1 00:00:00,750 --> 00:00:03,370 In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful 2 00:00:04,260 --> 00:00:07,370 الحمدلله ربّ العالمين 3 00:00:08,440 --> 00:00:14,880 و صلوات الله و تحيّاته علي سيّدالانام محمّدٍ المصطفي 4 00:00:15,370 --> 00:00:21,240 و آله الطّيّبين و صحبه المنتجبين 5 00:00:23,150 --> 00:00:26,400 قال الله الحکيم في الکتاب المبين 6 00:00:26,570 --> 00:00:35,460 وَ لا تَهِنوا وَ لا تَحزَنوا وَ اَنتُمُ الاَعلَونَ اِن کُنتُم مُؤمِنين 7 00:00:37,680 --> 00:00:39,910 و قال عزّ مَن قائِل 8 00:00:40,400 --> 00:00:54,660 فَلا تَهِنوا وَ تَدعوٓا اِلَي السَّلمِ وَ اَنتُمُ الاَعلَونَ وَ اللَهُ مَعَکُم وَ لَن يَتِرَکم اَعمالَکُم 9 00:00:57,060 --> 00:01:06,400 In the beginning, I deem it necessary to welcome all you dear guests, the honorable heads of Islamic organizations, 10 00:01:06,880 --> 00:01:14,930 the leaders of various Palestinian groups, the intellectuals, scholars 11 00:01:15,730 --> 00:01:24,710 and outstanding personalities of the world of Islam and other personalities who fight for freedom. 12 00:01:25,770 --> 00:01:31,330 I welcome you for your presence in this valuable conference. 13 00:01:33,060 --> 00:01:40,930 The sorrowful story of Palestine and the excruciating sadness felt because of the oppression against 14 00:01:41,330 --> 00:01:52,130 this patient, enduring and resistant nation, truly distresses any individual who seeks freedom, truth 15 00:01:52,480 --> 00:02:00,080 and justice and it thrusts an agonizing pain and suffering upon one’s heart. 16 00:02:00,660 --> 00:02:11,420 The history of Palestine is full of ups and downs, marked by the cruel occupation of that region, the rendering of millions of individuals homeless, 17 00:02:12,260 --> 00:02:19,510 and the courageous resistance of those heroic people. 18 00:02:20,660 --> 00:02:29,370 An intelligent quest in history shows that no people in any era of history 19 00:02:29,860 --> 00:02:41,330 have ever been subject to such pain, suffering and cruelty. 20 00:02:42,000 --> 00:02:49,370 It has never been witnessed that a country is completely occupied in a supra-regional plot, 21 00:02:49,860 --> 00:02:57,820 that a people are driven away from their home and their country 22 00:02:58,170 --> 00:03:08,000 and that another group of people from remote areas in the world are brought there in order to replace that nation. It has never been witnessed that a real entity is ignored 23 00:03:08,440 --> 00:03:12,800 and that a fake entity takes its place. 24 00:03:13,910 --> 00:03:23,020 But this is another dirty page in history which just like other dirty pages in history 25 00:03:23,640 --> 00:03:30,750 will be closed with the permission and assistance of Allah the Exalted: 26 00:03:31,240 --> 00:03:41,150 “Falsehood is bound to perish” [The Holy Quran, 17: 81] and He says: “My servants the righteous shall inherit the earth” [The Holy Quran, 21: 105]. 27 00:03:43,420 --> 00:03:50,620 Your conference is being held under one of the most difficult circumstances in the world and in the region. 28 00:03:51,550 --> 00:04:03,910 These days, our region - which has always supported the people of Palestine in their fight against a global plot – 29 00:04:04,400 --> 00:04:10,480 is undergoing numerous upheavals and crises. 30 00:04:11,910 --> 00:04:19,730 The existing crises in several Islamic countries in the region have caused 31 00:04:20,130 --> 00:04:29,950 the support for the issue of Palestine and the holy ideal of Quds’ freedom to be undermined. 32 00:04:31,420 --> 00:04:42,080 Attention to the result of these crises helps us to understand which powers benefit from the existence of these crises. 33 00:04:42,880 --> 00:04:49,460 Those who created the Zionist regime in the region 34 00:04:49,730 --> 00:05:00,130 with the purpose of hampering the stability, solidity and progress of the region through imposing a long-term conflict 35 00:05:01,020 --> 00:05:06,310 are behind the seditions that exist in the present time as well. 36 00:05:06,570 --> 00:05:17,060 These are seditions that have culminated in the capabilities of regional nations being used 37 00:05:17,460 --> 00:05:22,480 to foil one another because of engagement in futile and meaningless conflicts. 38 00:05:23,460 --> 00:05:34,970 When all these capabilities are ruined, the ground will be prepared for strengthening the usurping Zionist regime on a daily basis. 39 00:05:36,530 --> 00:05:45,420 Amid all these, we are witness to the endeavors of well-intentioned and wise personalities in the Islamic Ummah. 40 00:05:45,860 --> 00:05:55,640 They are diligently trying to resolve these differences. But unfortunately, the complicated plots of the enemy 41 00:05:56,170 --> 00:06:01,600 have managed, by benefiting from the negligence of some governments, 42 00:06:02,040 --> 00:06:09,460 to impose civil wars on nations. These plots have managed to pit nations against one another 43 00:06:09,770 --> 00:06:15,330 and to counter the effect of the endeavors that well-intentioned personalities in the Islamic Ummah have made. 44 00:06:16,400 --> 00:06:28,530 What is significant in this regard is the effort to weaken the position of the issue of Palestine and to give it the lowest priority. 45 00:06:29,770 --> 00:06:37,820 Despite the differences that exist among Islamic countries – some of these differences are natural, 46 00:06:38,220 --> 00:06:45,820 some originate from the enemy’s plot and the rest are because of negligence – 47 00:06:46,040 --> 00:06:53,600 the issue of Palestine can and should be the pivot of unity for all Islamic countries. 48 00:06:56,840 --> 00:07:06,660 One of the achievements of this valuable conference is announcing the first priority of the world of Islam 49 00:07:06,840 --> 00:07:15,150 and freedom fighters all over the world, which is the issue of Palestine and the creation of an atmosphere of harmony and unanimity 50 00:07:15,510 --> 00:07:26,310 with the purpose of achieving the lofty goal of supporting the people of Palestine and their truthful and justice-oriented fight. 51 00:07:27,420 --> 00:07:40,480 The significance of offering political support to the people of Palestine should never be neglected. This issue has a special priority in today’s world. 52 00:07:41,550 --> 00:07:53,510 Even if Muslim and freedom-seeking nations have different viewpoints and opinions, they can gather together with one goal which is Palestine 53 00:07:53,820 --> 00:07:57,370 and the necessity to liberate it. 54 00:07:58,310 --> 00:08:05,150 With the emergence of signs of the collapse in the Zionist regime 55 00:08:06,000 --> 00:08:14,710 and the weakness that has dominated its main allies – in particular the United States of America – 56 00:08:15,330 --> 00:08:20,570 it is witnessed that the global environment is gradually 57 00:08:21,020 --> 00:08:31,600 moving towards confronting the hostile, illegal and inhuman activities of the Zionist regime. 58 00:08:31,770 --> 00:08:43,110 Of course, the global community and regional countries have not yet managed to carry out their responsibilities towards this humanitarian matter. 59 00:08:44,880 --> 00:08:52,170 Suppressing the people of Palestine in a brutal manner, arresting numerous individuals, looting and murdering people, 60 00:08:52,710 --> 00:08:58,480 occupying the lands that belong to the Palestinian nation and building settlements in them, 61 00:08:58,930 --> 00:09:11,510 making an effort to change the appearance and identity of the Holy City of Quds, Masjid al-Aqsa and other holy Islamic and Christian places, 62 00:09:12,170 --> 00:09:20,620 violating the basic rights of citizens and many other abuses continue to exist. 63 00:09:21,330 --> 00:09:32,220 These acts enjoy the all-out support of the United States of America and some other western governments 64 00:09:32,840 --> 00:09:40,840 and unfortunately, they do not receive a proper response from the world. 65 00:09:41,200 --> 00:09:48,930 The people of Palestine are proud that Allah the Exalted has given them a great favor 66 00:09:49,240 --> 00:09:57,020 by helping them to shoulder the great responsibility of defending this Holy Land and Masjid al-Aqsa. 67 00:09:57,640 --> 00:10:03,640 The people of Palestine have no option other than, by relying on Allah the Exalted, 68 00:10:04,170 --> 00:10:14,570 and by relying on their innate capabilities, keeping the flames of fighting alight 69 00:10:15,640 --> 00:10:18,710 as they have genuinely done so until today. 70 00:10:19,280 --> 00:10:30,170 The intifada that has begun for the third time in the occupied lands, is subject to more suppression than the previous two, 71 00:10:31,110 --> 00:10:40,080 but it is still moving forward in a bright and hopeful manner. And by Allah’s permission, we will see that this intifada 72 00:10:40,350 --> 00:10:46,570 will begin a very important chapter in the history of fighting 73 00:10:47,460 --> 00:10:52,970 and that it will inflict another defeat on that usurping regime. 74 00:10:53,550 --> 00:11:03,110 From the beginning, this cancerous tumor has been developing in several phases until it turned into the current disaster. 75 00:11:03,550 --> 00:11:12,220 The cure for this tumor should be developed in phases as well. Until today, several intifadas and a constant and continuous resistance 76 00:11:12,570 --> 00:11:22,480 have managed to achieve very important phased goals. The Palestinian intifada continues to gallop forward in a thunderous manner 77 00:11:22,840 --> 00:11:29,420 so that it can achieve its other goals until the complete liberation of Palestine. 78 00:11:31,910 --> 00:11:41,730 The great people of Palestine – who shoulder the heavy burden of confronting global Zionism 79 00:11:42,080 --> 00:11:51,550 and its bullying supporters –in a patient yet vigorous and solid manner, 80 00:11:52,000 --> 00:12:00,530 have given an opportunity to all claimants to put their claims to the test and they have done so. 81 00:12:00,880 --> 00:12:10,350 The day when, with the false excuse of realism and the necessity to accept minimum rights, 82 00:12:10,620 --> 00:12:20,970 in order to prevent those rights from being violated, the people of “compromise proposals” were brought up seriously, Palestine 83 00:12:21,150 --> 00:12:31,280 and all those orientations which were already aware of the inaccuracy of that viewpoint gave it an opportunity. 84 00:12:32,170 --> 00:12:41,460 Of course, from the beginning, the Islamic Republic of Iran insisted on the incorrectness of compromise strategies 85 00:12:42,310 --> 00:12:47,200 and warned of their harmful effects and heavy damages. 86 00:12:49,730 --> 00:13:00,930 The opportunity that was given to the compromise procedure brought about destructive effects on the path of resistance and the fighting of the Palestinian nation, 87 00:13:01,060 --> 00:13:10,710 but the only benefit that it had was to prove the inaccuracy of the so-called “realism” outlook in practice. 88 00:13:12,000 --> 00:13:21,910 Fundamentally the Zionist regime was formed in a way that it could not 89 00:13:22,440 --> 00:13:28,800 avoid seeking dominance, suppressing others and violating the true rights of the Palestinians. 90 00:13:30,220 --> 00:13:41,770 This is because its entity and identity are dependent on the gradual destruction of the identity and entity of Palestine. 91 00:13:43,860 --> 00:13:52,350 The illegitimate entity of the Zionist regime will continue to exist 92 00:13:52,620 --> 00:13:57,200 only if it is founded on the ruins of Palestine’s identity and entity. 93 00:13:58,130 --> 00:14:08,750 That is why protecting Palestinian identity and guarding all the symbols of this truthful and natural identity 94 00:14:09,370 --> 00:14:14,880 is a necessity and a holy jihad. 95 00:14:15,950 --> 00:14:28,710 As long as the name and memory of Palestine and the bright flames of the all-out resistance of that nation are preserved, 96 00:14:29,020 --> 00:14:34,570 it is not possible for the foundations of that usurping regime to be strengthened. 97 00:14:37,600 --> 00:14:47,910 The problem with “compromise” is not only that it legitimizes a usurping regime by violating the rights of a nation 98 00:14:48,350 --> 00:15:01,370 – of course, this is a grave and unforgivable mistake in itself – rather the problem is that it is completely at odds with the current condition of Palestine 99 00:15:02,480 --> 00:15:11,060 and that it does not take into account the expansionist, oppressive and greedy characteristics of the Zionists. 100 00:15:12,880 --> 00:15:24,440 However, by grasping their opportunities, these people have managed to prove the inaccuracy of those who support compromise. 101 00:15:25,240 --> 00:15:37,460 As a result of this, a kind of national consensus has emerged about the correct methods of fighting for asserting the true rights of the Palestinian nation. 102 00:15:40,000 --> 00:15:49,370 Now, the people of Palestine have experienced two different paradigms in the past three decades of their history 103 00:15:49,910 --> 00:15:54,400 and they have understood the proportion of those two paradigms in relation to their conditions. 104 00:15:55,330 --> 00:16:05,240 The paradigm of heroic and continuous resistance and holy intifada stands against the compromise paradigm. 105 00:16:06,130 --> 00:16:10,750 The first paradigm has brought about great achievements for that nation. 106 00:16:11,770 --> 00:16:19,600 It is not without reason that these days we witness that 107 00:16:20,000 --> 00:16:30,130 the Resistance is being attacked and that intifada is being questioned by notorious centers. The enemy is not expected to act otherwise 108 00:16:30,660 --> 00:16:40,620 because he is completely aware of the correctness and fruitfulness of this path. However, we sometimes witness that some of those orientations 109 00:16:41,020 --> 00:16:49,020 and even countries which seemingly advocate the issue of Palestine 110 00:16:49,510 --> 00:16:58,840 but which are trying to divert the true path of those people in reality, attack the Resistance. 111 00:16:59,150 --> 00:17:04,660 Their claim is that in its decade-long life, the Resistance 112 00:17:05,110 --> 00:17:12,800 has not yet managed to help Palestine achieve its freedom and therefore, this method needs to be reconsidered. 113 00:17:12,970 --> 00:17:21,110 In response, we say that although the Resistance has not yet managed to achieve its ultimate goal 114 00:17:21,730 --> 00:17:32,040 – the complete freedom of Palestine – it has managed to keep the issue of Palestine alive. 115 00:17:33,240 --> 00:17:38,750 We should ask in what condition we would be now if the Resistance did not exist. 116 00:17:39,550 --> 00:17:47,510 The most important achievement of the Resistance is creating a major barrier in the way of Zionist projects. 117 00:17:48,620 --> 00:17:54,750 The Resistance’s success lies in imposing a war of attrition on the enemy. 118 00:17:55,460 --> 00:18:05,280 In other words, it has managed to defeat the main plan of the Zionist regime, namely dominating the whole region. 119 00:18:06,040 --> 00:18:13,460 In this process, the essence of the Resistance and the soldiers who 120 00:18:13,820 --> 00:18:24,130 engaged in resistance from the beginning against the establishment of the Zionist regime and who held up the flag of resistance 121 00:18:24,350 --> 00:18:35,330 and conveyed it to future generations by laying down their lives- should be praised and commemorated. 122 00:18:36,310 --> 00:18:41,460 The role of the Resistance in post-occupation eras is no secret to anyone 123 00:18:41,950 --> 00:18:49,460 and without a doubt, the victory of the Resistance 124 00:18:49,770 --> 00:19:00,800 in the 1973 war cannot be ignored although it was a narrow victory. 125 00:19:01,820 --> 00:19:16,000 Since 1982, the burden of the Resistance fell practically on the people inside Palestine, 126 00:19:17,020 --> 00:19:28,000 but the Islamic Resistance of Lebanon - Hezbollah - turned to help the Palestinians in the path of their fight. 127 00:19:29,240 --> 00:19:40,170 If the Resistance had not brought the Zionist regime to its knees, we would now be witness to its transgressions against other regional countries 128 00:19:40,880 --> 00:19:49,200 – from Egypt to Jordan, from Iraq, the Persian Gulf region to other areas. This achievement is very important, 129 00:19:50,710 --> 00:19:58,750 but it is not the only achievement that the Resistance has made. The liberation of southern Lebanon and Gaza 130 00:19:59,330 --> 00:20:06,930 is the attainment of two important phased goals in the process of Palestine’s liberation. 131 00:20:07,150 --> 00:20:15,240 This has helped reverse the process of the geographical expansion of the Zionist regime. 132 00:20:16,400 --> 00:20:23,860 Since the early 1980, 133 00:20:24,170 --> 00:20:32,930 not only has the Zionist regime not been able to transgress against new lands, 134 00:20:34,130 --> 00:20:42,440 but it has also begun to retreat. This retreat began with its humiliating withdrawal from southern Lebanon 135 00:20:42,750 --> 00:20:48,800 and it continued with another humiliating withdrawal from Gaza. 136 00:20:49,280 --> 00:20:56,970 No one can deny the major and determining role of the Resistance in the first intifada. 137 00:20:57,200 --> 00:21:02,570 In the second intifada as well, the role of the Resistance was fundamental and outstanding. 138 00:21:02,970 --> 00:21:09,730 This was an intifada which eventually forced the Zionist regime to leave Gaza. 139 00:21:10,130 --> 00:21:22,350 The 33-day war in Lebanon, and the 22-day, 8-day and 51-day wars in Gaza were all shining pages 140 00:21:22,750 --> 00:21:34,880 in the performance sheet of the Resistance. Those wars are a source of pride for all regional nations, for the world of Islam and for all freedom fighters in the world. 141 00:21:36,880 --> 00:21:44,220 In the 33-day war, all the ways to help the Lebanese nation 142 00:21:44,480 --> 00:21:55,240 and the valiant and resistant soldiers of Hezbollah had been blocked, but by Allah’s favor and with reliance on a great force comprised of the resistant people of Lebanon, 143 00:21:55,770 --> 00:22:05,910 the Zionist regime and its main ally – the United States of America – suffered a humiliating defeat 144 00:22:06,260 --> 00:22:11,550 as a result of which they will not dare attack that region anymore. 145 00:22:12,620 --> 00:22:22,660 The continuous resistance attempts made by Gaza – which has now turned into an invincible fortress – 146 00:22:23,110 --> 00:22:35,730 showed in the course of several wars that this regime is too weak to resist the willpower of a nation. 147 00:22:36,880 --> 00:22:43,420 The main hero during Gaza wars is the courageous and resistant nation which 148 00:22:43,640 --> 00:22:55,200 continues to defend this fortress with reliance on the power of faith despite enduring many years of economic siege. 149 00:22:56,350 --> 00:23:04,530 It is necessary to commemorate all groups involved in the Palestinian Resistance- including Sarayah al-Quds 150 00:23:05,150 --> 00:23:16,220 from Islamic Jihad, Kataeb al-Izz ad-Din al-Qassam from Hamas, Kataeb al-Shuhada al-Aqsa from Fath 151 00:23:16,880 --> 00:23:29,200 and Kataeb Abu Ali Mustafa from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine- all of which played valuable roles in these wars. 152 00:23:30,000 --> 00:23:31,770 Dear guests! 153 00:23:33,640 --> 00:23:41,280 The dangers originating from the presence of the Zionist regime should never be ignored! 154 00:23:42,130 --> 00:23:52,000 Therefore, the Resistance should benefit from all the necessary tools for continuing its duty. 155 00:23:53,020 --> 00:24:01,950 On this path, all regional nations and governments and all freedom seekers in the world 156 00:24:02,260 --> 00:24:08,620 should meet the main needs of this resistant nation. 157 00:24:09,640 --> 00:24:21,820 The main pivot of the Resistance is the steadfastness and endurance of the Palestinian people who have raised courageous and resistant children. 158 00:24:23,460 --> 00:24:34,000 Meeting the needs of the Palestinian people and Palestinian resistance is an important and vital responsibility which should be carried out by all of us. 159 00:24:35,060 --> 00:24:42,930 In doing so, we should not ignore the basic needs of the Resistance in the West Bank 160 00:24:43,640 --> 00:24:48,440 because the West Bank shoulders the main burden of the suppressed intifada. 161 00:24:50,000 --> 00:25:01,730 By learning from its past, the Palestinian Resistance should pay attention to this important point: the Resistance and Palestine 162 00:25:02,000 --> 00:25:10,260 are too lofty and valuable to get involved in the differences between Islamic and Arab countries 163 00:25:10,530 --> 00:25:17,280 or the domestic, ethnic and denominational differences that exist in different countries. 164 00:25:19,020 --> 00:25:32,310 The Palestinians, particularly Resistance groups, should appreciate the value of their precious positions and they should avoid entering into these differences. 165 00:25:34,620 --> 00:25:46,350 Islamic and Arab countries and all Islamic and national orientations should be at the service of the Palestinian ideal. 166 00:25:47,110 --> 00:25:59,640 Supporting the Resistance is the responsibility of all of us. No one has the right to have special expectations of them in return for assistance. 167 00:26:00,350 --> 00:26:12,310 The only condition for assistance is that such assistance is expended on strengthening the people of Palestine and the structure of the Resistance. 168 00:26:15,020 --> 00:26:25,510 Commitment to the idea of steadfastness in the face of the enemy and to the Resistance in all its dimensions guarantees the continuation of this assistance. 169 00:26:26,750 --> 00:26:35,460 Our position on the Resistance is a fundamental position, one which has nothing to do with any particular group. 170 00:26:37,060 --> 00:26:47,110 We are with every group that is steadfast on this path and every group that abandons this path has drifted away from us. 171 00:26:48,570 --> 00:26:59,640 The depth of our relationship with groups involved in the Islamic Resistance is only dependent on the level of their commitment to the principle of the Resistance. 172 00:27:00,310 --> 00:27:06,660 Another point that should be raised is the existence of some differences between various Palestinian groups. 173 00:27:07,770 --> 00:27:16,080 The existence of differences of opinion is natural and understandable due to the diversity of tastes among these organizations 174 00:27:18,000 --> 00:27:29,280 and as long as these differences are confined to this, they will lead to increasing cooperation and depth in the fight of the Palestinian people. 175 00:27:29,600 --> 00:27:41,330 However, the problem begins when these differences culminate in skirmishes and – God forbid – serious conflicts. 176 00:27:42,400 --> 00:27:49,640 If this happens, these various orientations, by foiling one another’s powers and capabilities, 177 00:27:49,820 --> 00:27:56,130 will practically step into a path that the common enemy of all of them wants. 178 00:27:57,640 --> 00:28:07,370 The management of disagreements and differences of opinion is a skill that should be utilized by all main orientations. 179 00:28:08,400 --> 00:28:20,350 They should formulate their various fighting plans in a way that those plans only pressure the enemy and help the cause to be strengthened. 180 00:28:21,280 --> 00:28:29,820 National unity on the basis of a jihadi plan is a national necessity for Palestine. 181 00:28:30,130 --> 00:28:40,620 It is expected that all orientations try to achieve this unity in line with the requests of all the people of Palestine. 182 00:28:42,880 --> 00:28:48,710 These days, the Resistance is wrestling with another plot as well 183 00:28:49,420 --> 00:28:59,370 which is the effort of some so-called friends to divert the resistance and intifada of the people of Palestine 184 00:28:59,680 --> 00:29:09,680 from its course and to sell it to the enemies of the Palestinian nation in their secret transactions with them. 185 00:29:11,330 --> 00:29:22,170 However, the Resistance is so intelligent that it will not fall into this trap. One of the reasons for this is that the people of Palestine are the true leaders of fighting and of the Resistance, 186 00:29:22,710 --> 00:29:33,280 and past experiences show that by gaining an accurate understanding of the conditions, they prevent these deviations. 187 00:29:34,260 --> 00:29:40,350 God forbid, if one of the Resistance orientations falls into this trap, 188 00:29:40,660 --> 00:29:45,640 they [the people] can reproduce that need as they have done so in the past. 189 00:29:47,020 --> 00:29:59,730 If a group puts down the flag of Resistance, another group will undoubtedly emerge from the heart of the people of Palestine to hold it up again. 190 00:30:03,110 --> 00:30:09,950 Without a doubt, in this conference, you honorable participants will only attend to Palestine 191 00:30:10,220 --> 00:30:17,370 which has been subject to lack of proper and necessary attention in the past few years. 192 00:30:17,950 --> 00:30:25,370 Undoubtedly, the existing crises in every part of the region and the Islamic Ummah deserve attention, 193 00:30:26,080 --> 00:30:31,280 but what has caused this gathering to be held is the issue of Palestine. 194 00:30:32,000 --> 00:30:40,840 This conference can be a model for all Muslims and regional nations to gradually 195 00:30:41,020 --> 00:30:48,130 harness their differences by relying on their common points 196 00:30:48,310 --> 00:30:59,910 and to prepare the ground by resolving each and every one of those differences, for the increasing reinforcement of the Muhammadi (God’s greetings be upon him) Ummah. 197 00:31:02,620 --> 00:31:12,040 Lastly, I deem it necessary to once more thank all you honorable guests for your valuable presence. 198 00:31:12,350 --> 00:31:18,130 Also, I would like to thank the esteemed Speaker of the Islamic Consultative Majlis and his colleagues 199 00:31:18,310 --> 00:31:27,730 in the tenth Majlis for the efforts that they made to organize this conference. 200 00:31:28,080 --> 00:31:37,730 I ask God the Benevolent to help all you succeed in serving the issue of Palestine as the most important issue in the world of Islam 201 00:31:37,950 --> 00:31:45,600 and as the pivot of unity for all Muslims and all liberated individuals in the world. 202 00:31:46,080 --> 00:31:52,530 God’s greetings and mercy be upon the lofty souls of all martyrs, 203 00:31:53,150 --> 00:31:58,840 particularly upon the honorable martyrs of resistance in the face of the Zionist regime 204 00:31:59,200 --> 00:32:04,260 , upon all sincere soldiers of the Resistance front 205 00:32:04,660 --> 00:32:17,600 and upon the immaculate soul of the founder of the Islamic Republic who paid the upmost attention to the issue of Palestine. May you be successful and victorious. 206 00:32:18,080 --> 00:32:21,150 Greetings be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessings.