1 00:00:00,260 --> 00:00:02,660 In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful 2 00:00:02,880 --> 00:00:05,550 الحمدللّه ربّ العالمين 3 00:00:05,770 --> 00:00:11,820 والصّلاة والسّلام علي سيّدنا و نبيّنا ابي‌القاسم المصطفي محمّد 4 00:00:21,770 --> 00:00:26,440 و علي آله الاطيبين الاطهرين المنتجبين 5 00:00:28,570 --> 00:00:36,040 سيّما بقيّةالله في الارضين و لعنةالله علي اعدائهم اجمعين 6 00:00:37,510 --> 00:00:41,820 Dear brethren and sisters! You are very welcome. 7 00:00:42,000 --> 00:01:00,620 Every year, the 29th [day] of [the Iranian month of] Bahman is one of our epic and glorious days at this Hosseiniyeh [religious place of worship] because of your presence. 8 00:01:03,770 --> 00:01:15,950 For me, who am keen on meeting with the dear people of [the northwestern city of] Tabriz and Azarbaijan [province], this is an opportunity, 9 00:01:17,680 --> 00:01:33,020 so that, if I cannot meet with all those dear people, [at least,] I can meet with a group of youths, officials, venerable clerics, 10 00:01:34,440 --> 00:01:40,000 and various walks of life here at this Hosseiniyeh. 11 00:01:41,280 --> 00:01:51,060 You are very welcome! Convey my greetings to the rest of the dear people 12 00:01:52,620 --> 00:02:04,710 in Tabriz and in other cities of Azarbaijan. Convey my greetings to your other citizens. 13 00:02:07,640 --> 00:02:21,600 The issue of [what happened on] the 29th [day of the Iranian month] of Bahman [in the Iranian year 1356 (February 18, 1978)] is not simply a historic issue, [but] is a lesson [to be learned, [and] is a [major] topic [for discussion]. 14 00:02:23,950 --> 00:02:33,510 Let me say this to you, young people: the people of Azarbaijan and the people of Tabriz 15 00:02:34,930 --> 00:02:47,950 not only in the case of the [Islamic] Revolution and the 29th of Bahman – and of course the 29th of Bahman turned into a driving force for the victory of the revolution 16 00:02:49,370 --> 00:02:55,020 on the 22nd of Bahman of the following year (February 11, 1979); 17 00:02:56,750 --> 00:03:03,420 it was a driving force in order to make this [victory of the revolution] possible; it was a driving force – 18 00:03:05,020 --> 00:03:17,110 but also since about 120 years ago, [or] 130 years ago, 19 00:03:17,950 --> 00:03:33,460 have been one of the most important axes of struggles with regard to all important social developments in the country and important political developments. 20 00:03:35,280 --> 00:03:41,240 Our dear youths must know this, [because] this is the identity of Azarbaijan. 21 00:03:42,930 --> 00:03:55,640 Both in the case of the [prohibition of the consumption of] tobacco and [what] late Hajj Mirza Javad Mojtahed Tabrizi [did in this regard], [and] in the case of constitutionalism 22 00:03:55,950 --> 00:04:07,060 – and as you know the constitutionalist developments related to Azarbaijan are famous – and in the case of the national movement for taking [Iran’s] oil industry back from Britain, 23 00:04:07,370 --> 00:04:11,950 Azarbaijan has been one of those important [and] influential places. 24 00:04:13,370 --> 00:04:24,080 Both in [the case of] the Islamic Revolution, and during the [eight-year Iraqi] imposed war [against Iran], and in what happened before the war 25 00:04:24,710 --> 00:04:33,860 in Tabriz itself and in Azarbaijan itself, it was the people of Azarbaijan who played a [very important] role. 26 00:04:36,750 --> 00:04:42,040 Early in the revolution, some people started a move 27 00:04:42,710 --> 00:04:51,510 in opposition to the revolution [and] to create divide [and] to oppose what the revolutionary people of Iran believed in. 28 00:04:52,880 --> 00:05:00,170 They assumed in their own imagination that Tabriz was a good place to do this 29 00:05:00,310 --> 00:05:13,110 – and this has been always among old policies of Britain and anti-Iran elements – [and] they went there and stoked unrest. 30 00:05:15,020 --> 00:05:24,400 I was a member of the Revolution Council; there were discussions in Tehran, [and] some people were concerned, [but] the Imam said nobody must be concerned, 31 00:05:24,750 --> 00:05:32,310 [because] the people of Tabriz would give an [appropriate] answer to them; this actually happened and there was no need to anybody else [to interfere]. 32 00:05:34,620 --> 00:05:45,460 The people of Azarbaijan are like this. During the time of [Iraqi imposed] war [against Iran], the Ashura Division [of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps] was among the first divisions to engage the enemy. It was not only that division, 33 00:05:47,280 --> 00:05:54,750 [because] Azarbaijan’s clerics, various walks of life in Azarbaijan, [and] logistical organs in Azarbaijan 34 00:05:55,640 --> 00:06:01,460 were all present in the arena. This is the history of Azarbaijan. 35 00:06:02,400 --> 00:06:12,130 Azarbaijan has always stood up alone in the face of avarice of those who have set their sight on 36 00:06:12,480 --> 00:06:19,460 creating ethnic divide in the country and [the people of Azarbaijan] are still taking the same steps at the present time. 37 00:06:19,680 --> 00:06:26,750 Well, different languages are spoken in our country, [and] our country is made up of different ethnic groups; 38 00:06:27,060 --> 00:06:32,800 there are Turks, there are Persians, there are Arabs, there are Baluch people, there are Lors, [and] there are Kurds. 39 00:06:34,620 --> 00:06:45,770 This is some form of diversity and this diversity is an opportunity, [but] the enemy has always set its sight on making this [diversity] a means of [creating] gaps [among the nation]. 40 00:06:47,600 --> 00:06:56,840 Big Iranian ethnic groups themselves, and of course better than all, the people of Azarbaijan, 41 00:06:58,040 --> 00:07:06,130 are taking the bull by its horns and are standing against this evil policy of enemies. 42 00:07:06,840 --> 00:07:12,840 Our dear youths across the country must pay attention to this [point] 43 00:07:13,820 --> 00:07:23,640 that the enemy keep a sharp lookout and intends to take advantage of any fault line, which they assume can create a quake [in the Iranian society] 44 00:07:24,000 --> 00:07:33,950 in order to destroy the fundament of this country’s independence and the fundament of the revolution. 45 00:07:34,350 --> 00:07:42,750 It wants to take advantage of all possibilities, [and to do this,] it looks around to find fault lines, 46 00:07:43,060 --> 00:07:50,170 while there are no fault lines, [because Iranian] people are unanimous, [and] people are united. 47 00:07:50,530 --> 00:07:57,200 Well, you, who are yourselves from Tabriz and from Azarbaijan, you are aware of your own sentiments. 48 00:07:57,200 --> 00:08:08,080 This poem, which you read out here that “By the Quran, we are loyal to our allegiance to you,” 49 00:08:09,110 --> 00:08:21,600 I know this [is true and] this is something beyond doubt. The people of Azarbaijan have proven this not only in words, [but also] in action, 50 00:08:46,260 --> 00:08:58,260 and have shown that they stand in the face of the tempting and divisive enemy. 51 00:08:59,020 --> 00:09:09,680 My dear ones, the rest of the Iranian ethnic groups [are] also, fortunately, like this; people of Khorasan are like this 52 00:09:10,440 --> 00:09:18,840 – despite religious differences in eastern part of Khorasan province – Kurdish people are like this, [and] Baluch people are like this. 53 00:09:20,080 --> 00:09:30,310 There have been clerics among Baluch people, who stood tall in the face of the enemies of the revolution in early [years following victory of the Islamic] Revolution. 54 00:09:30,310 --> 00:09:37,460 I have been there for a long time, [and] I knew clerics [who were active] there. Let me mention their names, so that, people would know them: late Mowlavi Abdolaziz Sadati 55 00:09:37,730 --> 00:09:47,370 from [the southeastern city of] Saravan [was one of them]; [he was] a skinny old man 56 00:09:48,530 --> 00:09:55,640 who stood against those who opposed the revolution, those who criticized the revolution, and those who tried to find fault with the revolution, 57 00:09:56,310 --> 00:10:00,040 and defended the revolution; he was also a Baluch and Sunni Muslim. 58 00:10:01,640 --> 00:10:13,370 In Kurdistan, [there was] late [Mohammad] Sheikholeslam; he delivered a strong and powerful speech in [the city of] Sanandaj. 59 00:10:14,800 --> 00:10:20,620 They were Sunnis – [because] Kurds follow Shafi’i denomination [of Sunni Islam] – but they defended the revolution, 60 00:10:20,840 --> 00:10:27,730 because they saw that the revolution has hoisted the flag of Islam. 61 00:10:28,480 --> 00:10:36,130 [However,] counterrevolutionary [elements] martyred Sheikholeslam because of the same speech, [and] because of the same positions. 62 00:10:36,930 --> 00:10:47,730 In Khuzestan, Arab youths stood against the invasion [of the country] by the regime of [former Iraqi dictator] Saddam [Hussein]. 63 00:10:48,040 --> 00:10:55,330 They [Iraqi invaders] were Arabs, [and] these [Iranian youths] were also Arabs, but this latter Arabs stood [against the invasion]. The name of martyr Ali Hashemi 64 00:10:56,220 --> 00:11:07,330 – the young Arab commander from Khuzestan and [the city of] Ahvaz – and the names of these [people] will never be forgotten, [because] these [brave men] stood [against the enemy]. 65 00:11:08,480 --> 00:11:14,880 He [the Iraqi invader] spoke Arabic, and this [Iranian youth] also spoke Arabic, but this latter one understood the truth, 66 00:11:15,060 --> 00:11:20,970 recognized the enemy’s plots and stood [against them]. The same is true about the rest of Iranian ethnic groups. 67 00:11:20,970 --> 00:11:28,970 [However,] ahead of all and better than all are the people of Azarbaijan. Now, [let enemies to] continuously hatch plots, to continuously deliberate, to continuously talk, 68 00:11:29,680 --> 00:11:46,350 to continuously spend money, [and] to continuously take out petrodollars from coffers of tycoons and spend them on creating division in the country; they will not be able [to achieve this goal]. 69 00:11:47,330 --> 00:11:55,950 The nation is united and consolidated. Today, I will talk about this issue, will also talk about 70 00:11:56,130 --> 00:12:02,750 [the demonstrations on] the 22nd day of [the Iranian month of] Bahman [which marks victory of the Islamic Revolution], [and] will also talk about officials and their responsibilities. 71 00:12:03,150 --> 00:12:10,480 All these [factors] must be seen in one place. The Iranian nation is standing [against enemies], and [people] are consolidated. 72 00:12:11,110 --> 00:12:20,930 Now, a group has been repeating such terms as “national reconciliation, [and stresses on] national reconciliation.” In my opinion, such remarks are meaningless, 73 00:12:22,220 --> 00:12:33,240 [because] people [of Iran] are like a single hand, [and] are united together. When it comes to [protecting] Islam, when it comes to [protecting] Iran, when it comes to independence [of the country], 74 00:12:33,770 --> 00:12:41,060 [and] when it comes to resistance in the face of the enemy, people stand fast with all they have. 75 00:12:42,260 --> 00:12:49,020 It is possible for two people to have different viewpoints on any given political issue, [but] it does not affect [the unity among people]. Why you keep saying reconciliation? 76 00:12:49,370 --> 00:13:00,800 Are people estranged [to one another] to need reconciliation? Newspapers clamor over such terms, [and] they do not realize that they are causing problems [for the country]. 77 00:13:01,280 --> 00:13:07,950 When you say reconciliation, it is like that there is some estrangement [among people], [while] there is no estrangement. 78 00:13:07,950 --> 00:13:16,130 Yes, our people are estranged to those who insulted the [sanctity of] the day of Ashura. 79 00:13:40,970 --> 00:13:55,770 The nation is estranged to those, who on the day of Ashura, 80 00:13:56,880 --> 00:14:07,950 disrobed a Basiji youth on the street and beat him with brutality, with tomfoolery, [and] shamelessly. We will not reconcile with these [people] 81 00:14:10,400 --> 00:14:22,170 at all and with those people who are averse to the essence of the revolution, say ‘the essence of the [Islamic] establishment is our target’, [and] say ‘elections are just an excuse for us [to stoke unrest]’; 82 00:14:23,550 --> 00:14:33,680 of course, these people are a small group, are a few [and] are just a drop in comparison with the huge ocean of the Iranian nation; they are nothing. 83 00:14:34,080 --> 00:14:46,130 [The people who form] this ocean are consolidated and united with one another; this unity does exist and must exist and must be bolstered on a daily basis. 84 00:15:09,730 --> 00:15:16,260 Thank God, the Azarbaijani elites have always been paying attention to these points. 85 00:15:17,150 --> 00:15:24,000 The zealous youths of Azarbaijan, [and] the people of Azarbaijan from all walks of life, 86 00:15:24,530 --> 00:15:35,150 have always been paying attention to this point and have stood against the enemies’ plots, the enemies’ temptations, [and] the enemies’ activities; 87 00:15:36,710 --> 00:15:48,930 have [always] defended the national unity and have laid down their lives for it. 88 00:15:51,330 --> 00:16:01,730 You, in the first place, and us and all officials and members of the nation must appreciate Azarbaijan. 89 00:16:03,330 --> 00:16:11,420 Azarbaijan is a point of strength for the revolution and for the Islamic establishment. This is the first point. 90 00:16:13,330 --> 00:16:23,550 As for the 22nd [day] of [the Iranian month of] Bahman, first of all, I must thank the entire nation of Iran from the bottom of my heart. 91 00:16:24,440 --> 00:16:36,040 This year’s [nationwide demonstrations on] the 22nd of Bahman gave credit to the revolution, to the Islamic establishment, and to the Islamic Iran. 92 00:16:37,020 --> 00:16:52,840 The estimate offered by domestic officials and those people who usually give an estimate of the crowd on the streets [saying] that how many people were there, 93 00:16:53,420 --> 00:17:01,680 indicated that in the big cities of the country and in 70 percent of the country’s [smaller] cities, the crowd [taking part in the revolution anniversary] demonstrations, in comparison to past years, 94 00:17:02,260 --> 00:17:07,730 was higher in some cases, much higher in some cases, and double [the previous years] in some cases. 95 00:17:08,310 --> 00:17:16,480 This has been said by those people, who are our domestic estimators; [and] it was not only said by them, [because] the foreigners have also said this, 96 00:17:17,510 --> 00:17:30,710 [and] the enemies of the revolution have said this [as well]. The same people, who disdained the Bahman 22 demonstrations every year and said [only] a few thousand people have come into the streets, 97 00:17:31,770 --> 00:17:40,130 used terms like million[-strong rallies] this year. Yes, it is true. Millions of people across the country poured into the streets. 98 00:17:40,970 --> 00:17:49,950 I am short of words [how to describe this], [and] I am not important enough to thank [the people], [because the revolution] belongs to people themselves. 99 00:17:50,220 --> 00:17:58,400 It is God, who must be thanked, [and] it is God who must be praised for having oriented people’s hearts in this direction. 100 00:17:59,770 --> 00:18:07,950 The important point is that throughout the year, 101 00:18:08,570 --> 00:18:17,730 with the money [provided to them by] the [US] CIA [spy] organization, and [Israeli] Mossad organization, and British intelligence and spy agencies, 102 00:18:18,400 --> 00:18:33,460 and [also through] petrodollars supplied [to them] by tycoons, hundreds of media [outlets] talk against Iran. Throughout the year, they are busy [doing anti-Iran propaganda] day and night. 103 00:18:34,840 --> 00:18:44,080 They also find scores of bankrupt [and] fugitive political [figures], who have fled Iran, 104 00:18:44,170 --> 00:18:49,680 [and] pay them money in order to write analyses, write news, 105 00:18:49,820 --> 00:19:04,750 [and] prepare speeches against the revolution and against the [Islamic] establishment with the purpose of disdaining [everybody] from the Imam to [all] Iranian people, to various activities of the revolution – to which I will make a reference later – 106 00:19:06,310 --> 00:19:14,840 [and to] accuse the revolution, accuse the establishment, and undermine [the Islamic establishment]. 107 00:19:15,110 --> 00:19:22,970 They endeavor for an entire year, then on the 22nd day of Bahman this downpour of divine blessing, 108 00:19:23,820 --> 00:19:33,600 [and] this huge popular presence pours down like rain and clears this contaminated and misty atmosphere. 109 00:19:35,330 --> 00:19:53,200 It flows into the streets like a blessed current, cleanses people’s mind and clears it of contaminations. This is [what] the 22nd of Bahman [does]. 110 00:19:54,840 --> 00:20:04,710 We have a 22nd of Bahman, we have a Quds day, and each one of them has its own meaning, [and] has a goal. 111 00:20:05,680 --> 00:20:13,950 People understand this concept very well and enter the arena in view of that concept. 112 00:20:14,260 --> 00:20:18,840 Now, who are in the arena? This is a very important point. 113 00:20:20,000 --> 00:20:24,480 You, in the city of Tabriz or in other cities or here in Tehran; 114 00:20:25,020 --> 00:20:30,220 just have a look at this huge crowd, which is moving 115 00:20:30,350 --> 00:20:37,370 most of these [demonstrators] are not [even] 37 years old – while the revolution is 37 years [or] 38 years old – 116 00:20:38,130 --> 00:20:46,880 [and this means that most demonstrators] were not there in early post-revolution years, have not seen the Imam, have not seen the period of the Sacred Defense [the Iraqi impose war against Iran], 117 00:20:47,020 --> 00:20:53,950 [and] have not seen the dark and bitter time of the monarchial regime’s repression, but they take part [in the anniversary of the revolution]. 118 00:20:54,440 --> 00:21:03,110 Once on the streets, they clench their fists and chant slogans and shout with the same enthusiasm, with the same sentiment, with the same knowledge, [and] with the same intellectualism and insight [as the revolutionary generation]. 119 00:21:03,640 --> 00:21:11,200 What does this mean? It means that the revolution is still alive; , 120 00:21:12,220 --> 00:21:16,620 [and] it means that the revolution continues to thrive, is growing, 121 00:21:17,370 --> 00:21:24,660 [and] these are new cases of growths of the revolution.It is these third and fourth post-revolution generations, who are coming [into the arena] 122 00:21:24,930 --> 00:21:33,950 and stand in the face of the enemies and make their categorical statement. This is very important. 123 00:21:37,110 --> 00:21:46,620 The enemies are trying – of course they are beating the air – to prove that the revolution is inefficacious; 124 00:21:46,840 --> 00:21:56,970 well, we have problems, [but] where in the world and in what country all the problems have been set right and solved in full? 125 00:21:57,910 --> 00:22:05,730 Problems exist everywhere, we also have them – now I will explain about them – [and] we do not deny them either; 126 00:22:06,710 --> 00:22:17,640 problems exist without a doubt, but the enemy tries to ignore the advances made by the revolution in the face of these problems. 127 00:22:17,770 --> 00:22:26,840 The revolution and the Islamic establishment have taken a great step during these about 38 years. 128 00:22:27,640 --> 00:22:41,240 I have a list at my disposal of the main plans of the revolution [which have been implemented] during these [past] 38 years, [which shows] 129 00:22:41,510 --> 00:22:53,200 what [great] efforts have been made for the country. Such efforts are not made by capable and active governments [even] in a hundred years. 130 00:22:53,820 --> 00:23:02,000 We [must] compare [these efforts] with what was done before the revolution. With regard to infrastructural issues 131 00:23:02,170 --> 00:23:10,750 – and clearly these infrastructural issues are very important for the future of the country and for the progress of the country – in some cases, 132 00:23:10,970 --> 00:23:17,060 the progress of the country during revolution years has been 1,000 percent [higher compared with pre-revolution era]; I mean ten times. 133 00:23:17,460 --> 00:23:24,930 In some cases, [the progress made after the revolution] has been 2,000 percent to 6,000 percent, that is, sixty times [more than what was before the revolution]. 134 00:23:25,330 --> 00:23:30,220 With regard to the number of university students, the amount of scientific progress, the infrastructural work done, 135 00:23:30,530 --> 00:23:43,240 numerous and huge cultural issues, [and] national prestige and dignity, we compare [the present time] with [the situation] before the revolution, 136 00:23:43,240 --> 00:23:48,840 with the time of the monarchial regime, with the period of America’s domination [on the country], [and] with the time 137 00:23:49,240 --> 00:23:59,640 that Tehran was a resting place for Zionist elements, who when they felt exhausted, they came here in the garden of Shiyan, 138 00:24:00,350 --> 00:24:09,370 which was their resting place then, to have a good time, stay [for] seven days, eight days, [or] ten days and go back; 139 00:24:10,170 --> 00:24:19,550 we compare this with that. The country has progressed, [and] has moved [forward]; it has undergone a [growth] spurt. 140 00:24:19,820 --> 00:24:26,970 At that time, the country was run by a subdued government. 141 00:24:27,370 --> 00:24:34,310 The monarchial government was a subdued government, [which was] subdued to America, subdued to Britain, 142 00:24:35,640 --> 00:24:42,970 [and] subdued to [other] big governments. It had made the nation abject and obsequious, had totally shut down the country’s potentialities, 143 00:24:43,600 --> 00:24:48,130 [and] had given control of some [of those potentialities] to the enemy. 144 00:24:48,350 --> 00:24:55,240 The revolution took place and activated many of those potentialities, [and this is why] our country is dignified now. 145 00:24:55,420 --> 00:25:02,880 Today, across the region, almost with regard to all regional issues, nothing will happen as long as Iran does not want, 146 00:25:03,060 --> 00:25:08,480 [and] as long as Iran is not present and does not make a decision. 147 00:25:10,220 --> 00:25:18,040 The Iranian nation has shown that it is a resistant nation; our enemies say all these [facts] in their analyses; 148 00:25:18,400 --> 00:25:25,110 they say that the Iranian nation cannot be confronted and countered, [because] it is a resistant nation, 149 00:25:25,460 --> 00:25:31,680 [which] resists [and] does not submit to the enemies; this is [true] dignity. 150 00:25:32,570 --> 00:25:40,660 You compare this dignity with the period of humiliation that they [the enemies] had imposed on this nation, [and] on this country. Yes, 151 00:25:40,970 --> 00:25:47,640 it is clear that this is a cause of happiness and delight for the youths, who come into the arena. This is the [real meaning of] the 22nd of Bahman; 152 00:25:47,820 --> 00:25:53,860 the 22nd of Bahman is a divine bounty, [and] is a divine opportunity 153 00:25:54,710 --> 00:26:03,510 for the nation to show itself, [and] to cry out its determination at the top of its voice. 154 00:26:03,910 --> 00:26:12,440 Everything that is in the heart of this nation, they become evident in their slogans on the 22nd of Bahman across the country. 155 00:26:12,750 --> 00:26:24,840 We seek progress, seek Islam, [and] seek an Islamic establishment emanating from people, which will be able to solve people’s problems; 156 00:26:25,150 --> 00:26:32,440 this is the slogan of [the demonstrations on] every year’s 22nd of Bahman and [proves that] the nation is standing fast. 157 00:26:32,800 --> 00:26:41,150 The nation will undoubtedly reject any official who wants not to be with the nation and does not stand fast. 158 00:27:06,040 --> 00:27:09,200 Well, this is about the issue of the 22nd of Bahman. 159 00:27:09,770 --> 00:27:16,350 The next point I want to mention here is addressed at esteemed officials of the country. 160 00:27:18,800 --> 00:27:26,400 I tell the officials not to take this popular presence in [the nationwide demonstrations on] the 22nd of Bahman 161 00:27:27,110 --> 00:27:34,440 to mean that they have no complaints about the activities of us, officials. 162 00:27:34,880 --> 00:27:43,600 People have grievances, [and] people have grievances about many things that happen in the country. 163 00:27:44,930 --> 00:27:55,950 People are averse to discrimination. Wherever they see discrimination, they feel upset and suffer. 164 00:27:56,750 --> 00:28:04,350 Anywhere they see underperformance [of officials, they feel] likewise, wherever they see inattention to problems [they feel] likewise, 165 00:28:05,200 --> 00:28:09,910 [and] wherever they see work is not done [by officials, they feel] likewise; [in short,] people have grievances. 166 00:28:10,710 --> 00:28:16,530 The 22nd of Bahman should be seen in its own capacity. Steadfastness of people in the face of 167 00:28:17,060 --> 00:28:25,200 an enemy, which is lying in ambush to devour Iran, is one thing, which shows itself on the 22nd of Bahman, 168 00:28:26,530 --> 00:28:30,710 but their expectations from us, officials, is something else. 169 00:28:31,860 --> 00:28:42,260 Well, [at the beginning of the new Iranian year] I said that [this year would be] the year of “Economy of Resistance, practical steps and action.” [This year] is coming to an end; it is [almost] the end of the [11th Iranian month of] Bahman, 170 00:28:43,860 --> 00:28:53,600 [and it is time when] practical steps and action must be shown [to the people]. I also said at the beginning of the year that state officials 171 00:28:54,080 --> 00:29:04,170 – both officials of the executive power and administration, and officials of the judiciary, and officials of the Majlis [parliament], makes no difference, all of them – 172 00:29:05,460 --> 00:29:14,440 must show at the end of the year that what they have done for [the realization of] the practical steps and action during the current year; they should not say ‘this must be done’, 173 00:29:15,280 --> 00:29:20,000 but must say ‘this was done’; this must become clear. 174 00:29:21,550 --> 00:29:28,530 Today, we are plagued by problems, [and] the problems of people and grievances of people cannot be overlooked; officials must take [these problems] seriously. 175 00:29:28,710 --> 00:29:35,240 The problem of unemployment is important, the problem of recession is important, [and] the problem of high prices is important. 176 00:29:36,800 --> 00:29:45,200 These are among those problems that exist [in the country]. Of course, officials are making efforts [to solve them], [and] we see this, but capacities [to work] are higher than these [measures taken so far]. 177 00:29:46,040 --> 00:29:51,150 Now, I will, God willing, explain about this in due time; 178 00:29:51,860 --> 00:29:58,570 we are not in a deadlock, [and] we are not facing a deadlock with regard to economic problems. 179 00:29:59,060 --> 00:30:05,420 There are problems, from two sides, three sides, [and] four sides, there are problems, but 180 00:30:06,660 --> 00:30:14,880 the way out of the problems is also clear. How can we get out of these problems? Officials must try [to do this]. 181 00:30:15,820 --> 00:30:23,730 Four [or] five years before this, I said in my New Year speech 182 00:30:24,750 --> 00:30:31,860 that today the gaze of the enemies of the Iranian nation is fixed on the issue of economy. They are trying 183 00:30:32,220 --> 00:30:42,530 to put pressure on the economy of the country, and put such pressure on the economy of the country that people would be afflicted with [all kinds of] problems. 184 00:30:42,710 --> 00:30:48,260 When people are plagued with problems, they become disillusioned, [and] lose heart; [and] this is what the enemy wants. 185 00:30:48,400 --> 00:30:59,820 The enemy wants the people to be discouraged about their revolution, their establishment, their administration, [and] their country. 186 00:30:59,820 --> 00:31:07,680 Therefore, they put pressure on the issue of economy [and] mount pressure [on this sector]. Officials must pay attention to this point. 187 00:31:07,910 --> 00:31:16,310 Of course, it is not like that our problems are simply limited to the economic problems. Everybody knows that I am very sensitive about the cultural problems, 188 00:31:16,400 --> 00:31:26,080 [and] am very sensitive about the issue of science, but when I look at the priorities over limited periods of time, 189 00:31:26,310 --> 00:31:36,880 the issue of the country’s economy appears as first priority, because the enemy is aware of this. 190 00:31:38,710 --> 00:31:46,260 Today, they are still doing the same things; everybody [must] pay attention to this. 191 00:31:47,240 --> 00:31:56,440 Both under the former American administration, and under the present administration, 192 00:31:56,660 --> 00:32:05,510 one of the ploys used by the [American] enemy has been to keep threatening [the country] with war; and [that] the military option is on the table and the likes of this. 193 00:32:06,710 --> 00:32:17,820 That European official also tells our officials that if it was not for the JCPOA [Iran’s nuclear deal with the P5+1 group of countries], war in Iran would be inevitable, [and] there would certainly be war, [but] this is a sheer lie! 194 00:32:19,420 --> 00:32:27,330 Why they talk about war? [They do this] in order to deflect our focus toward [military] war, [but] the real war is something else; the real war is the economic war, 195 00:32:28,400 --> 00:32:40,350 the real was is [the imposition of] sanctions, [and] the real war is to conquer the areas of work and activity and technology inside the country; this is the real war. 196 00:32:41,680 --> 00:32:50,570 They threaten us with the military war in order to [make us] ignore this; [to forget that] the real war is the cultural war. 197 00:32:51,770 --> 00:32:58,080 So many different television [channels] and various online networks 198 00:32:58,310 --> 00:33:05,200 are working in order to take the hearts and minds of our youths away from religion and sanctities and chastity and modesty 199 00:33:05,330 --> 00:33:15,150 and the likes of these. They are seriously at work, [and] spend a lot of money for this purpose! This is the real war. 200 00:33:16,930 --> 00:33:29,110 Officials must be vigilant. I told the esteemed president ‘give notice to your managers to combine [their] management 201 00:33:29,860 --> 00:33:37,910 with transparency, [and] combine [their] management with supervision’. 202 00:33:38,480 --> 00:33:43,110 A [state] manager must [also] do supervision, [and] must follow up on the work [he is supposed to do]. 203 00:33:43,330 --> 00:33:48,350 That we merely say a given task must be done, [and] the opposite side says ‘yes’, 204 00:33:48,840 --> 00:33:56,480 that task would not be done. It must become clear in the field and on the ground that whether a task has been done; 205 00:33:57,370 --> 00:34:03,860 these [issues] are among those things, which are needed by us and attention must be paid to them. 206 00:34:04,260 --> 00:34:07,730 I believe that in the venerable verse [of the Quran, which says:] 207 00:34:07,730 --> 00:34:11,110 “And prepare against them using whatever power you're enabled with,” 208 00:34:11,420 --> 00:34:17,600 most probably the meaning of “power” is not just military power; 209 00:34:17,910 --> 00:34:22,440 of course, military power is part of it, but it is not limited to military power. 210 00:34:22,750 --> 00:34:25,680 [The Quran says:] prepare against them using whatever power you're enabled with. 211 00:34:25,680 --> 00:34:36,310 [It means] strengthen yourself from inside as much as you can. This is the meaning of strengthening the internal structure of the country, which I have frequently talked about. 212 00:34:38,080 --> 00:34:42,570 [You must] increase your power from scientific viewpoint, increase your power from technological viewpoint, 213 00:34:43,820 --> 00:34:51,150 increase your power from the viewpoint of domestic production, increase your power from the viewpoint of influencing into foreign markets, 214 00:34:53,280 --> 00:35:01,510 [and] increase your power from the viewpoint of discovering numerous potentialities that exist in this country and have not been tapped yet, 215 00:35:02,080 --> 00:35:06,310 and take advantage of these potentialities. 216 00:35:08,000 --> 00:35:15,060 When I announced, in defining [general] policies [notified to the administration], that the country should achieve an eight-percent [economic] growth, some people said it was not possible! 217 00:35:16,220 --> 00:35:22,530 Then specialists and experts said if we took [the existing] potentialities into account, 218 00:35:22,530 --> 00:35:28,130 a growth of more than eight percent would be also possible to be realized in the country! 219 00:35:29,330 --> 00:35:38,750 [This does] not [mean] growth in the sense that we would sell more oil – of course, this is useful, but this is not what I mean – 220 00:35:39,110 --> 00:35:53,280 [it actually] means growth in domestic production of the country, [and] economic strength of the country; this means the same [concept of] the Economy of Resistance on which I have frequently emphasized and have repeated. 221 00:35:53,950 --> 00:36:03,820 Then some people come and highlight shortages, exaggerate [them], magnify [those shortages], and say nothing about advances, nor they talk about solutions [to the existing problems]! 222 00:36:04,750 --> 00:36:13,820 It happens that these are the same people, who had persuaded the enemies to impose sanctions on Iran; they had persuaded [the enemies] to impose sanctions [on the country]. 223 00:36:14,710 --> 00:36:25,060 [Now,] these people highlight weaknesses more than anybody else – less so inside [the country], [and] more so outside. 224 00:36:25,370 --> 00:36:31,820 Dear brethren, dear sisters, youths of Azarbaijan, 225 00:36:32,130 --> 00:36:39,020 o brave people of difficult arenas, who have passed your test! Let me tell you this: 226 00:36:39,200 --> 00:36:49,860 [you must] know that if we continue [our march] according to this style of movement and, as they commonly say, on this very track, 227 00:36:49,860 --> 00:36:53,240 the victory will certainly belong to Iranian nation. 228 00:37:30,750 --> 00:37:38,350 Everybody [must] think, everybody [must] endeavor, everybody [must] persevere, 229 00:37:39,420 --> 00:37:50,880 everybody [must] take the future into consideration, everybody [must] keep ideals before their eyes and move toward those ideals, [ 230 00:37:52,350 --> 00:37:59,600 and] everybody [must] keep this sacred hope warm in their hearts. We thank God, 231 00:37:59,820 --> 00:38:09,550 who has kept this beam of hope alive in our hearts that [has not allowed us to] lose hope on the future of the country for a single moment 232 00:38:10,260 --> 00:38:17,280 and thank God, we have achieved better than what we had hoped for and more than that. 233 00:38:17,680 --> 00:38:26,170 However, this is not the final limit to our aspirations, is not all we demand; [and] also is not all God demands us to achieve. 234 00:38:26,710 --> 00:38:32,750 We have just taken a short step, [but] we must take longer steps 235 00:38:33,110 --> 00:38:42,620 and go ahead and, God willing, achieve what the Islamic establishment has promised, which is the creation of a just, 236 00:38:43,370 --> 00:38:54,400 progressive, powerful, dignified and strong Islamic society, and we will certainly achieve it, God willing and with the permission of the Almighty God. 237 00:38:54,840 --> 00:39:02,220 God willing, the Almighty God would protect you, [and] the Almighty God would keep you safe. 238 00:39:04,480 --> 00:39:07,240 Peace be unto you and so may the mercy of Allah and His blessings