1 00:00:00,900 --> 00:00:03,170 In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful 2 00:00:03,320 --> 00:00:05,820 و الحمدلله ربّ العالمين 3 00:00:06,920 --> 00:00:11,120 و الصّلاة و السّلام علي سيّدنا محمّد و آله الطّاهرين 4 00:00:20,100 --> 00:00:25,670 سيّما بقيّةالله في الارضين و لعنةالله علي اعدائهم اجمعين 5 00:00:26,600 --> 00:00:31,970 Our meeting is a very sweet and desirable meeting. 6 00:00:33,620 --> 00:00:44,000 The perfume of Basiji spirit has imbued the atmosphere. 7 00:00:45,400 --> 00:01:00,500 I was benefited by and enjoyed the remarks made by these dear ones, every one of whom gave voice to a sweet and important fact in their own way. 8 00:01:02,700 --> 00:01:12,120 I have many things to say to you dear Basijis, youths, boys, and girls. 9 00:01:13,270 --> 00:01:21,100 Today, I will say a few points about the Basij, 10 00:01:21,270 --> 00:01:31,070 but before that let me talk a little about these days and on the occasion of this huge and glorious [Arba’een] march, 11 00:01:33,550 --> 00:01:42,400 which is really a humongous historic phenomenon. 12 00:01:43,400 --> 00:01:50,550 Usually, in such sort of phenomena, which one observes 13 00:01:51,800 --> 00:02:05,250 that no propaganda has been launched over them, but suddenly a phenomenon emerges before one’s eyes, 14 00:02:05,800 --> 00:02:13,250 the hand of God is more evident than all other places. One example of this [is] the Islamic Revolution itself. 15 00:02:13,870 --> 00:02:20,600 Now, previous struggles [against the regime of Iran's former Shah] are reserved in their own place, 16 00:02:21,870 --> 00:02:27,570 but people’s presence and expansion of people’s [participation] took place during one year, [or] one and a half years 17 00:02:27,970 --> 00:02:32,000 in a vast country like ours. 18 00:02:33,450 --> 00:02:39,450 The same slogan that people chanted in Tehran, was shouted in that given remote village, 19 00:02:40,120 --> 00:02:44,950 where people held a rally as well. 20 00:02:46,470 --> 00:02:55,070 Therefore, as they have told me, [the late] Imam [Khomeini] had said at that time that this revolution would become victorious, 21 00:02:56,420 --> 00:03:01,100 because it is the sign of the presence of the powerful hands of the Almighty. 22 00:03:02,370 --> 00:03:07,420 On another occasion, he told me in person that 23 00:03:07,800 --> 00:03:17,370 “throughout this revolution, I always saw a powerful hand behind this huge popular movement;” popular movements are like this. 24 00:03:19,120 --> 00:03:22,020 The case of capturing the [former US embassy in Tehran known as the] Spy Den is also like this; 25 00:03:22,170 --> 00:03:28,420 the case of later events, which took place in this country is like this; 26 00:03:28,620 --> 00:03:31,920 the case of [people’s huge demonstrations in support of the Islamic establishment on] the 9th [day of the Iranian month] of Dei [December 30, 2009] in recent years is like this; 27 00:03:32,670 --> 00:03:40,670 the case of I’tikaf [people staying at mosques for a few days in certain months as an act of worship] is like this; theses are [among] those phenomena for which no propaganda is done, 28 00:03:41,420 --> 00:03:43,670 [and] no effort is made. 29 00:03:44,370 --> 00:03:50,570 You just see, in order to bring 10,000 people, [or] 50,000 people together in one place, 30 00:03:50,620 --> 00:03:55,800 how much propaganda effort is launched in the world [and] they still fail [to do this] at last. 31 00:03:57,300 --> 00:04:03,400 Here, despite numerous obstacles, two million [people] from Iran alone 32 00:04:04,100 --> 00:04:10,620 go to Karbala to take part in an 80-kilometer march – [and do that] to [take part in a] march, 33 00:04:11,870 --> 00:04:19,070 not for pleasure or lounging at a hotel. 34 00:04:20,120 --> 00:04:24,370 Several times more [people also took part in that march] from Iraq 35 00:04:26,570 --> 00:04:32,450 and other regions; [therefore,] this is a divine event, this is a divine phenomenon, 36 00:04:37,100 --> 00:04:42,020 [and] this shows that this path is the path of love, 37 00:04:42,850 --> 00:04:50,120 but not a crazy love, [because it is] a love accompanied with insight; 38 00:04:51,920 --> 00:04:56,150 it is like the love that the men of God have for God. 39 00:04:56,670 --> 00:05:06,320 [We say in the prayer that] “O Lord! Bestow upon me your love and the love of those who love you and the love of any action, which takes me close to you;” 40 00:05:10,170 --> 00:05:18,670 this [kid of] compassion and this love, is a love accompanied with insight; [the person with this love] knows, understands [the reasons for this love], 41 00:05:19,370 --> 00:05:24,420 and this attraction drags him; this magnet drags him. 42 00:05:27,500 --> 00:05:38,200 Well, therefore, the job is a great one [as this] phenomenon is a huge phenomenon. Firstly, I welcome all those who succeeded and went [to take part in this march] 43 00:05:40,570 --> 00:05:51,320 and ask God to accept what they did and express my envy for what they did 44 00:05:52,170 --> 00:05:57,800 – which I did not succeed [to do] and they were successful [in doing it]. 45 00:05:59,670 --> 00:06:05,770 [Secondly,] I thank the people of Iraq who received [so many pilgrims], 46 00:06:06,950 --> 00:06:18,800 were kind to them, and could manage this huge population for a number of days. [On the whole,] this event is an extraordinarily important event. 47 00:06:19,300 --> 00:06:27,200 Well, what is the result now? I want to say that in such events, 48 00:06:27,700 --> 00:06:33,120 when you clearly see the hand of the divine power at work 49 00:06:34,170 --> 00:06:38,250 and [also] observe its blessings, [you] must thank [God]. 50 00:06:39,550 --> 00:06:46,450 If we thank [God], they will remain [for us], [but] if we do not thank [God], they will be taken away from us. 51 00:06:48,670 --> 00:06:54,320 If the Iranian nation had not been thankful [to God] for the revolution, it would have gone, 52 00:06:54,920 --> 00:07:01,600 just in the same way that in some other places in the world, there were revolutions, [but people] did not know how to thank [God for them, and] 53 00:07:02,200 --> 00:07:08,720 they lost the revolutions; they not only lost the revolutions, 54 00:07:09,220 --> 00:07:15,450 [but] they moved back [in time] twenty years, [or even] thirty years. The Iranian nation was thankful [for the revolution]. 55 00:07:15,720 --> 00:07:21,220 Thanking [God] is not just saying, “Thank you God,” or falling in supplication to thank God. 56 00:07:22,220 --> 00:07:28,950 [True] thanksgiving is that the person would observe the requirements of this bounty [that has been bestowed upon him]; and the Iranian nation observed [those requirements]. 57 00:07:29,770 --> 00:07:38,570 [Iranian people] were present in any arena, which was needed. Where sacrifice was needed, they did sacrifice, [and] brought to the arena their life and property and their loved ones and children 58 00:07:38,950 --> 00:07:43,070 and honor and prestige. 59 00:07:43,920 --> 00:07:50,720 I do not want to say that each and every Iranian did this, but a large group, 60 00:07:51,200 --> 00:07:58,500 [and] a remarkable majority acted like this, [and] the Almighty God responded [to them] [as well, and] 61 00:07:58,650 --> 00:08:07,020 preserved this revolution for them. Today, the revolution is stronger, [and] more powerful than the day it became victorious, 62 00:08:07,550 --> 00:08:11,920 and is able to make more plans for the future. 63 00:08:13,170 --> 00:08:17,050 Thank [God] for this event of [Arba’een] march. 64 00:08:18,120 --> 00:08:25,720 One way to thank [God] for it is to keep those spirits, [and] those states [of mind] 65 00:08:26,300 --> 00:08:30,200 – which you observed there or felt during these couple of days, 66 00:08:30,670 --> 00:08:36,320 when you were doing the march; 67 00:08:37,370 --> 00:08:45,070 [I mean] that [sense of] brotherhood, that compassion, that attention to [the importance of] the Velayat [guardianship of the Islamic ruler], 68 00:08:46,400 --> 00:08:53,020 that getting ready to go through hardship, 69 00:08:55,950 --> 00:09:07,420 [and] that preference for taking trouble and breaking into sweat and walking over [the usual] comfort [of ordinary life] and laziness. 70 00:09:08,020 --> 00:09:12,820 This [example] must be followed in all the affairs of life; [then] this would be [true] thanksgiving. 71 00:09:13,150 --> 00:09:18,670 Among various forms of thanksgiving one is that 72 00:09:19,070 --> 00:09:24,850 we facilitate doing it for those people who love to do it, 73 00:09:25,200 --> 00:09:30,070 and responsibility for this lies with officials in various sectors of the country. 74 00:09:30,870 --> 00:09:37,150 Sometimes, incidents take place; [and] they must not allow these incidents [to be repeated]; this is also part of thanksgiving. 75 00:09:37,500 --> 00:09:41,170 At any rate, know the value of this blessing, [because] it is a great blessing. 76 00:09:43,070 --> 00:09:51,500 And this [blessing], God willing, will be a lasting blessing for the Iranian nation and the Iraqi nation. 77 00:09:51,820 --> 00:09:56,670 and will become a cause of dignity and honor and pride 78 00:09:56,850 --> 00:10:07,120 Now, [elsewhere] in the world, they try not to let this powerful spotlight be seen, but they cannot [do this], 79 00:10:07,620 --> 00:10:12,850 [and] it will be seen. They try not to allow this to be seen or to distort it, 80 00:10:13,050 --> 00:10:19,920 [but] none of them will get anywhere. When you continue a movement, the truth will invariably reveal itself. 81 00:10:20,700 --> 00:10:25,850 One of the main things I want to say today is about the Basij. 82 00:10:27,170 --> 00:10:35,720 The Basij was one of those amazing phenomena in the time of the revolution. 83 00:10:36,500 --> 00:10:45,700 The honorable Imam was inspired by the Almighty God to take this measure; 84 00:10:45,950 --> 00:10:55,700 the 20-million-strong Basij, which he announced, and the Basij organization, which was formed [later], was a very great job. 85 00:10:55,920 --> 00:11:08,200 Basically, what was the meaning of this measure? The meaning of this measure was that the Almighty God taught this to the honorable Imam, 86 00:11:08,370 --> 00:11:20,720 [and] inspired him to put the fate of the revolution in the hands of the young people; [of course,] not just the young people in that time. 87 00:11:22,820 --> 00:11:31,750 When the young people enter the arena, they transfer to one another this trust, which has been put in their hands, 88 00:11:32,050 --> 00:11:36,000 [and] this confidence, which has been put in them, 89 00:11:36,970 --> 00:11:44,470 through the time and this has taken place [in reality]. 90 00:11:44,670 --> 00:11:53,700 Perhaps, ninety percent of you, who are here, have neither seen the time of the Imam, nor seen the Imam [himself], 91 00:11:54,750 --> 00:12:03,220 [and] most of you have not seen the [Iraqi imposed] war [against Iran], but your spirit is the same spirit. 92 00:12:04,800 --> 00:12:14,800 [Do] not [think] that I have reached this [conclusion] on the basis of remarks, which were made here by these dear youths of us; no, I have [solid] information, 93 00:12:15,150 --> 00:12:22,000 [because] I am in touch with the youth. Today, the spirit of our youths 94 00:12:22,350 --> 00:12:31,150 is the same spirit of the youths at that time with the difference being that at that time, they were in the heat of the revolution, 95 00:12:31,820 --> 00:12:35,800 [but] today, those [conditions] do not exist [anymore], while the spirit is the same. 96 00:12:37,350 --> 00:12:47,920 Another difference is that the insight and awareness and experience that our youths have today, did not exist at that time; 97 00:12:48,600 --> 00:12:57,550 I mean, we have made progress [in this regard]. The Imam entrusted the fate of the revolution to you, young people, 98 00:12:59,520 --> 00:13:09,650 and any young group, [and] any generation, when it passes through youth to middle age, in fact, 99 00:13:10,300 --> 00:13:17,320 delivers this trust to the young generation that comes after it and this hierarchy is unending. 100 00:13:18,900 --> 00:13:24,920 Of course, when I say that the Imam entrusted the youth with protecting and safeguarding the revolution, 101 00:13:25,020 --> 00:13:30,950 it does not mean that other than youths [nobody] has a mission [in this regard]. Yes, this is a mission for all [of us]; 102 00:13:32,200 --> 00:13:38,250 from an eighty-year old man and older than eighty years 103 00:13:39,500 --> 00:13:49,500 to adolescents, from men to women, [and] from the elites to non-elites, 104 00:13:50,000 --> 00:13:57,150 and the totality of the nation and the country have the mission to protect their revolution; 105 00:13:57,370 --> 00:14:04,270 [because] this is a duty for all of us; but the youth are the driving force [and] the engine of this movement. 106 00:14:05,200 --> 00:14:14,170 If it were not for the young generation and it did not want and did not take action, 107 00:14:14,270 --> 00:14:20,520 the movement would have ground to a halt. The thinking of old ones and their thoughts and experiences 108 00:14:20,970 --> 00:14:29,770 become useful when a youth-based movement [launched] by young people does exist; 109 00:14:30,500 --> 00:14:33,920 [on the whole,] the youth are the driving force of this movement. 110 00:14:34,370 --> 00:14:42,220 Therefore, today, you young people, who have not seen the Imam, are [now] the [main] addressees of the Imam, [because] the Imam has talked to you 111 00:14:44,620 --> 00:14:53,920 and the Imam has spoken with you. [Consequently, when you face a problem,] refer to the Imam’s remarks. This is one point. 112 00:14:54,620 --> 00:15:02,300 Another point is that the movement of the Basij will certainly triumph in our country. 113 00:15:05,600 --> 00:15:10,450 The main condition for this victory is that all of us 114 00:15:12,420 --> 00:15:18,450 – youths and others – consider piety 115 00:15:19,370 --> 00:15:26,600 and [doing] good deed(s) as a duty for ourselves. 116 00:15:28,250 --> 00:15:35,170 Personal piety as well as social and collective piety, every one of them has a [different] meaning. 117 00:15:35,720 --> 00:15:45,050 Now, I have [already] talked about collective piety as well, [and] have made remarks and do not want to repeat them [here]. Piety is necessary. 118 00:15:47,400 --> 00:15:55,200 You must take care of yourselves, [by] both exercising personal care and collective care. 119 00:15:55,320 --> 00:15:58,470 If this happens, God has said, 120 00:15:58,900 --> 00:16:03,420 “Indeed, Allah is with those who fear Him and those who are doers of good.” 121 00:16:04,250 --> 00:16:14,170 Those people who would fear God and do good, then God will be with them. 122 00:16:14,750 --> 00:16:24,450 It is a very important issue that God would be with a group [of people]. 123 00:16:24,900 --> 00:16:31,500 Look! Let me bring you an example of the Quran and the Quranic history: 124 00:16:33,150 --> 00:16:39,270 The Almighty God ordered [Prophet] Moses and [his brother,] Aaron, to go to the Pharaoh. 125 00:16:40,200 --> 00:16:51,170 Well, this was a huge task that two lonely people would go to confront and challenge the humongous power of that time. 126 00:16:51,520 --> 00:16:56,820 The power of the Pharaoh was very huge 127 00:16:57,950 --> 00:17:04,800 – from political viewpoint, from social viewpoint, even from the viewpoint of influence on people, 128 00:17:06,150 --> 00:17:16,220 [and also] from the viewpoint of administrative structure, the power of Pharaoh has many details – [and this is why] the Pharaoh was an amazing thing; 129 00:17:17,070 --> 00:17:24,300 a dictatorial all-powerful force; with all those facilities [at his disposal]. 130 00:17:24,420 --> 00:17:30,170 The Almighty God ordered two people that ‘you go and challenge this person and struggle [against] him’. 131 00:17:30,470 --> 00:17:35,320 Prophet Moses said, “O God! It is possible that if we go, 132 00:17:36,250 --> 00:17:45,120 they would,” for example, “kill us [and] murder us, [and] our job would remain unfinished – [note that] they were not afraid of being killed, [but] said the job might remain unfinished. 133 00:17:45,570 --> 00:17:50,270 [As put by the Quran, God answered them by saying,] “Fear not. Indeed, I am with you both; I hear and I see.” 134 00:17:50,450 --> 00:17:54,620 [God told them] “I am with you.” Look, this is [the meaning of] the company of God: 135 00:17:55,870 --> 00:17:59,020 “I am with you both; I hear and I see.” 136 00:17:59,520 --> 00:18:04,820 [The fact] that God says, “Verily God is with those people who are pious,” – which I say 137 00:18:05,070 --> 00:18:09,150 that if I and you have piety, God is with us – 138 00:18:09,970 --> 00:18:19,120 this divine company and the God being with us means that 139 00:18:20,070 --> 00:18:25,500 [even] two lonely people with empty hands can be sent to fight a pharaoh. 140 00:18:27,250 --> 00:18:36,050 This very Prophet Moses [and his brother] in another place – of course, [his story] is frequently told in the Quran, now I explain [his story] in another place – 141 00:18:37,070 --> 00:18:44,520 when they had to openly challenge and confront 142 00:18:45,200 --> 00:18:51,970 [the Pharaoh, Moses] gathered Israelites and [told them that] , at dawn or very early in the morning 143 00:18:52,220 --> 00:18:56,420 or at midnight,they [must] start to move toward the outside of the city 144 00:18:56,770 --> 00:19:00,470 [that is,] in order to flee and go away and get rid of the Pharaoh. 145 00:19:01,420 --> 00:19:04,600 When it was the morning and sun had somehow risen, 146 00:19:05,750 --> 00:19:10,300 the Pharaoh’s spies told him that Israelites had evacuated the city and all of them had gone away. 147 00:19:10,970 --> 00:19:16,800 The Pharaoh was alarmed that these [Israelites] would now go to a different place and form a cell. [Therefore,] he told [his followers and soldiers] to come together. 148 00:19:16,950 --> 00:19:24,550 [Then] they gathered the army and started following these [Israelites]; now, I am not sure what the interval was [between these events,] perhaps one day or 149 00:19:25,020 --> 00:19:30,920 two days or less or more was the [time] interval for this army [to start following Israelites]. 150 00:19:31,500 --> 00:19:39,620 Well, they [Israelites] were moving on foot [and] without any equipment – [because] they were just a bunch of [ordinary] people, [including] women, men and children – 151 00:19:39,870 --> 00:19:49,370 [but] these [soldiers of the Pharaoh] were [following them] with equipment and corps, and army and horses and everything; naturally, they would catch up with them soon, [and] they caught up with them. 152 00:19:50,620 --> 00:19:57,770 When the followers of Moses saw from afar that “O God” The army of the Pharaoh is coming, they were flustered. 153 00:19:58,970 --> 00:20:03,550 In the Quran, in Chapter Shu’ara [Poets], [God] says, “When the two groups met;” 154 00:20:04,670 --> 00:20:07,620 “When the two groups met;” 155 00:20:08,220 --> 00:20:15,850 that is, when the two groups, namely, the group of [the followers of] Prophet Moses, who were moving ahead, and the Pharaoh’s group, which was following them, 156 00:20:16,000 --> 00:20:21,050 saw each other from a distance and got so close to each other 157 00:20:21,670 --> 00:20:24,220 that they could see each other, 158 00:20:24,620 --> 00:20:28,770 “the companions of Moses said, ‘Indeed, we are to be overtaken’. 159 00:20:29,270 --> 00:20:36,950 Israelites, who were accompanying Moses, panicked [and] said, “O Moses! They will catch up with us soon.” 160 00:20:36,950 --> 00:20:43,020 They meant that [the army of the Pharaoh] would catch up with them before long, would get and massacre them. 161 00:20:43,620 --> 00:20:53,220 What did Moses say in answer? Prophet Moses said in answer, “No! Indeed,” this will never happen. Why? 162 00:20:53,550 --> 00:20:55,520 [Because] “with me is my Lord;” 163 00:20:56,720 --> 00:21:02,570 this is the meaning of [having God’s] company. [He said,] God is with me, [and] the Lord is with me; 164 00:21:04,250 --> 00:21:08,020 “No! Indeed, with me is my Lord; He will guide me.” 165 00:21:09,220 --> 00:21:13,370 Look! The divine company is so important. 166 00:21:13,750 --> 00:21:18,870 [The fact] that they say, “Indeed, Allah is with those who fear Him and those who are doers of good;” 167 00:21:19,300 --> 00:21:27,170 this company must be valued. If I and you could maintain this divine company, 168 00:21:27,350 --> 00:21:37,550 know that not only America, but even if some people have a power ten times more than the power of America, 169 00:21:37,850 --> 00:21:42,450 [as long as] this divine force is with somebody, he will overcome all of them. 170 00:22:04,670 --> 00:22:09,900 I will now explain a number of topics about the Basij. 171 00:22:11,120 --> 00:22:18,370 You are brethren and sisters, who have responsibility in various parts of the Basij. 172 00:22:18,750 --> 00:22:26,520 Each of these topics needs both details and explanation 173 00:22:26,850 --> 00:22:31,370 – but we neither have time [to do this now], nor this is [a good] time for that. 174 00:22:32,220 --> 00:22:39,850 [These topics] also need planning and introduction of [new] procedures. I simply tell you about the topics, the rest is on you. 175 00:22:42,320 --> 00:22:47,450 One [topic] is that the Basij is not simply based on emotions, 176 00:22:48,550 --> 00:22:56,520 [but] the Basij relies on knowing and understanding, [and] relies on insight. 177 00:22:57,920 --> 00:23:03,470 This is the reality of the Basij and it must move in this direction. 178 00:23:04,420 --> 00:23:13,700 If it was [built] simply on [the basis of] emotions, emotions would alter with the least change. 179 00:23:14,350 --> 00:23:24,150 A group [of people] were among those people in early [years of] the revolution, who accompanied the revolution with enthusiasm, but out of emotions; 180 00:23:25,050 --> 00:23:35,050 it was not out of depth of religious understanding. I was in contact with some of them, [and] knew them. 181 00:23:35,550 --> 00:23:42,150 I knew them [both] inside and outside the university, [and] they lacked religious depth. 182 00:23:42,550 --> 00:23:51,070 The result was that after socializing with certain people who angled off the revolution, they also started to angle off the revolution, 183 00:23:51,220 --> 00:23:59,000 and the property of an angle is that it starts [in a] very limited [form] at first, [but] the more one extends the line [of that angle], 184 00:23:59,170 --> 00:24:07,350 the distance [between the two sides] increases and [the angle] spreads out. [Therefore,] they became counterrevolutionary [figures]. 185 00:24:08,850 --> 00:24:17,520 The Basij is characterized with insight. [The fact] that in [the Iranian calendar year, 13]88 (2009), I emphasized so much on insight 186 00:24:17,870 --> 00:24:24,070 – and some people were upset, were angry, mocked, jibed, [and] wrote articles 187 00:24:24,550 --> 00:24:34,770 against [what I had said and asked] why you say insight – it was because of this; insight is important; [just in the same way that] knowing and understanding are important. 188 00:24:35,220 --> 00:24:47,470 [The] second [topic is that] the Basij is not factional. It is not one of two political factions, or three political factions, or four political factions in the country. 189 00:24:47,970 --> 00:24:55,970 The Basij is the army of the revolution, [and] the Basij belongs to the revolution. 190 00:24:57,550 --> 00:25:05,500 If there is a dichotomy, it is the dichotomy between revolutionary and counterrevolutionary [and between] revolution and counterrevolution – 191 00:25:06,220 --> 00:25:13,670 [because] even a non-revolutionary [person] can be dragged [toward the revolution], [and] can be attracted; 192 00:25:15,000 --> 00:25:23,670 I believe in maximum attraction [of all people], but through its own [suitable] methods, not that we do anything 193 00:25:24,450 --> 00:25:30,770 under the aegis of maximum attraction, [because, there is both] revolution and counterrevolution. 194 00:25:31,400 --> 00:25:38,670 Any faction, any person, [and] any human being who believes in the revolution, 195 00:25:38,670 --> 00:25:45,570 is serving the revolution, [and] is following the revolution, the Basij is his supporter as well. 196 00:25:46,670 --> 00:25:51,750 I mean, it is not like that we, in [political] factions inside the country, 197 00:25:52,020 --> 00:25:56,400 consider the Basij as part of this faction or that faction or that [third] faction or that [fourth] faction. No, 198 00:25:56,620 --> 00:26:07,970 the Basij by itself is a current, [and] is a big river flowing toward [the achievement of] the goals of the revolution. 199 00:26:09,150 --> 00:26:16,870 Another point [is that] synergism is also important in the Basij. 200 00:26:17,720 --> 00:26:25,670 I mean, different strata of people must be present in the Basij; [I mean,] this very Basij of [different social] strata. 201 00:26:26,350 --> 00:26:31,070 Schoolchildren and students and workers and university teachers 202 00:26:32,100 --> 00:26:41,750 and businesspeople and lawyers and so forth and so forth and so forth; everybody must be [a member of the Basij]. This is the horizontal expanse of the Basij. 203 00:26:42,550 --> 00:26:48,770 Of course, the condition is that these people get coordinated with one another. One of the necessary measures, which 204 00:26:49,020 --> 00:26:53,170 I recommend – [and] I say it right here, [because] officials are also present – 205 00:26:54,650 --> 00:27:00,350 and must be taken, [is to create] a final mechanism for 206 00:27:00,570 --> 00:27:07,520 coordination and cooperation and synergism across this expansive horizontal surface. 207 00:27:07,550 --> 00:27:17,850 Therefore, the Basij has a horizontal line – [and] this is [its] first [feature]. On the other hand, the Basij needs 208 00:27:18,120 --> 00:27:26,170 deliberation bodies, [and] general guidance. 209 00:27:27,570 --> 00:27:34,970 This guidance – about which I will talk more later – is a vertical line, 210 00:27:36,170 --> 00:27:45,320 and now [if you ask] what the role of this vertical line is, I will explain [later]. [Therefore,] there is both a horizontal line within the Basij and there is also a vertical line within the Basij. 211 00:27:47,650 --> 00:27:53,570 It is not like conventional military organizations 212 00:27:53,720 --> 00:28:00,000 or administrative bodies, which merely have a vertical line, 213 00:28:00,450 --> 00:28:06,470 nor is like popular service entities, which have a merely horizontal line. 214 00:28:08,170 --> 00:28:16,470 It has both a vertical line and a horizontal line; [and presence of] every one of these [lines] is somehow necessary for the formation of the Basij. 215 00:28:19,570 --> 00:28:27,120 The next point is that the Basij is the manifestation of the religious democracy. 216 00:28:28,100 --> 00:28:32,470 When we say religious democracy or Islamic democracy, 217 00:28:33,070 --> 00:28:38,920 some people think that this democracy is only about ballot boxes and elections; 218 00:28:39,400 --> 00:28:44,570 [no,] it is just one of the manifestations of religious democracy. 219 00:28:45,100 --> 00:28:53,770 [Religious] democracy means that on the basis of the religion and on the basis of Islam, people themselves are masters of the social life. 220 00:28:54,020 --> 00:29:00,350 This is the meaning of democracy, [and] this is the meaning of the Islamic democracy. 221 00:29:02,350 --> 00:29:08,770 In all fields, the Basij is a manifestation of religious democracy and Islamic democracy. 222 00:29:09,670 --> 00:29:19,300 If, for example, Basij enters the field of economy, the economy would become democratic; 223 00:29:19,520 --> 00:29:24,020 [and this is] what these gentlemen said here and is totally correct. 224 00:29:24,470 --> 00:29:35,620 This Economy of Resistance, which I said, if it could take advantage of the strength and power of the Basij, 225 00:29:35,770 --> 00:29:44,570 it would turn into democratic Economy of Resistance. It is also like this in [the field of] science, it is like this with regard to various social advances, 226 00:29:44,700 --> 00:29:49,520 [and] it is like this in politics. The Basij is the manifestation of religious democracy. 227 00:29:51,870 --> 00:29:59,370 Another point is that I [already] talked about [the necessity of establishing] deliberation boards [within the Basij]. 228 00:30:00,250 --> 00:30:06,400 I deliberately want not to use this term “think tank,” which is used by Europeans. 229 00:30:07,020 --> 00:30:15,600 Think tank is a European expression, [and] some gentlemen just translate European terms 230 00:30:15,800 --> 00:30:22,750 into Persian word by word and continuously use those terms with honor. No, [this is not right, because] we have our own language, 231 00:30:24,220 --> 00:30:31,350 [and we must] make [our] needed words. “Deliberation boards” is much more eloquent than “think tank.” 232 00:30:32,200 --> 00:30:39,000 We need deliberation boards. Where? At two points: 233 00:30:39,250 --> 00:30:50,920 one at the top, [and] one among the [lower] layers [of the Basij]. There are many various layers in the Basij. 234 00:30:51,270 --> 00:31:01,150 Now what these [Basiji] youths say here that we have enthusiasm [to go to war with terrorists] and send us [to the war front] and why you don’t send us, 235 00:31:01,150 --> 00:31:08,550 is the hard war [that I mentioned before]. From the hard wars, which need a deliberation board 236 00:31:08,670 --> 00:31:16,120 to set and determine the limits of this job that who must go, when they must go, [and] how they must to [to the war fronts], 237 00:31:17,500 --> 00:31:26,620 to the soft wars, which are a very vast arena and expanding day by day 238 00:31:26,900 --> 00:31:32,500 due to the expansion of this cyberspace and are much more dangerous 239 00:31:32,850 --> 00:31:39,470 than the hard wars[we need deliberation boards]. I mean, in hard wars, [people’s] bodies 240 00:31:39,600 --> 00:31:43,700 fall down, [but] their souls fly and go to Heaven, 241 00:31:44,070 --> 00:31:51,750 [while] in soft wars, if God forbid the enemy overcomes [us], bodies get fat and remain healthy, 242 00:31:51,950 --> 00:31:59,550 [but] souls fall to the depth of the Hell. This is the difference [between these two wars], [and] therefore, this [soft war] is much more dangerous; 243 00:32:03,550 --> 00:32:11,750 [and] needs [the presence of] deliberation boards. [Also,] from the reconstruction work, in which the Basij is busy some places, 244 00:32:12,350 --> 00:32:20,570 to the division of geographical missions – the same thing that they call spatial planning, [and is used to determine that] 245 00:32:21,700 --> 00:32:27,420 at a point in the country the Basij can do something, which in another point, 246 00:32:27,620 --> 00:32:31,320 it either cannot do that job or it is not necessary to do it 247 00:32:31,850 --> 00:32:37,500 – [all] these measures must be taken with vigilance, [and the Basij] needs deliberation boards [to do this]. 248 00:32:37,750 --> 00:32:46,120 All these various layers and other different layers, each of them needs deliberation boards. 249 00:32:46,850 --> 00:32:54,550 In addition, [members of a] deliberation board [must] meet at the highest levels of the Basij 250 00:32:55,320 --> 00:33:02,170 in order to make policies [and] 251 00:33:03,100 --> 00:33:11,870 formulate strategies for the entire Basij – here again, I am not willing to use the word ‘strategist’; 252 00:33:12,270 --> 00:33:24,220 we need [some] people [who would] formulate strategy, [and] think about strategy – [because] we need [such people]. We need people to think about strategy, who would meet 253 00:33:25,570 --> 00:33:31,720 and this would be their only job; this is among the most important of jobs. 254 00:33:32,570 --> 00:33:37,770 [This is] like [taking advantage of] military strategy thinkers, which is common all across the world; 255 00:33:38,150 --> 00:33:45,650 as they themselves say, military strategists meet and determine the fate of a war, [and the fate of] the military work. 256 00:33:46,920 --> 00:33:50,450 This is necessary; [and] these [steps] are among those steps, which must be taken. 257 00:33:53,020 --> 00:34:02,570 When we do these [measures], then at any point in the huge structure of the Basij, which you are working, 258 00:34:03,170 --> 00:34:08,320 - whether it is at a Saleheen (Good People) Circle, or in Rahiyan-e Nour (Marchers toward Light), or at high school, 259 00:34:08,320 --> 00:34:14,150 at universities, at a labor environment, [or] at mosques – 260 00:34:14,320 --> 00:34:22,920 wherever that you are working in the field of the Basij and know that you are an active member of a 261 00:34:23,350 --> 00:34:32,050 wise and purposive organ, which is moving and going ahead, this feeling will come about within you. 262 00:34:33,150 --> 00:34:41,250 I am not saying like a body organ; no, because it is true that body organs move, 263 00:34:41,250 --> 00:34:47,870 but all of them are serving the brain; [it is] the brain [which] says see, the brain says hear, 264 00:34:48,050 --> 00:34:53,900 [and] the brain says tell or move; [on the whole,] it is the brain, which is active. 265 00:34:54,700 --> 00:35:00,900 It is not like this in the Basij that they would only say from the center [to other members of the Basij] that ‘do [this]’. 266 00:35:01,120 --> 00:35:07,820 No, it is like that every organ has a brain of its own, which 267 00:35:08,300 --> 00:35:14,350 is coordinated with that main brain, which is located in the head, and of course, there are ways to forge this coordination. 268 00:35:15,500 --> 00:35:17,900 Such a state will be created [in the Basij]. 269 00:35:18,470 --> 00:35:27,220 If we have these deliberation boards and activate them, 270 00:35:28,150 --> 00:35:34,450 [then,] in addition to this, monitoring boards will be also needed. What [are they supposed] to monitor? 271 00:35:35,150 --> 00:35:43,300 Since the Basij is a moving entity, [and] a living organ, [which] is dynamic, 272 00:35:45,100 --> 00:35:52,670 continues to grow, [and] is continuously moving ahead, it must be monitored, so that, it would not stop; 273 00:35:54,470 --> 00:36:00,250 it must be monitored not to go the wrong way, [and] not to go astray. 274 00:36:01,850 --> 00:36:08,370 It must be monitored so that it would not come to harm, not to fall ill, 275 00:36:08,870 --> 00:36:16,350 [and] various viruses would not infiltrate into it. 276 00:36:17,600 --> 00:36:22,650 The monitoring organ is something different from the intelligence organ and the intelligence protection organ and the likes of these. 277 00:36:23,000 --> 00:36:28,550 I am not talking about them. Every one of them has a responsibility. 278 00:36:29,270 --> 00:36:38,450 The monitoring organ is that wise and rational organ, which like a 279 00:36:40,050 --> 00:36:45,200 magnetic and electrical monitor that one puts in front of him 280 00:36:45,570 --> 00:36:50,370 and sees the outside reality, sees what is happening. 281 00:36:53,100 --> 00:36:59,250 All these [measures] are necessary, [because] these are those things, 282 00:36:59,820 --> 00:37:06,620 which are needed for the progress of the Basij and for the increasing evolution and fruition of this pure tree. Since this tree is pure [as put by the Quran:] 283 00:37:06,720 --> 00:37:15,500 “[its] root is firmly fixed and its branches [high] in the sky. It produces its fruit all the time by permission of its Lord.” 284 00:37:16,820 --> 00:37:23,520 If you want this [part of the Quranic verse, which says] “it produces its fruits all the time by permission of its Lord,” to come true, 285 00:37:24,170 --> 00:37:30,050 [taking] these steps, which I said is necessary. Well, these steps that I explained are general lines [of action]; 286 00:37:30,200 --> 00:37:37,770 they are not [merely] analytical and mental either. All the things I said are based on action, [and] are based on reality. 287 00:37:38,870 --> 00:37:43,770 Each measure has its own explanation and details as well – as I said before – 288 00:37:45,500 --> 00:37:51,370 [and] every one of them needs procedures and plans to be made, 289 00:37:51,550 --> 00:37:56,750 which these [tasks] are for you to fulfill, [and] are a responsibility for officials [as well]. They must try and take these steps; 290 00:37:57,350 --> 00:38:06,200 these are general lines, which are based on action and reality and must receive [adequate] attention. 291 00:38:06,620 --> 00:38:13,150 Let me tell you a marginal point here as well – which was also in the remarks made by these friends one way or another – 292 00:38:13,650 --> 00:38:21,870 and that [point] is that [creation of] the Basij was [aimed at] building a model; the Basij was [aimed at] creating a model. 293 00:38:22,920 --> 00:38:28,020 Without any propaganda having been launched for it, 294 00:38:28,120 --> 00:38:33,450 or any written material published on it, or any book written [about it], or any message sent to anybody, 295 00:38:33,970 --> 00:38:42,650 this model has found its place naturally [and] in an important portion of the Islamic world; I mean, it has shown its merits. 296 00:38:44,470 --> 00:38:55,550 [Therefore, other countries] made copies of it; some made copies for [achievement of] good objectives, 297 00:38:55,970 --> 00:39:05,350 [and] some [others] made copies for [achievement of] bad objectives. [The Basij actually means] bringing young people [together], entering them into the arena with religious motivations, 298 00:39:05,750 --> 00:39:13,400 giving them responsibility, [and] trusting them, [and] this [has] turned into a model. 299 00:39:15,550 --> 00:39:24,720 After it turned into a model, our friends in many countries took advantage of this model – and now these gentlemen mentioned them by name, 300 00:39:24,720 --> 00:39:27,970 [but] I don’t want to mention any country by name 301 00:39:29,300 --> 00:39:33,620 – [while] our enemies [also] made plans for it. 302 00:39:34,320 --> 00:39:39,720 One of the plans made by the enemy is [to pave the way for] infiltration. 303 00:39:40,750 --> 00:39:47,920 By now, it has been about one year or more that I have been talking about infiltration. 304 00:39:48,370 --> 00:39:55,170 Infiltration must be feared, [and] we must be careful [not to allow it]. The meaning of fear is not that one should panic, 305 00:39:56,120 --> 00:40:00,550 it means that you must observe [the enemy’s moves], [and] be on the lookout; [because] infiltration is very important. 306 00:40:01,270 --> 00:40:08,150 Another plan that our enemies pursue is to draw parallel lines 307 00:40:08,400 --> 00:40:13,770 , [and] to create rivals for the Basij; they do such things as well. 308 00:40:14,700 --> 00:40:20,250 I do not want to give details [about this issue], but I know, [and] I have [reliable] information [on this issue]. 309 00:40:20,470 --> 00:40:28,470 Perhaps, some of you also have information that right now, they are making rivals for the Basij, for young people in the country, 310 00:40:29,820 --> 00:40:37,120 [and] for those young people, whom I called “officers of soft war.” 311 00:40:40,200 --> 00:40:53,150 They draw a parallel line in order to make it [the Basij] oblivious of [what is going on] here and drag it there. These are important issues. 312 00:40:53,470 --> 00:41:01,550 Well, if attention is paid to these topics that I explained [here] 313 00:41:01,550 --> 00:41:08,950 – of course, there are other things to say, but now there is not enough time to discuss them – 314 00:41:09,070 --> 00:41:24,850 then the Basij will have the ability to appear powerful in the most important arenas of the society and create an effect; 315 00:41:25,420 --> 00:41:34,400 both in the field of science, and in the field of culture, When they say the Basij has no brake on it, this is its meaning. 316 00:41:36,570 --> 00:41:45,450 in the field of economy, in the field of providing service [to all people], and in all these fields, 317 00:41:45,900 --> 00:41:51,070 the Basij can [appear] as a powerful and effective force. 318 00:41:52,420 --> 00:42:01,000 In other words, the Basij can help responsible organs 319 00:42:01,950 --> 00:42:07,350 both in determining orientation, and in setting goals, and in practice. 320 00:42:07,650 --> 00:42:14,050 I mean, when we talk about the Basij and these issues and refer to the abilities of the Basij, 321 00:42:14,050 --> 00:42:23,870 we do not want to create a rival for the executive branch [of the government]; no, the executive branch has certain duties, [and] has responsibilities, 322 00:42:24,850 --> 00:42:33,100 it must fulfill, [because] it is its duty, but the Basij can help the executive branch 323 00:42:33,700 --> 00:42:40,320 for setting the correct direction, [and] for preventing error and deviation from its path. 324 00:42:40,900 --> 00:42:49,220 And it [can also help the executive branch] in practice; for example, with regard to this very Economy of Resistance to which some of these gentlemen referred. 325 00:42:50,850 --> 00:42:57,020 [The Basij] can serve as a complement, [and] can serve as a source to inspire [people] with hope. 326 00:42:57,200 --> 00:43:07,550 Some of these executive organs are [sometimes] overcome with despair in certain fields and say, “It is not possible!” Why it is not possible? 327 00:43:08,820 --> 00:43:14,770 All these great things have been done, what does “it is not possible” mean? They say: “It is not possible!” 328 00:43:16,070 --> 00:43:22,120 When the Basij leads the way, when these young and pioneering force 329 00:43:22,600 --> 00:43:31,620 pursues its correct movement, those desperate and depressed people will also become lively and hopeful. 330 00:43:31,700 --> 00:43:37,020 Of course, I never want to exaggerate, 331 00:43:37,620 --> 00:43:48,370 [and therefore,] I do not want to say that a Basiji is like an angel and away from any human weaknesses. No, 332 00:43:49,570 --> 00:43:55,420 all of us are afflicted with human weaknesses; we have [our own] fear, [and] doubt, 333 00:43:56,350 --> 00:44:01,870 and have various considerations [in mind], have family and social problems, 334 00:44:02,770 --> 00:44:06,820 but we do not have deadlock, [and] this is what I want to say. 335 00:44:08,150 --> 00:44:12,700 It is possible for a Basiji youth to be overcome with fear at a certain time 336 00:44:14,020 --> 00:44:19,570 and at a juncture, or have doubt with regard to a specific problem, but he will never be stalled by deadlock, 337 00:44:20,500 --> 00:44:28,420 because guiding and enabling and directing elements in the Basij 338 00:44:28,870 --> 00:44:35,250 are so numerous that they can do away with all these weaknesses or turn them into strengths. 339 00:44:39,000 --> 00:44:47,220 Well, today we see that there are problems in the country from the viewpoint of economic issues. 340 00:44:47,450 --> 00:44:56,170 Of course, I said that this year is the year of action and practical steps. Yesterday, esteemed officials sent a detailed report to me [in which,] 341 00:44:56,700 --> 00:45:02,220 they enumerated a long list of measures and practical steps taken since the beginning of the year up to the present time. 342 00:45:03,020 --> 00:45:10,250 I mean, I wanted [that report], [and] said well, what happened to action and practical steps at last, 343 00:45:10,250 --> 00:45:15,570 [and after that] I received a detailed report and I went through it. 344 00:45:16,950 --> 00:45:25,100 There are figures [in that report], there are steps [mentioned there and] measures have been taken, but its result must be seen in practice. 345 00:45:26,250 --> 00:45:33,420 What is important is that when we present figures, 346 00:45:33,920 --> 00:45:38,820 their results must be seen in practice. I also said at the beginning of the year 347 00:45:39,570 --> 00:45:47,850 that we must act in such a way that when we reach the end of the year, we would be able to give a report, [and] say we have taken these steps, 348 00:45:48,050 --> 00:45:54,150 [and] these are their signs in practice and in the reality of the society. 349 00:45:55,850 --> 00:46:04,900 It must not be merely a report. The Basij can play a role in achieving this goal. 350 00:46:05,520 --> 00:46:17,220 Let me say a word at the conclusion of my remarks about these problems that we have with this arrogant government [of the United States]. 351 00:46:17,420 --> 00:46:23,700 Of course, this [new] administration, which is expected to take office, and has not been inaugurated yet, 352 00:46:23,820 --> 00:46:30,700 is like a closed box and we don’t know what will come out of it. However, this administration, which is now in office – 353 00:46:31,850 --> 00:46:41,270 [I mean,] this incumbent US administration – is acting against what they promised [according to the nuclear agreement with Iran] 354 00:46:42,050 --> 00:46:47,700 and [are acting against] joint decisions made [between negotiating sides] which [our negotiating] officials told me at that time. 355 00:46:47,970 --> 00:46:58,070 I deem it necessary to say that [these American officials] have done many things, committed numerous violations of [under the nuclear agreement], [and list of their violations] is not limited to a few cases. 356 00:46:59,120 --> 00:47:04,170 The more recent [of their violations] is this extension of 10-year sanctions [against Iran]. 357 00:47:04,700 --> 00:47:11,750 If these sanctions are [extended], it would be certainly a violation of the JCPOA – without any doubt – and they [must] know 358 00:47:12,270 --> 00:47:16,020 that the Islamic Republic will certainly show a reaction to it. 359 00:47:39,070 --> 00:47:49,300 What I say in this regard to officials and to people is that this nuclear agreement, which has come to be known as the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), 360 00:47:49,700 --> 00:47:56,620 must not turn into a means of intermittent pressure 361 00:47:56,850 --> 00:48:02,720 by the enemy on the Iranian nation and our country. 362 00:48:03,500 --> 00:48:06,700 I mean, we must not allow them to turn this into a pressure leverage. 363 00:48:07,900 --> 00:48:14,620 [Concerned] officials told me [at the time of nuclear negotiations] that we take this step, [and] we take this measure in order for 364 00:48:15,350 --> 00:48:25,170 pressures resulting from sanctions to be removed. Now, [it is not acceptable that the other sides] have not done what they had promised to do at that time 365 00:48:25,700 --> 00:48:33,920 and was expected to be done on the first day and [now] after eight and nine months it has not been done completely and is [still] incomplete 366 00:48:34,770 --> 00:48:40,370 – while our officials clearly say this; 367 00:48:41,400 --> 00:48:47,820 [and] those [officials] who were involved [in nuclear talks] have said and announce this clearly – 368 00:48:48,250 --> 00:48:53,120 they also want to use this as a means to put renewed pressures on the Islamic Republic. No, 369 00:48:53,900 --> 00:49:07,500 the Islamic Republic, by reliance on the divine power and through believing in the power of people’s presence, is not afraid of any power in the world. 370 00:49:31,120 --> 00:49:39,450 If somebody follows suit with the weak spirits of Israelites and [as put by the Quran] says 371 00:49:39,650 --> 00:49:41,750 “Indeed, we are to be overtaken,” 372 00:49:42,170 --> 00:49:46,870 – now they [the enemies] will catch up with us and give us hell – 373 00:49:47,400 --> 00:49:50,800 we [on the other hand] follow suit with Prophet Moses and say, 374 00:49:50,800 --> 00:49:54,800 “No! Indeed, with me is my Lord; He will guide me.” 375 00:50:18,800 --> 00:50:22,670 O God! Increase your guidance and assistance 376 00:50:23,200 --> 00:50:31,120 for these young people and for all youths of the country and all our dear nation on a daily basis. 377 00:50:32,420 --> 00:50:34,070 Peace be unto you and so may the mercy of Allah and His blessings