:27:03,800 Young people frequently ask me – in [their] letters and through these very communication media that exist 243 00:27:04,680 --> 00:27:08,920 – and ask about advice with regard to spirituality and spiritual perfection and things like that. 244 00:27:09,960 --> 00:27:18,960 Well, there are people who claim to be giving guidance and such things; 245 00:27:18,960 --> 00:27:23,600 not all of them can be trusted; some of them are [actually] running a business; [and] they cannot be trusted. 246 00:27:23,840 --> 00:27:30,960 What I have heard from prominent personalities and offer you is just one word; 247 00:27:31,440 --> 00:27:37,280 the most important step to be taken for upliftment of spirituality and [human] soul is to avoid [all kinds of] sin; 248 00:27:38,160 --> 00:27:44,080 this is the most important step. Try to avoid sin. 249 00:27:46,040 --> 00:27:54,400 Sins are different; [there are] both sin of tongue, and sins that are related to the eye, 250 00:27:54,400 --> 00:27:59,200 and sins that are related to the hand; [there are] all kinds of sins; 251 00:28:00,000 --> 00:28:04,400 [try to] know sins and protect yourselves [against them]. 252 00:28:05,240 --> 00:28:08,480 Piety! This is the meaning of piety; piety means protection [against sin]. 253 00:28:09,240 --> 00:28:15,840 When you are moving along a dangerous road, you are carefully watching; this is piety; 254 00:28:16,800 --> 00:28:22,320 be watchful, [and] avoid sin; this is the most important way of spiritual upliftment. 255 00:28:22,560 --> 00:28:26,200 Of course, [what follows] immediately after this is implementation of [religious] obligations; 256 00:28:26,640 --> 00:28:29,760 among these obligations, the most important of all is [daily] prayers; 257 00:28:30,480 --> 00:28:33,400 on-time prayers with suitable attention [to its content]. 258 00:28:33,640 --> 00:28:36,280 Suitable attention means that when you are saying your prayers, 259 00:28:36,560 --> 00:28:41,440 you must know that you are talking to somebody; you have an audience. [You must] pay attention to this. 260 00:28:42,160 --> 00:28:44,640 Sometimes one is distracted; no problem [with that]; 261 00:28:45,280 --> 00:28:47,920 [but] as soon as a person regains his attention, 262 00:28:47,920 --> 00:28:54,840 [he must] restore the same state and the feeling of having an audience in himself and keep [that feeling] alive; 263 00:28:55,160 --> 00:28:58,920 this is [true meaning of] suitable attention. [Saying] prayers with suitable attention, saying prayers on-time; 264 00:28:59,200 --> 00:29:01,200 and as much as possible saying prayers in congregation; 265 00:29:02,360 --> 00:29:06,800 [if you] observe these things, then you will achieve spiritual upliftment, will become angels, 266 00:29:07,600 --> 00:29:10,280 [and even] go higher than angels; this you should know. 267 00:29:10,640 --> 00:29:14,600 You are young; your hearts are pure; your souls are pure 268 00:29:15,720 --> 00:29:18,240 ; you do not have contamination or [even if you have its quantity] is very small; 269 00:29:18,920 --> 00:29:22,240 when a person reaches our age, his problems become too many; 270 00:29:24,160 --> 00:29:29,000 therefore, if you observed this, no other advice would be necessary; 271 00:29:29,520 --> 00:29:32,280 there is no need to specific [spiritual] words and the likes of them. 272 00:29:33,400 --> 00:29:35,920 Of course, it is very good to be intimate with the Quran; 273 00:29:36,160 --> 00:29:40,640 [therefore] make sure to read even a few verses of the Quran every day; 274 00:29:41,720 --> 00:29:44,240 these [steps] are very good. [Attach importance] to [religious] obligations. 275 00:29:44,360 --> 00:29:48,400 One of the obligations is student obligations. 276 00:29:48,920 --> 00:29:53,560 The student class is a privileged class, [and] is a special class [in the society]. 277 00:29:54,000 --> 00:29:59,840 For reasons that I have frequently enumerated in these meetings in the month of Ramadan over years 278 00:30:00,160 --> 00:30:05,280 and I don’t want to repeat; [the student class] has some obligations [to observe]. 279 00:30:06,240 --> 00:30:12,720 The first student obligation is idealism. 280 00:30:13,240 --> 00:30:18,960 Some people publicize and pretend that idealism is opposed to realism; 281 00:30:18,960 --> 00:30:25,280 no sir; idealism is opposed to conservatism, [and is] not opposed to realism. 282 00:30:25,560 --> 00:30:32,520 Conservatism means that you give in to any reality – even though it is bitter, [or] it is bad 283 00:30:33,320 --> 00:30:35,960 – and show no movement of your own; this is conservatism. 284 00:30:36,560 --> 00:30:43,200 The [true] meaning of idealism is to look at the realities and know them correctly; 285 00:30:43,400 --> 00:30:50,000 [then] take advantage of positive realities, [and] counter negative realities and fight them. 286 00:30:50,480 --> 00:30:53,400 This is the meaning of idealism. [You must] set your sights upon the ideals. 287 00:30:55,920 --> 00:30:57,360 This is the first obligation for students. 288 00:30:57,560 --> 00:31:04,280 What are the ideals? Among those things that I have jotted down here as ideals, 289 00:31:05,240 --> 00:31:13,320 one is the issue of establishing an Islamic society and Islamic civilization. 290 00:31:13,840 --> 00:31:17,160 That is, to revive the idea of the political Islam. 291 00:31:18,560 --> 00:31:27,120 Some people [have] tried since many centuries ago to take Islam as far from [the normal] life, from politics, 292 00:31:27,440 --> 00:31:32,600 [and] from management of the society as possible, and restrict it to personal matters; 293 00:31:33,720 --> 00:31:37,840 [then] they [wanted to] gradually restrict personal matters to issues related to cemetery 294 00:31:38,600 --> 00:31:45,440 and grave and marriage ceremony and such things. No, Islam has come [to announce that]: 295 00:31:46,480 --> 00:31:48,320 “… to be obeyed by permission of Allah;” 296 00:31:48,320 --> 00:31:50,680 [and] this is not specific to Islam alone; all prophets are like that. 297 00:31:52,120 --> 00:31:58,720 Divine religions have come in order [for their ideals] to be implemented in the society, [and] to be truly realized in the society; 298 00:31:59,720 --> 00:32:07,080 this [issue] should take place [in reality]. This is one of the most important of ideals. 299 00:32:07,320 --> 00:32:14,200 Another ideal is the ideal of self-confidence; 300 00:32:14,440 --> 00:32:20,600 it means [the idea of] “we can,” which was mentioned in your remarks; this is an ideal 301 00:32:21,480 --> 00:32:27,600 The idea of [promoting] national self-confidence 302 00:32:28,560 --> 00:32:33,240 and believing in the national power and ability 303 00:32:34,160 --> 00:32:37,200 should be pursued and it must be certainly followed as an ideal. 304 00:32:37,360 --> 00:32:44,040 Of course, pursuit of ideals has some requirements, which those requirements should be met. 305 00:32:44,320 --> 00:32:50,440 One of the ideals that I have written down is the struggle against the [global] system of hegemony and arrogance. 306 00:32:50,600 --> 00:32:58,800 The system of hegemony is the system, which is based on the relationship between the dominant power and the dominated [side]; 307 00:32:59,400 --> 00:33:03,560 I mean, world countries or human groups in the world 308 00:33:03,920 --> 00:33:08,840 are divided into the dominant and the dominated; [this is] what has happened in the world of today; 309 00:33:10,520 --> 00:33:13,240 a group is dominating while a group is dominated. 310 00:33:13,240 --> 00:33:16,520 The [ongoing] fight with Iran is over this [issue]; [you must] know this. 311 00:33:17,520 --> 00:33:24,040 The fight with the Islamic Republic is [over the fact] that it has not accepted this system of the dominant and the dominated; 312 00:33:24,240 --> 00:33:30,200 [Iran] is not [a] dominant [country] and has gotten itself rid of domination as well, and has stood by this idea. 313 00:33:32,040 --> 00:33:36,200 If Iran succeeded and progressed 314 00:33:37,280 --> 00:33:41,720 – [including] scientific progress, industrial progress, economic progress, [and] social progress, 315 00:33:41,960 --> 00:33:48,520 [and was also successful with regard to] expansion of its regional and global influence – it would be shown to nations 316 00:33:49,040 --> 00:33:55,360 that it is possible not to accept domination and stand on one’s own feet and make progress. [ 317 00:33:55,840 --> 00:34:02,000 The hegemonic powers] do not want this to happen; all fights are over this [issue], [and] whatever else is said, is just an excuse. 318 00:34:05,120 --> 00:34:08,720 One of the ideals is justice seeking; 319 00:34:09,240 --> 00:34:14,280 the same remarks that were made by some of the brethren here. 320 00:34:15,200 --> 00:34:18,640 The issue of justice seeking is very important [and] has many branches; 321 00:34:22,040 --> 00:34:25,560 [you] should not suffice to its name, it should be really pursued. 322 00:34:27,280 --> 00:34:32,600 One [ideal] is the Islamic lifestyle. One [ideal] is freedom seeking; 323 00:34:32,600 --> 00:34:40,400 freedom not in its wrong and distorted Western sense, 324 00:34:40,880 --> 00:34:45,200 where freedom means that a girl should live this way, [and] a boy should live this way. 325 00:34:47,960 --> 00:34:54,080 Cursed be those who against the Islamic traditions and the tradition of marriage, 326 00:34:54,800 --> 00:34:58,160 clearly oppose the tradition of marriage 327 00:34:59,480 --> 00:35:04,720 and some of our charters and our cultural organs unfortunately promote this; 328 00:35:06,360 --> 00:35:07,880 this should be countered; 329 00:35:10,560 --> 00:35:19,080 the issue of freedom seeking in thought, in personal action, in political action, 330 00:35:19,240 --> 00:35:28,000 in social action, and in society, which the meaning of freedom seeking in society is the same as independence. 331 00:35:29,640 --> 00:35:31,800 Among ideals is scientific growth; 332 00:35:32,000 --> 00:35:38,960 among ideals are work and effort and refraining from laziness and doing incomplete work. 333 00:35:40,480 --> 00:35:48,000 Among ideals is the establishment of an Islamic university; these are the ideals. 334 00:35:48,160 --> 00:35:55,680 Well, somebody may ask how we are supposed to follow these ideals? 335 00:35:55,840 --> 00:36:01,320 We have no effect in the country; there are a group of managers, who are doing their work, 336 00:36:01,320 --> 00:36:04,320 [and] we are chanting slogans here [and] talking. 337 00:36:05,480 --> 00:36:11,280 This is a mistake in understanding the issue; it is never like this. 338 00:36:12,040 --> 00:36:18,680 Student is decision-maker; student creates discourse. 339 00:36:20,200 --> 00:36:26,600 When you follow an ideal, say it, repeat it 340 00:36:27,560 --> 00:36:33,480 and seriously stand by it; this creates a discourse in the society; 341 00:36:33,680 --> 00:36:35,480 this leads to decision-making; 342 00:36:37,080 --> 00:36:45,480 the John Doe who makes decisions at a given decision-making [and] management center of the country, 343 00:36:46,280 --> 00:36:50,160 when something turns into a discourse, he would have to follow it. 344 00:36:51,200 --> 00:36:58,160 A living example of this is this very discourse of software movement and revival of the scientific movement 345 00:36:59,160 --> 00:37:03,960 that was raised, was repeated, was fortunately welcomed, and turned into a discourse; 346 00:37:04,480 --> 00:37:07,600 a social movement was created on its basis; 347 00:37:08,080 --> 00:37:12,320 for ten [or] fifteen years, with regard to scientific [movement], we have been constantly moving and going ahead. 348 00:37:13,440 --> 00:37:17,400 It is the same in all fields; a student can be effective. 349 00:37:17,840 --> 00:37:25,640 One of dear ones quoted Martyr Beheshti as saying 350 00:37:26,040 --> 00:37:27,720 that student is [like] prayers crier of the society; 351 00:37:28,760 --> 00:37:33,880 “when he falls asleep, people [also] fall asleep.” Well, this is a very good definition; 352 00:37:35,240 --> 00:37:42,160 you can be awakening, can create discourse, 353 00:37:42,520 --> 00:37:47,480 [and] never think that these student works of yours are futile works. 354 00:37:47,680 --> 00:37:50,360 Don’t squander your time for nothing; 355 00:37:50,880 --> 00:37:54,600 many of our young people – [both] student and non-student – 356 00:37:54,800 --> 00:37:58,800 waste their time. [They] keep browsing these social networks and the likes of them 357 00:37:59,160 --> 00:38:04,080 or sit in futile sessions of such debates. 358 00:38:05,040 --> 00:38:08,040 Don’t waste your time; use your time correctly, 359 00:38:08,440 --> 00:38:14,000 both attend to your lessons, and take part in organized activities; you must attend to both of them. 360 00:38:14,440 --> 00:38:19,000 Well, the prayers time is past;out of all the things I wanted to say, 361 00:38:19,920 --> 00:38:24,080 I said a very small part of them [and] a large part of them remains. 362 00:38:25,360 --> 00:38:27,000 Now, what do you think we must do? 363 00:39:03,240 --> 00:39:06,920 … Now you be ready after iftar, provided that I would feel well [we would continue our meeting]; 364 00:39:07,640 --> 00:39:10,760 of course if I talk, it would be a brief talk.